Variant 1 Task Translate the text into Uzbek or Russian Traditions
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- Bu sahifa navigatsiya:
- Beshik-Tui
- Khatna-Kilish
- Fatikha-Tui (Engagement)
- 3. What is Beshik-Tui
- Official Holidays in Uzbekistan
- All Holidays and Memorial Dates in Uzbekistan
VARIANT 1Task 1. Translate the text into Uzbek or Russian TraditionsClubs. One of English traditions is clubs. A club is an association of people who like to meet together to relax and discuss things.. A club usually owns a building where members can eat, drink and sometimes sleep. Gardening. Gardening is very popular with many people in Britain. Most British people love gardens, and this is one reason why so many people prefer to live in houses rather than flats. In suburban areas you can see many small houses, each one with its own little garden of flowers and shrubs. Traditional ceremonies. Many traditional ceremonies have been preserved since old times and are still regularly observed. Changing of the guard. The royal palace is traditionally guarded by special troops who wear colourful uniforms: scarlet tunics, blue trousers and bearskin caps. Changing of the guard is one of the most popular ceremonies. It takes place at Buckingham Palace every day at 11.30 a.m. The ceremony always attracts a lot of spectators – Londoners as well as visitors – to the British capital. The Ceremony of the Keys. The Ceremony of the Keys dates back 700 years. Every night, at 9.53 p.m. the Chief Warder of the Yeomen Warders (Beefeaters) of the Tower of London lights a candle lantern and goes, accompanied by his Escort, towards the Bloody Tower. In his hand the Chief Warder carries the keys, with which he locks the West Gate and then the Middle Tower. 2. Answer the following questions. 1. What do you know about culture of the UK? 2. Do you know any British traditions, customs or holidays? 3. What is a club? 4. Why do many people in Great Britain prefer to live in houses rather than flats?
5. What ceremony takes place at Buckingham Palace every day at 11.30 a.m.? 6. How old is the Ceremony of the Keys? 3. Translate the sentences into English. Мен газетани тополмадим. ( Я не нашёл газету) Бу уй ўтган йили қурилган. ( этот дом был построен в прошлом году) Буюк Британияда энг узун дарё Темза билан Северндир. ( Самые длинные реки в Великобритании Темза и Северн) IV. Supply the forms of the verbs. Yesterday I ... a letter to my sister. ( to write) The delegation ... with flowers ( to meet) We ... English newspapers now ( to read) V. Translate the following words and word expressions into English and make up sentences using them. атамоқ ( называть) ишончли ( надёжный) қопламоқ ( покрывть) аҳоли ( население) темир йул ( железная дорога) кучли, қудратли ( могущественный) VARIANT - 2 Translate the text into Uzbek or Russian “Travelling” Modern life is impossible without travelling. Thousands of people travel every day either on business or for pleasure. They can travel by air, by rail, by sea or by road. Of course, travelling by air is the fastest and the most comfortable way, but it is the most expensive too. Travelling by train is slower than by plane. Modern trains have very comfortable seats. There are also sleeping cars and dining cars which make even the longest journey enjoyable. Travelling by sea is very popular. Large ships and small river boats can visit foreign countries and different places of interest within their own country. As for me, I prefer travelling by air. I think it's very convenient. You needn't reserve tour tickets. You needn't carry heavy suitcases. You can stop wherever you wish, and spend at any place as much time as you like. Every year my friend and I go somewhere to the South for holidays. The Black Sea is one of the most wonderful places. There are many rest-homes, sanatoriums and tourist camps there. As a rule, I make new friends there. We play volleyball, tennis, swim in the warm water of the sea and sunbathe. I'm fond of mountaineering. Time passes quickly and soon we have to make our way back. 2. Answer the questions: 1. Why is modern life impossible without travelling? 2. What is the fastest and the most convenient way of travelling? 3. Why is travelling by sea very popular? 4. Why is travelling by car very convenient? 5. Where do you go every year? 6. Have you ever tried mountaineering? Where?
