Final assessment on ICTFL
Final Exam paper
Integrated Course of Teaching Foreign Languages
(Chet tili o’qitishning integrallashgan kursi)
Year 4 students
Group: Gained score_____
Variant: ___________
Student name:
Subjects (modules) included:
Entire test tasks follow provided rules below:
1. The answers to the questions should reflect originality. No plagiarism is allowed. A student will lose points if he or she has the same or similar submitted Final examination paper as another student accomplished.
2. If a student has not been granted permission to take the exam by reason, it is highly recommended to consult with the ICTFL instructor in order to participate.
Task 1. Choose any song for making a 45-minute lesson plan for practicing grammar. Consider the following while selecting the song:
Cultural appropriacy
Age appropriacy
It should aid to practice grammar
Make a lesson plan. You are supposed to create the song related pre-, while, and post-activities.
Criteria of evaluation
The aim of the lesson should be specific, measurable, and achievable
The stages of the lesson should be logically connected
Each stage should be explained in detail.
Topic: Business and Finance
Level: A2
Materials: Handouts, marker, whiteboard
Number of participants: 14 pupils
Time: 45 minutes
Bye the end of the lesson, students will be able to
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