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It is a good wine.
He prefers Caucasian wines to
Crimean wines.
We export lubricating oils.

Bu yaxshi vino.
U Qrim vinolaridan ko‘ra Kavkaz
vinolarini afzal ko‘radi.
Biz moylovchilarni eksport qila

5. Ba’zi mavhum otlar konkretlashib donalab sanaladigan otlarga aylanadi:

He made a speech yesterday.
His speeches are always interes -

Kecha u nutq so‘zladi.
Uning nutqlari doimo qiziq.

Animals do not possess the power of speech. Hayvonlar gapirish qobiliyatiga ega emas.
3. MyRoom Wе live in three-room flat. The room I like best in our flat is mine. I use my room as a study and a bedroom. It is very nice and cosy. There isn't much furniture in it, only the most necessary pieces. The built-in furniture doesn't take much space in the room. On the left there is my bed and desk. The desk has a lot of drawers where I keep my text-books, notes, pens, pencils and other necessary things. On the right there is a sofa and a built-in wardrobe. In the right corner there is a comfortable arm-chair. Beside it stands a lamp with blue shade. I like to turn on the lamp, sit in the arm-chair and read an interesting book. There are some shelves with books in my room. You can see Russion and English books there. There is a big thick carpet on the floor. There are some posters with my favourite singers on the wall. I like my room very much. When my friends come to visit me, I invite them into my room. My room is a nice place for both rest and work.
4. Put the verbs in the right form use to… or …in
a) Where do you want to go? b) Have you finished to clean the kitchen? c) I enjoy to visit other countries d) What does he want to know?

23-bilet. 1. Yuklab oling Bu sizning kompyuteringizga ma'lumot yuboriladigan jarayon. Har safar Internetdan ma'lumot olganingizda, uni kompyuteringizga yuklab qo'yasiz. Masalan, siz yangi o'yin o'ynash uchun kompyuteringizning operatsion tizimiga yangilanishni yuklab olishingiz kerak bo'lishi mumkin (ayniqsa Windows-dan foydalanayotgan bo'lsangiz). Yoki siz dasturiy ta'minot kompaniyasining veb-saytidan sotib olishni o'ylayotgan dasturning demo versiyasini yuklab olishingiz mumkin. Boshqa kompyuterga ma'lumot yuboradigan ushbu jarayonning aksi, yuklash deb nomlanadi.

2. Donalab sanaladigan va donalab sanalmaydigan otlar(Countable and Noncountable Nouns)
1. Donalab sanaladigan otlarni sanab bo‘ladi. Ular birlik va ko‘plikda ishlatiladi: a pen — two pens, three pens.

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