Сиз инглизча китобларни ўқий оласизми? ( Вы можете читать английские книги) Китоб дўкондан қарид қилинганди. ( Книгу купили в книжном магазине) Буюк Британия Европадаги энг қудратли капиталистик давлатдир. Великобритания является самым могущественным капиталистическим государством в Европе) IV. Supply the forms of the verbs. Last week we … to the Zoo ( to go) The book … by me in two days ( to read) He … in the garden now.( to work) V. Translate the following words and word expressions into English and make up sentences using them. хавсиз ( безопасный) саёхат ( путешествие) музламоқ ( мёрзнуть ) ўрмон ( лес) металлургия саноати ( металлургическая промышленность) самолёт VARIANT 3 1.. Read and translate the text: Culture and traditions of Uzbekistan Customs and traditions of the Uzbek people are well-known all over the world. Hospitality Hospitality is one of Uzbekistan features. As a rule, men shake hands to each other. Women greet with slight bow, putting right hand over the heart. Beshik-TuiThis ancient ceremony is one of the most popular holidays in Uzbekistan. Relatives of the young mother bring “beshik”, clothes, and everything necessary for a newborn. Also it is a custom to bring bread, sweets and toys. The elder women swaddle the baby and place the child into the “beshik”. Khatna-KilishKhatna-kilish or Sunnat Tui is an ancient rite of circumcision. Preparations for this rite begin since the birth of a boy. Before the beginning of the ceremony elder men, imam (priest) and relatives read the Koran and say their wishes. Then the boy is dressed in new clothes. The ceremony is finished with traditional Uzbek dish, pilaf, and dances. Fatikha-Tui (Engagement)The engagement is held with the permission of parents of a bride and groom. Modern Uzbek people, as a rule, have a right to choose a couple. Sovchi (matchmaker) appoint a day when guests would come in the house of the bride. If parents of the bride agree, they make the ceremony of “Non sindirish” (bread breaking). The wedding day is appointed. 2. Answer the questions: 1. What customs and traditions of Uzbek people do you know? 2. How do Uzbek people greet each other when they meet?
3. What is Beshik-Tui?4. Who appoints a day when guests would come in the house of the bride? 5. What is done if parents of the bride agree? 6. What ceremony is held in the morning in the house of groom?
Сиз менинг китобимни олишингиз мумкин. ( Вы можете взять мою книгу) Хатолар ўқитувчи томонидан тўғирланди. ( Ошибки были испарвлены преподавтелем ) Британиянинг иқлими юмшоқ ва нам. ( Климат Великобритании мягкий и влажный) IV. Supply the forms of the verbs. They … in the park now. (to walk) He… me in the evening. ( to phone) Many buildings … by workers in our town last year. V. Translate the following words and word expressions into English and make up sentences using them. Қизиқмоқ ( быть заинтересованным) Чорраха ( перекрёсток) ... дан ташкил топган ( состоит из...) Орол ( остров) ишлаб чиқармоқ ( производить) машиналар ва ускуналар ( машины и оборудования) VARIANT 4 1. Read and translate the text: Holidays of Great Britain There is a number of holidays in Great Britain which are celebrated every year. Here are some of the main holidays. January 1 – New Year’s Day. The celebration of New Year’s Eve is one of the oldest rites known to man. On this day all banks, stores, factories and schools are closed. People do not go to bed until after midnight on December 31. They like to see “the old year out and the new year in.” Many people give parties on New Year’s Eve. February 14 –St.Valentine’s Day. People buy or make Valentine cards and send them to people they love. They should not write their names on the cards. Those who get them must guess who sent card. Bank Holiday. Seven times a year the offices and banks in England are closed on Monday and no one works in them on these days. These public holidays are known as Bank Holidays. No business houses and factories are open on these days. On Bank Holidays Londoners like to go out of the city into the open air. April 1 – Fool’s Day. In England, April fool’s Day is linked with spring, with return of the sun and warmth. On this day, people play harmless jokes and pranks on friends and family. Eisteddfod. An eisteddfod is a Welsh festival which takes place every summer. It is devoted to music, literature and the arts. It is a competitive festival and held the first week of August. Eisteddfod is a great demonstration of a people culture. Christmas Day – December 25. It is a religious holiday. It is celebrated on December25. Just before Christmas day people send Christmas and New Year greetings to their relatives and friends. People usually stay at home at Christmas-time, and spend the day with their families. 2. Think and answer: 1. What holidays of Great Britain do you know? 2. How is New Year celebrated 3. Is St.Valentine holiday celebrated in our country? 