What Are Car Alarm Sensors and How Do They Work?
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Hook up the power wire. You should hook the power wire of your alarm module to the batter or other constant power source. This will ensure the alarm is powered even when the car is turned off. Your alarm is now powered up and active. 6 Elektr simini ulang. Signal modulining quvvat simini batareyaga yoki boshqa doimiy quvvat manbaiga ulashingiz kerak. Bu mashina o'chirilgan bo'lsa ham signalni yoqishini ta'minlaydi. Signal yoqilgan va faol. 7 Replace the panels on your vehicle. Be sure to replace them in the correct order so that all of the panels fit together properly. It is a good idea to consult your service manual for this step as well. 7 Avtomobilingizdagi panellarni almashtiring. Barcha panellar bir-biriga mos kelishi uchun ularni to'g'ri tartibda almashtirganingizga ishonch hosil qiling. Ushbu bosqich uchun xizmat ko'rsatish qo'llanmasiga ham murojaat qilish yaxshidir. How to Install a Car Alarm Co-authored by wikiHow Staff Last Updated: August 4, 2021 Car alarms are an effective way to insure your investment and give you peace of mind. While many cars come standard with some kind of alarm system, some do not. It is no surprise that many people want to install an aftermarket alarm system either because they don’t have one or because they feel that they need to upgrade. Installing a car alarm might seem like a difficult task, but with a little bit of preparation and information, it becomes nothing more than a series of small tasks Avtomobil signalini qanday o'rnatish kerak wikiHow xodimlari hammualliflari Oxirgi yangilangan: 2021-yil 4-avgust Avtomobil signallari sarmoyangizni sug'urtalash va sizga xotirjamlik berishning samarali usulidir. Ko'pgina avtomobillar standart signalizatsiya tizimi bilan jihozlangan bo'lsa-da, ba'zilarida bunday emas. Ko'p odamlar sotuvdan keyingi signalizatsiya tizimini o'rnatishni xohlashlari ajablanarli emas, chunki ular yo'qligi yoki yangilanishi kerak deb hisoblaydilar. Avtomobil signalini o'rnatish qiyin ishdek tuyulishi mumkin, ammo ozgina tayyorgarlik va ma'lumot bilan u bir qator kichik vazifalardan boshqa narsa emas. Download 0.99 Mb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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