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Sheraliyeva Shahnoza Irkinovna - Senior Lecturer, Department of Foreign
Languages, Tashkent State Transport University. Ученый XXI века • 2022 • № 3 (84) 72 transcription, literal translation, explanatory translation, the use of a Russian term denoting something similar in content ). French special texts, including railway subjects, are characterized by the use of terms in a truncated form (i.e., one word instead of a phrase), the use of synonymy of terms, a significant number of abbreviations, and ambiguity of terms. Therefore, when translating from French into Russian, it is necessary to clarify the term, supplement it with other words, a number of synonymous terms can be translated with the same word, refer to the dictionary of French abbreviations, choose the meaning in accordance with the context (Gak V.G., Grigoriev B.B.). One of the main difficulties in translating French terms is related to their ambiguity. For example, in the French-Russian dictionary K.A. Ganshina indicated 13 basic meanings of the word “charge”: I) cargo, 2) burden, 3) order, 4) tax, 5) position, 6) loading, 7) charge, 8) charging, 9) shot, 10) accusation, 11) attack, 12) caricature, 13) loading (of the melting furnace). Even for different specialties within the same industry, this term has different meanings. The French-Russian railway dictionary indicates 4 main meanings of the term "charge": 1) load, cargo, weight (for movers, wagon workers); 2) pressure, pressure: 3) charging, 4) charge (for power supply); and 65 terminological phrases (notes in brackets - K.A.A.) When teaching railway terminology, attention should be focused on identifying synonymous series of terms in French and the dependence of the use of one form or another on the situation of communication. Thus, the word "dispatcher" in various contexts can be expressed in terms such as "gёgulateur", "employe du trafic", "dispatcher" or "dispatcheur", "horairiste". For an accurate understanding of the meaning of French technical terms, it is necessary to refer to encyclopedias, reference books, special dictionaries that give definitions of these terms (for example, the “Dictionary of French technical terminology” in the fields of “engineering”, “mining”, “electrical engineering”, “computer science”, "radio", "automation", "robotics". Either a specialist with knowledge of a foreign language or a professional translator can choose an equivalent to a foreign technical term. Very often, a specialist finds a more adequate equivalent, especially in situations of introducing new equipment, innovative technologies. However, this requires have a professional foreign language vocabulary, which should be formed starting from the basic (key) concepts related to a particular industry. There are ~950,000 km (590,000 mi) of roads in France. [13] The French motorway network or autoroute system consists largely of toll roads, except around large cities and in parts of the north. It is a network totalling 12,000 km (7,500 mi) of motorways operated by private companies such as Sanef (Société des autoroutes du Nord et de l'Est de la France). It has the 8th largest highway network in the world, trailing only the United States, China, Russia, Japan, Canada, Spain and Germany. France currently counts 30,500 km of major trunk roads or routes nationales and state-owned motorways. By way of comparison, the routes départementales cover a total distance of 365,000 km. The main trunk road network reflects the centralising tradition of France: the majority of them leave the gates of Paris. Indeed, trunk roads begin on the parvis of Notre-Dame of Paris at Kilometre Zero. To ensure an effective road network, new roads not serving Paris were created. France is believed to be the most car-dependent country in Europe. In 2005, 937 billion vehicle kilometres were travelled in France (85% by car). In order to overcome this dependence, in France and many more countries the long-distance coaches' market has been liberalised. Since 2015, with the law Macron, the market has exploded: the increasing demand lead to a higher supply of bus services and coach companies. So, the terminology of transport is determined by the structure of this sphere of scientific and professional activity, since the terminological aspects of this direction are related to the definition of the subject, methods and products of the activity itself, and the formation of its terminology depends on the development, expansion, improvement of theoretical and practical activities in the field of pipeline transport. The historical digression we have undertaken indicates that the lexical composition of any field of knowledge depends primarily on the history of the formation of the professional activity itself. The dynamics of the development of transport terminology is inextricably Ученый XXI века • 2022 • № 3 (84) 73 linked with the dynamics of the development of the relevant scientific and professional field. This is explained by the influence of extralinguistic factors on the formation of the studied terminology. The terminology of pipeline transport, having passed a long way of formation, continues its development, forming today a complex terminological system. References: 1. Tkacheva L. B. Origin and formation of aviation terms in English: author. dis. … cand. philol. Sciences. L., 1973. 29 p. 2. Gerd A. S. Logical and conceptual modeling of terminological systems and the machine fund of the Russian language // Branch terminology and its structural and typological description. Voronezh: VGU, 1988, pp. 114–123. 3. Derkach I. V. Semantics and structure of terms in the sublanguage of computer technology: author. dis. … cand. philol. Sciences. M., 1998. 17 p. 4. "Transport in France". 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Интернаука, (16-4), 57-59. 11. Ruzimurodova, Z., & Aslonov, S. (2020). WHAT TO TEACH TO THE STUDENTS? TO TEACH STANDARD ENGLISH OR WORLD ENGLISHES?. In МОЛОДОЙ ИССЛЕДОВАТЕЛЬ: ВЫЗОВЫ И ПЕРСПЕКТИВЫ (pp. 367-369). © Sh.I. Sheraliyeva, 2022. |
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