4. Why are the British offices and banks closed sometimes? 5. Do people like to go on Bank holiday anywhere? 6. What is Eisteddfod? How is it celebrated? 7 What can you tell about Christmas holiday? III. Translate the sentences into English. 1. Инглиз тили дарсларида инглизча гапиришимиз керак. ( Мы должны говорить по английский на уроках английского языка) 2. Хат эртага жўнатилади. ( Письмо будет отравлено завтра) 3. Буюк Британия - Буюк Британия бирлашган қироллиги ва Шимолий Ирландия деб ҳам аталади. ( Великобритания также называется Объединённое Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии) IV. Supply the forms of the verbs. She … to our teacher in the hall now.( to speak) I… a beautiful dress in the shop yesterday. (to buy) Many buildings … by workers in our town every year. ( to build) V. Translate the following words and word expressions into English and make up sentences using them. кўп қаватли (многоэтажный) харакат ( движение) жойлашмоқ ( распологаться) ёмғир ( дождь) саноат ( промышленность) буғ двигатели ( паровой двигатель) VARIANT 5 1. Read and translate the text: Official Holidays in UzbekistanEach year Uzbekistan celebrates seven public holidays: 1st of January – New Year, 8th of March – International Women’s Day, 21st of March – Navruz, 9th of May – Memorial Day, 1st of September – Independence Day, 1st of October – Teacher’s Day, 8th of December – Constitution Day. Also Uzbekistan celebrates the Day of Defenders of Motherland on January 14, though this holidayis not free day. Two major Muslim holidays in Uzbekistan, Ramadan Khait and Kurban Khait, are days off and are celebrated each year according to the lunar calendar. Holidays in Uzbekistan have own history. Such holiday as Navruz came from the ancient times. Uzbekistan people also widely celebrate international holidays: New Year, the most favorite and magic holiday around the world, and the International Women’s Day, devoted to wives, mothers, daughters and all beautiful women of the Earth. The 9th of May in Uzbekistan is the Day of Memory for those who took an active part in the struggle against Nazi invaders in the World War II in the front and in the home front. The 1st of October, the Teacher’s Day is the celebration of respect of labor and wise patience of teachers The Independence Day is widely celebrated. On September 1 many shows, concerts, festivals and other entertaining take place throughout the country. All Holidays and Memorial Dates in Uzbekistan:New Year Day of Defenders of the Motherland International Women's Day Navruz Memory and Honor Day Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Political Repressions Independence Day Teacher's Day Constitution Day Ramadan Khait (Eid-Al-Fitr) Kurban Khait (Eid-Al-Adha) 2. Answer the questions: 1. What are the public holidays of Uzbekistan? 2. What are the national holidais of Uzbekistan? 3. What religious holidays do you know? 4. What is a holidays food ofNavruz holiday? 5. Do you regularly congratulate your lovely teachers? 6. Which holiday do you like? Why?
The students decorated the hall with flowers. She dresses her little sister. We translate the text with help of the dictionary. IV. Supply the correct forms of the verbs. I … already … the text (to translate). We … just … to him (to speak). I … to music in the evening yesterday (to listen). V. Complete the sentences Manchester is the centre of… When you meet somebody you ought to say… The population of Uzbekistan is… VI. Translate the following words and word expressions into English and make up sentences using them. Қатлам ( слой) умид қилмоқ ( надеется) қўллаб қувватламоқ ( поддерживать) VARIANT 6 1. Read and translate the text: The educational system of Great Britain Education in England is usually comprised of two stages, primary and secondary education. In most countries primary schools are subdivided into infant schools (ages5-7) and junior schools (ages 7- 11/12). In infant schools, children are encouraged to read, write count and develop their creative abilities. Subject teaching is rare. The junior stage extends over 4 years. Children are taught arithmetic, reading, composition, history, geography, nature study and other subjects. After finishing junior school children can go to a Grammar School, to a Secondary Modern School, to a Secondary Technical School or to a Comprehensive School. Before leaving secondary school between the ages of 16and 18, schoolchildren take one or two sets of exams. After examinations pupils get a General Certificate of Secondary Education. After finishing secondary school and passing advanced level (A level) at age 18 or 19, young people may continue their education at universities and colleges. After graduating, students receive bachelor’s degrees.
