The principle of durability reflects the
peculiarity of education, according to
which mastery of knowledge, skills, ideological and moral-aesthetic ideas is
achieved only when they, on the
one hand, are thoroughly understood, and on the
other hand they are well-mastered and persist for a long time in memory.
The curriculum is the main normative document (standard) of the higher
educational institution, which is compiled on the basis of
the educational and
professional program and the structural and logical scheme for training specialists
and determines the organization of their educational activities.
The curriculum is a state document, in which the
content of education is
determined according to a separate academic discipline, with the allocation of
sections, topics, the number of hours for their processing.
A textbook is a study book in which the content of the training material on a
particular discipline is disclosed in accordance with the
requirements of the current
Profiling - provide the knowledge necessary to carry out functional duties that
graduates will perform during work.
Adjacent and auxiliary special disciplines - create an engineering theoretical
Shaxs - ta'lim tizimining asosiy maqsadi va ob'ekti, ta'lim xizmatlarini
iste'molchisi va
ishlab chiqaruvchisi;
Davlat va jamiyat ta'lim faoliyatini takomillashtirish va ta'lim tizimining
faoliyatini nazorat qilish uchun xodimlarni tayyorlash va talab etilishining kafolati;
Uzluksiz ta'lim ta'limning barcha turlarini, davlat ta'lim standartlarini, tuzilishi va
ish muhitini qamrab oluvchi malakali, raqobatdosh kadrlarni tayyorlash uchun asos
bo'lib xizmat qiladi;
Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: