Umirzoko’va Maftuna

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Umirzoko’va Maftuna


Mаlаkа oshirish kursi tinglоvchisi ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ Umirzoqova Maftunaning

Problem based learning in the English language classroom mаvzusidаgi mаlаkа ishigа
Tаqriz uchun tinglоvchi mаlаkа ishini 28__bеtdа tоpshirdi.

Mаlаkа ishi (lоyihа ishi vа shu kаbi tаdqiqоtlаr)gа rаhbаr (tаqrizchi) tоmоnidаn qo’yilgаn bаllаr:


Bаhоlаsh mеzоnlаri





  1. 1.

Tаyyorlаnish sifаti vа bеlgilаngаn tаrtibdа rаsmiylаshtirilgаnligi, mustаqil bаjаrilgаnligi vа ijоdiy yondаshilgаnligi



  1. 2.

Mаvzuning dоlzаrbligi, nаzаriy vа аmаliy аhаmiyatining оchib bеrilishi, mаqsаd vа nаtijаlаrning mоsligi





  1. 3.

Mе’yoriy хujjаtlаr, ilgоr tа’lim tехnоlоgiyalаri, mеtоdik yondаshuvlаr vа ахbоrоt tехnоlоgiyalаridаn fоydаlаngаnligi



  1. 4.

Хulоsа vа tаvsiyalаrning аsоslаngаnligi



  1. 5.

Mаvzugа оid fоydаlаnilgаn аdаbiyotlаrning to’gri tаnlаngаnligi



Jаmi bаll



Tаqrizchi fikri (ijоbiy yoki sаlbiy)

Ushbu malaka ishi belgilangan tartibda rasmiylashtirilgan.

Tаkrizchining хulоsаsi:
Tinglоvchi Umirzoqova Maftunaing mаlаkа ishi bаll bilаn bаhоlаngаnini hisоbgа оlib, mаlаkа ishi yakuniy аttеstаtsiya kоmissiyasidа himоyagа tаvsiya qilinаdi (tаvsiya qilinmаydi).
Rаhbаr (tаkrizchi): Ruziyeva N.





BY Umirzoqova Maftuna

On the theme:

Problem based learning in the English language classroom

Direction (group) _______English group 2_______

The workplace of the pedagogue ___Bulungur District, School №1

The head of the department _____________ Yuldasheva S.A


Supervisor _____________ Kushakova N.


Pedagogue _____________ Umirzoqova M.


Samarkand – 2020, July


Problem based learning process has always had a predominant role in the success of mastering a language. It is generally accepted that the role of PBL is still overlooked in some contexts despite the fact that it is plain enough to be put into practice rather them teaching learners passively. As a result, majority of learners are still unable to make a relevant spontaneous conversation.

Without an ability to analyse the issue, one can hardly manage to achieve success in the learning process. The PBL, from my perspective, is one of which can ultimately enhance it.

Practicing the PBL in the classroom clearly shows several profits such as:

  • Bringing learners together;

  • Immense improvement in their analytical skills;

  • Being able to solve any particular issues in no time;

  • The capability to improvise in the given situation etc.

All in all, in modern language classes the implementation of the PBL not only affects the way learners master the language in a positive and productive way, but also it is one and the only key to the improvement of the logical analytical skills.

This work includes relevant points on how to implement PBL in the classroom. Additionally, it perfectly meets the demands of a particular teaching environment for further improvement in their academic studies. The chapters are all well-organised containing examples and facts on the issue. This piece of work is highly recommended for classes whose main aim is to enhance analytical and logical thinking abilities. Another benefit comes from improving learners communicative skills. Teachers and tutors can surely apprehend this work in their teaching ways.

Apart from acquiring only the data about the importance of PBL, one can effortlessly comprehend its structure and the types and the ways in which the PBL is best suited.

All in all, all the relevant data in this work is carefully collected in one so that the reader can analyse and implement it for several academic purposes.


  1. Introduction.

Significance of the problem based leaning approach in modern classes.