1. What are the main divisions of the British education system? 2. What schools are primary schools subdivided into? 3. What are children encouraged to do in infant schools? 4. How long does the junior stage extend for? 5. What subjects are taught at the junior stage of primary education? 6. Where can children go to after finishing junior school? 7. At what age may young people continue their education at universities and colleges? 8. What are the most famous universities in Great Britain?
They invited us to the opening of the exhibition. The students will discuss this article tomorrow. My friend wrote a letter in English. IV. Supply the forms of the verbs. My sister … just … her work (to finish). Two days ago my friend… from business trip (to come). We … already .. this book (to read). V. Complete the sentences Leeds is the main centre of … If you want to know about your friend’s health you ought to say… Our Republic сonsists of … VI. Translate the following words and word expressions into English and make up sentences using them. шахар типидаги посёлка ( посёлок городского типа) денгиз қирғоғи ( побережье) мехмондўст ( гостеприймный) VARIANT 7 Translate the text into Uzbek or Russian “English is the Language of Communication” "Do you speak English?" - with this phrase begins the conversation between two people, that speak different languages and want to find a common language. It's very good when you hear: "Yes, I do", and start talking. People of different countries and nations have to get along well with the progress in world trade and technology as well as with each other. So it is very useful to learn foreign languages. Knowledge of foreign languages helps us to develop friendship and understanding among people. English is very popular now. It's the language of computers, science, business, sport and politics. It's spoken all over the world. It is the official language of the United Kingdom, Ireland, the United States of America, Canada, Australia. There are more than 750 million speakers of English in the world. Speaking a foreign language you can read papers, magazines and original books by great writers, watch satellite TV Programs. If you like travelling you can go anywhere without being afraid that other people will not understand you. English is very important to find a good job. 2. Answer the questions: 1. Do you like to speak English? 2. How many years did you study English? 3. Is it useful to learn foreign language? 4. Is English the official language in the U.S.A.? 5. Does English help you to make friends? 6. Why is English used by so many people? 7. What is the role of English language in our life? 8. Why do you learn English?
We solved this problem. The teacher asks a lot of questions at the lesson. Many foreign tourists visit Samarqand. IV. Supply the forms of the verbs. She … never … such beautiful buildings (to see). My brother …. his translation (finish + not + yet). They … in the village some year ago ( to live). V. Complete the sentences Imports passing through Liverpool consist of… Everybody knows that Englishmen like to talk … Uzbekistan maintains broad economic ties with… VI. Translate the following words and word expressions into English and make up sentences using them. корхона ( предприятие) ривожлантирмоқ ( развивать) қадимий ( древний) VARIANT 8 Translate the text into Uzbek or Russian “Gadgets in our life” Every house today is full of smart technologies, such washing machine, dishwasher, vacuum cleaner, microwave, stereo system, etc. These things have changed people’s lives. They make our life easier and more comfortable. It’s simply impossible to imagine without them our modern life. But there are, of course, some disadvantages of rapid technological development. Firstly, doctors say that all electronic gadgets are dangerous for health. For example, we spend hours in front of computer or laptop, which have negative influence on our eyes and headaches. Mobile phones are also harmful to health due to their electromagnetic radiation. Secondly, all modern gadgets make us lazy and clumsy. Thus, we easily gain weight. Thirdly, people have become too dependent on these gadgets. They get stressed or unconfident when they forget a mobile phone or tablet at home. In my opinion, gadgets produce addiction, which is bad for people’s mind. Nevertheless, it is hard not to appreciate the role of new technologies in our life. 2. Answer the questions: 1. What modern inventions do people use in everyday life? 2. What are they for? 3. What do the doctors say about these gadgets? 4. What do modern gadgets make us to be? 5. Do we appreciate the role of new technologies in our life? Why? 6. What gadgets do you often use?
