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Fill in the sentences with preposition a) Everything was in quiet. b) the ship sailed for Canada c) I’ve watched every one to the passengers
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- (Countable and Noncountable Nouns
4. Fill in the sentences with preposition a) Everything was in quiet. b) the ship sailed for Canada c) I’ve watched every one to the passengers21-bilet. 1. Printer Printer - bu qog'ozli hujjatlarni chop etadigan chiqish qurilmasi. Bunga matnli hujjatlar, rasmlar yoki ikkalasining kombinatsiyasi kiradi. Ikkala eng keng tarqalgan printerlar inkjet va lazer printerlardir. Inkjet printerlar odatda iste'molchilar tomonidan qo'llaniladi, lazerli printerlar esa korxonalar uchun odatiy tanlovdir. Kamdan-kam uchraydigan nuqta matritsali printerlar hanuzgacha asosiy matnni chop etishda foydalanilmoqda. Printer tomonidan ishlab chiqarilgan bosma nashr ko'pincha elektron hujjatning jismoniy versiyasi bo'lgan qattiq nusxa deb nomlanadi. Ba'zi bir printerlar faqat qora va oq rangli qog'ozlarni chop etishlari mumkin, ammo bugungi kunda aksariyat printerlar rangli printerlarni chiqarishi mumkin. Aslida, hozirda ko'plab uy printerlari professional ravishda ishlab chiqilgan fotosuratlarga raqib bo'lgan yuqori sifatli fotosuratlarni chiqarishlari mumkin. Buning sababi shundaki, zamonaviy printerlarda hujjatlar juda nozik piksellar bilan chop etishga imkon beradigan yuqori DPI (dyuymdagi nuqta) parametrlari mavjud. 2. Adverbs: uses Adverbs are one of the four major word classes, along with nouns, verbs and adjectives. We use adverbs to add more information about a verb, an adjective, another adverb, a clause or a whole sentence and, less commonly, about a noun phrase. Can you move it carefully? It’s fragile. Quickly! We’re late. She swims really well. Don’t go so fast. You have to turn it clockwise. Come over here. Actually, I don’t know her. I haven’t seen them recently. The bathroom’s upstairs on the left.3. My favorite singer My favourite singer is Michael Jackson. I like his songs very much because they are full of energy and very melodic. I also like the way he dances.There were nine children in Michael's family. They lived in a small fourroom house. Later he lived in a house which has seventeen rooms downstairs and sixteen rooms upstaires. It stands in 2,700 acres of ground. Besides the house there are guest houses, a golf course, a swimming pool, tennis courts, stables, gardens, lakes, forests and a zoo.A lot of strange stories are told about Jackson. It's difficult to decide whether they are true or not. Michael never gave interviews and was rarely seen in public, except on stage. Certainly his behaviour may seem eccentric. In public he often wore a face mask to protect himself from germs, he slept inside an oxygen capsule, which he believed would help him to live longer. But his manager says that Jackson wasn't eccentric. He was just shy. Michael sang in public for the first time when he was five. Since that time he had always been in the public eye. And since that time he had been working like a grown-up.There were times when he came home from school and he only had time to put his books and get ready for the studio. He often sang until late at night, even if it was past his bedtime. There was a park across the street from the studio, and Michael looked at the kids playing games. And he just stared at them in wonder — he couldn't imagine such freedom, such a carefree life. 4. . Write sentences with There is/There are a) ( days/ a week) There are 7 days of a week. b) ( states/ the USA) There are 51 states in the USA c( days/ September) There are 31 days in September d)( a lot of/people/ park) There are a lot of people in park e)(some/milk) there is some milk 22-bilet.1. CD-ROM Kompakt disk - faqat xotirani o'qing Ma'lumotlarni saqlaydigan va o'ynaydigan optik saqlash texnologiyasi. "Faqat o'qing" degan ma'noni anglatadi, diskdagi ma'lumotlar ko'rsatilishi yoki ishlatilishi mumkin, ammo o'chirilmaydi. CD-ROMlar odatda entsiklopediyalar, lug'atlar va dasturiy kutubxonalar uchun ishlatiladi va ular multimedia dasturlarida ham qo'llaniladi. Bitta CD-ROM 650 megabaytni yoki 700 ga yaqin disketani sig'dira oladi. CD-ROMlar dasturlarni o'rnatish uchun eng sevimli vositaga aylandi, chunki ular floppi-disklarga qaraganda bir oz ko'proq xarajat qiladi va ko'pgina dasturiy ta'minot kamida besh floppi talab qiladi. Endi ko'pgina kompyuterlarda CD-ROM drayveri mavjud. Texnologiyalar bilan bemalol shovqin qilmang - "CD-ROM" atamasini texnologiyani yoki disklarni nazarda tutgan holda emas, balki disklarni o'ynatadigan qurilmaga emas, balki foydalaning; bu "CD-ROM drayveri". 2. Donalab sanaladigan va donalab sanalmaydigan otlar(Countable and Noncountable Nouns) 1. Donalab sanaladigan otlarni sanab bo‘ladi. Ular birlik va ko‘plikda ishlatiladi: a pen — two pens, three pens.
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