  1. Main body.

I. Chapter. Theoretical part

1.1 The reasons of choosing Problem-Based Learning

1.2 Reasons for using PBL

II. Chapter. Practical part

2.1 Structure of Problem Based Learning (PBL)

2.2 Advantages of Problem Based Learning

II.I. Chapter. Analytical part

3.1 Disadvantages of Problem Based Learning

3.2 Useful tools in the implementation of the problems based learning

  1. Conclusion.

  2. Glossary.

  3. References.

  4. Summary of the book

Significance of Problem Based Learning Approach in Student Development

Problem Based Learning(PBL) is an approach that can be used in curriculum development and learning process to emphasize the importance of problem solving skills and derive the ability to do self learning. PBL is helpful for the environment where learning is a lifelong process and information is changing very fast. PBL can be implemented using Problem Stimulated approach or Student Centered approach. The major goals with both the approaches include development of domain specific skills and problem solving skills, Student centered approach emphasizes on life skills too. The generic process of PBL includes students to work on a common problem, students try to work collaborative approach, the role of instructor is to provide guidance as and when required by the students. The paper focuses on the characteristics of PBL, the process used to define the PBL and the significance of PBL in the overall development of students.

Problem Based Learning (PBL) is a concept to derive different methodologies on how to give instructions to students which can help to understand and apply the concepts learnt during the teaching learning process effectively. PBL evolved from health services curricula in North America, since it has become an important aspect while designing the curricula for teaching learning in professional courses. Authors have described that PBL is a process which is carried out to understand and solve a given problem. PBL can be applied indifferent ways based

on the domain and goals of specific program. PBL is a learning approach where learners are given more responsibility than faculty responsible to conduct the course. Faculty members’ role is to provide guidance when students don’t understand or they are stuck-up in solving a given problem. The faculty forms real world problems where students can apply the concepts they are learning and derive the solutions. The students are initially given a problem and they have to solve it during the interval of course they are learning, the problems are formed

selectively which requires the students to think in terms possible solution and the entire process require to achieve the solution. The problems are not given test the knowledge and skills of the students but they help them to develop understanding of the course they are learning. This type of approach in learning helps the students to become lifelong learners, and derive the skills to think critically to derive the solution.
1.1 The reasons of choosing PBL.

  • A PBL course design in such a way to provide students with authentic, hands-on real life problems and practices that encourage students to think outside the box.

  • The students grouped to form groups that usually supervise by the teacher or any teaching associate from their respective departments.

  • In traditional learning methods, pupils often burden by the topics they teach and the whole studying experience becomes boring and cumbersome.

  • Moreover, students expect to study and memorize topics, which do not even seem relevant to the day to day life activities. This makes studying just a mere tool for getting a job and nothing more.

  • Students don’t feel any enthusiasm towards studying and do not show any interest in taking the initiative to study what teaches in the classroom.

  • The main reason for this issue is that no effective discussions are going on within the classroom about the topics, and the students cannot share their ideas on how they can use a certain topic that they studied and apply it to real-life problems.

  • The main advantage of PBL is that it makes the whole learning experience interesting. PBL is a challenging program because they need to understand the design of the organization and how it works by the motivation of the whole team.

  • The information provided is apparent; the students feel a need to search for information when they solve and discuss problems. Hence students can feel genuinely interested in learning.

1.2 Reasons for using PBL

There are several reasons for using the PBL approach in the student development

Traditional lectures can help very less in students to remember and recall whatever they

have learnt. Whatever the students have learnt during the curriculum they apply very less to solve the real world problems. Faculty conducting the course must find some mechanisms to create interest and involvement of students in the course. During the process of PBL students can apply the previous knowledge they have gained while forming the solution for current problem. What is learnt earlier can be helpful later in deriving the solution. Students can learn on how to elaborate on the solutions they have obtained during the PBL process.