This plant produces such model of the car. They built this railway more than a hundred years ago. I returned the book to the library. IV. Supply the correct forms of the verbs. I … never … to London (to be) When … you … to bed yesterday? (to go) Father … just … home (to come) V. Complete the sentences Exports consist of … … in England “Good night” is used only when a person is leaving … The Republic is proud of its capital Tashkent which … VI. Translate the following words and word expressions into English and make up sentences using them. Ўтказмоқ ( проводить) Фахрланмоқ ( гордиться) Тугалламоқ ( закончивать) VARIANT 9 1.Translate the text into Uzbek or Russian “English is the Language of Communication” "Do you speak English?" - with this phrase begins the conversation between two people, that speak different languages and want to find a common language. It's very good when you hear: "Yes, I do", and start talking. People of different countries and nations have to get along well with the progress in world trade and technology as well as with each other. So it is very useful to learn foreign languages. Knowledge of foreign languages helps us to develop friendship and understanding among people. English is very popular now. It's the language of computers, science, business, sport and politics. It's spoken all over the world. It is the official language of the United Kingdom, Ireland, the United States of America, Canada, Australia. There are more than 750 million speakers of English in the world. Speaking a foreign language you can read papers, magazines and original books by great writers, watch satellite TV Programs. If you like travelling you can go anywhere without being afraid that other people will not understand you. English is very important to find a good job.
1. Do you like to speak English? 2. How many years did you study English? 3. Is it useful to learn foreign language? 4. Is English the official language in the U.S.A.? 5. Does English help you to make friends? 6. Why is English used by so many people? 7. What is the role of English language in our life? III. Supply the correct forms of the verbs. They (to go) to the Institute six days a week. Olim ( not to come) to the lesson yesterday. His mother and father (to be) teachers at school now. We ( to study) many subjects at college. IV. Answer the following questions What do you do in the evening every day? Where do you like to spend your winter holidays? Where did you go last Sunday? V. Translate the sentences into English 1.Сиз қандай фильмларни кўришни ёқтирасиз? ( Какие фильмы вы любите смотреть) 2.Мен ўтган ҳафта дўстларим билан тоққа чиқдим. ( На прошлой неделе я поехал в горы со своими друзьями) 3.Эртага улар хайвонат боғига боришади. ( Завтра они пойдут в зоопарк) 4.Сизнинг ишингизда икитта хато бор. ( У вас есть две ошибки в вашей работе) VARIANT 10 1.Translate the text into Uzbek or Russian “English-speaking countries” English is spoken in many countries of the world. First of all you will remember Great Britain, the homeland of the English language. Great Britain is not a large country. It is much smaller than France or Norway and smaller than Finland. It has four parts: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. England is the largest part of the country and it has always been the strongest. In the United States of America the national language is also English. Four hundred years ago some English people sailed to North America to live there, and they brought the English language to this new country. Millions of people driven by poverty immigrated to the United States from different countries of Europe. They brought their own languages and cultures. That’s why American English differs from British English. American people say and write some English words differently from how people do in England. So America is called a “melting pot” because it has become a complex of many Old-World cultures and languages. Canada is to the North of the United States. It is a very large country. In Canada many people speak English because they also came from England many years ago. But in some parts of Canada they speak French. The people who live in these parts came to Canada from France. If you look at the map of the world you will see that Australia is the fifth continent. It is the smallest continent and the largest island on the map. Australia is also an English-speaking country. New Zealand is not far from Australia but it is very far from Britain. The national language in New Zealand is also English. Many people from England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland came to live in Australia and New Zealand many years ago.
Where was the England language born? What are the four parts of Great Britain? Which part of Britain is the largest? What is the national language in Britain (the USA)? Who brought the English language to America? Why is America called a “melting-pot”? Where is Canada? What language are spoken in Canada? III. Supply the correct forms of the verbs. We ( not to go) to the Institute on Sundays. I always ( to help) my brother (to do) his lessons. There ( to be) a table, some chairs in the room. Our friends ( to play) football at the stadium yesterday. IV. Answer the following questions When do you get up every day? What did you do in the evening yesterday? Where will you go next Sunday? V. Translate the sentences into English 1.Бизнинг дарсларимиз соат 8:00 да бошланади.( Наши занятия начинаются в 8 утра) 2.Кеча биз инглиз тили фанидан контроль иши ёздик. ( Мы вчера писали контрольную работу по английскому языку) 3.Улар эртага паркга боришади. ( Вчера они ходили в парк) Гуруҳимизда ўн еттита талаба бор. ( у нас в группе 17 студентов) Download 46,01 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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