PBL can be applied in two ways [10], Problem Stimulated PBL and Student Centered PBL. The first approach uses role relevant problems with the emphasis to focus on development of domains-specifics skills, problem specific skills which can help to derive knowledge specific to the particular domain. In this approach students are given a problem to solve, students are guided to work on the problem in small team and apply the knowledge in solving the problem. The

teams are assigned specific deadline by which they have to solve the given problem and each individual member has to contribute in the problem solving activity. The team schedules the work and list down the activities to be carried out in allotted time. The instructors play a role of guide and mentor, they help to assist students, provide resources and show directions as and when required by the students. Different modes of assessments like, conducting interviews,

observing the students, preparing questionnaires, etc. are used to measure the student performance. In the second approach the process of learning remains same as above but it adds one skill to focus on lifelong learning skills. In this approach the student are given a problem to solve in a team of small size. They have to work in given deadline, so they plan and schedule the events in team. The instructor may evaluate the work of team and individual by asking questions, conducting viva, observing students while the work to solve the problem, and many more

methods. The process of learning is almost same with a difference in the responsibility of students involved in learning. Students are accountable for every step in the process, which include what they want to learn, how to find the resources and how to derive the solution by applying the knowledge learnt. The general characteristics of PBL include, It is a student centric approach.

The students are asked to work in team rather than individually, but each student in team

has to contribute uniquely. The students are given a problem which they need to solve by applying the knowledge they have learnt. Instructors or faculty members don’t provide them spoon feeding and force them to learn what they find important, they merely act as mentor and resource providers. The evaluation is not carried out to test the skills but it should help in developing the skills of students.

The process helps the students to think critically based on different issues faced during

solving the problem.

2.1 Structure of Problem Based Learning (PBL):

PBL can have many forms according to Atherton J.S (2005). A good PBL can have the following factors:

  1. Problems should associate with real life problems.

  2. Unlike the normal method learning, where students try to solve questions based on the available knowledge that they have received; In PBL, students try to solve questions without any prior knowledge, and they can find answers through the exploration of several options provided by the question.

  3. At the beginning of the learning process, problems are given to the students in the form of PBL intentionally.

  4. Problem based learning should support studying through effective teamwork and that it should alliance friendly, that is, the problem should study in such a manner that each aspect of the question should be divided among the team so that everyone can gain from it.

  5. The teacher becomes a coordinator who acts as a supervisor, a source guide and becomes an advisor for the students.

  6. Problem based learning requires lots of time, and each PBL should give time for the students to learn and participate.

  7. PBL is most effective if it crosses multi-disciplinary disciplines. This helps PBL to be effective in a large number of areas.

Most educators agree that one of the essential goals of education is the development of students who are efficient problem solvers for the knowledge society. Three major complaints from employers about college graduates are graduate’s poor written and verbal skills, their inability to problem-solve, and their difficulties working collaboratively with other professionals. To address these areas teachers of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) should apply those communicative approaches which help to develop not only students’ ability to speak, read or write English properly but also their skills in the fields of problem-solution, decision-making and professional collaboration. Problem-based learning (PBL) is one of effective active methods of teaching foreign languages that attracts much attention of those who are interested in raising students’ competences level. The distinction between PBL and other forms of cooperative or active learning often is blurred because they share certain common features and hybrid approaches abound as instructors adapt methods for particular situations. However, an essential component of problem-based learning is that content is introduced in the context of complex real-world problems. This contrasts with prevalent teaching strategies where the concepts, presented in a lecture format, precede “end-of-the-chapter” problems. In problem-based learning, students working in small groups must identify what they know, and more importantly, what they don’t know and must learn (learning issues) to solve a problem. These are prerequisites for understanding the problem and making decisions required by the problem. The nature of the problems supposes simple answers. Students must go beyond their textbooks to pursue knowledge in other resources in between their group meetings. The primary role of the instructor is to facilitate group process and learning, not to provide easy answers. With the change in format there come different forms of assessment such as group examinations. PBL emphasizes critical thinking skills, understanding, learning how to learn, and working cooperatively with others. PBL is a student-centred instructional strategy in which students collaboratively solve problems and reflect on their experiences. PBL is based on the educational theories of Vygotsky, Dewey, and others, and is related to social-cultural and constructivist theories of learning and instructional design. The basic features of PBL are: learning is driven by challenging, open-ended, ill-defined and ill-structured problems; students generally work in collaborative groups; teachers are "facilitators" of learning. In PBL, students are encouraged to take responsibility for their group and organize and direct the learning process with support from a tutor or instructor. PBL can be used to enhance content knowledge and foster the development of communication, problem-solving, and self-directed learning skill.
Types of PBL

There are mainly 3 types of PBL. Those are:

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