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  1. Important conditions for building a democratic society in Uzbekistan

  2. Principles of a secular state: National statehood and democratic society

  3. The importance of studying the subject

It can be said that studying the theory of building a democratic society in Uzbekistan, knowing and studying the laws related to the implementation of large-scale reforms in the life of the country, and implementing the "Uzbek model" in the way of democratic development are important. It teaches to clearly imagine the national and universal principles of democracy, to lead social life in connection with it. The development of democracy in our country will help Uzbekistan gain its prestigious place in the world community, the formation of democratic consciousness and thinking in young people, the appreciation of national-spiritual heritage, and the strengthening of patriotic feelings. Introduces the fundamentals of a free, democratic, civil society in the country and its theory and practice. It serves this purpose.

There are specific needs and reasons for studying the theory of building a democratic society in Uzbekistan.
First, certain moderated scientific concepts about democracy and democratic society have been developed in the world today. In them, the image, foundations, universally recognized laws of living and development, as well as its aspects related to the national-spiritual characteristics of each state and people are increasingly expressed in them.
To date, it is recognized that democratic systems have been established as universal and national values in more than 160 countries of the world. It is one of the reasons that democracy is required to be studied as a science.
Secondly, the need to identify and study the democratic society being built in Uzbekistan, its specific features, is also related to this law. Among the socio-humanitarian and socio-political sciences, its teaching as a special science also has general legal grounds related to democratic changes in the world. And it is characterized by the presence of the need to take it into account. Every independent country needs to know its development path and the society it is building, to determine its laws. From this point of view, until now, in the system of socio-political sciences, there has not been a science that studies the issues directly related to the formation of the foundations of a legal democratic state and civil society as a scientifically clear reality, as a whole. In our opinion, the specific aspects of the discipline "Theory and practice of building a democratic society in Uzbekistan" have the opportunity to fully cover this process. Because, first of all, this science, based on the historical experiences of the world civilization, based on the unique characteristics of our country, studies not only the theoretical issues of building a fair democratic state and an open civil society, but also its practical aspects. It is also necessary to study this science because, for the first time in history, universally recognized principles of democracy are filled with national values in the space where Eastern and Western civilizations meet. It is necessary to closely study and analyze this process in our society with our concrete reality of social phenomena, events and their connections.
It is known that the last decade of the 20th century was characterized by the emergence of new independent states on the world map. They are, in today's parlance, countries with a socialist past that achieved their political independence peacefully. These countries have taken a step towards independent development and renewal of social relations. Such countries that have embarked on the path of independent development are located in different regions, they are Central Europe (5), the Baltic states (3), Bulgaria and Romania, Western and Eastern European countries (5), the Western part of the independent community (4) ta), including Trans-Caucasus countries (3) and Central Asian countries (5). 1The Republic of Uzbekistan is one of the countries that has chosen this path of independent development and is trying to strengthen its position among other countries in the world, to be equal among equals, to have a unique and prestigious place on the world stage.
Independence started a new historical period in the life of the people of Uzbekistan. The meaning and essence of this period is the integral connection with the "Uzbek model" of building a democratic society in Uzbekistan.
It is also the existence of a general need to solve the complex task of building a truly democratic society with a modern market economy, able to provide people with a decent living, and protect human rights and freedoms. Since Uzbekistan is among such countries, special attention has been paid to studying the theory and practice of building a democratic society in our country. It is important to study it as a science in order to know what can be achieved in development with a steady step on the path of democratic development.
After the collapse of the totalitarian system with the general name "socialist", the division of the world into poles ended. But the study of the processes of social evolution in the world shows that it directly depends on the security and stable development of the newly independent states without establishing and strengthening the democratic foundations.
is related to the realization of the tasks of building a new society based on the national-cultural heritage, values and traditions of national statehood, while relying on the democratic principles and values recognized in the world .
If independence had not been achieved, Uzbekistan would not have been able to choose its own path of development. Gaining independence has placed a responsible task in front of Uzbekistan. Then what kind of country will Uzbekistan build? The world community paid special attention to the question. The independence of Uzbekistan and the fate of people, their way of life, attitude to the national-spiritual heritage, ensuring the harmony of universal democratic principles are directly related to the basis of the construction of statehood.
"Independence started a new historical period in the life of the people of Uzbekistan. Every nation that has gained its independence and freedom seeks its own way of development, tries to develop its own model in building a new society 2.
Uzbekistan has also determined the path of political, social, economic, spiritual maturity and development, which is characteristic of the foundations of its national statehood. It is important to take into account that it is not about building a democratic society in general, taking a model from the form of democracy specific to this or that country. The main goal is to study the theory and practice of building a unique and appropriate democratic society in Uzbekistan. That is why it is important to identify the common aspects and the different aspects of the democratic society that Uzbekistan is building from other societies that are developing on the path of democratic development.
This is one of the main topics of the fact that the theory of building a democratic society in Uzbekistan is taking a wide place in the system of socio-political sciences that was created due to independence . This necessity requires a scientific analysis of the achievements and some life lessons in the process of building a democratic society on the example of our independent state. In order to know the essence of democratic processes in our country, to approach it creatively, the young generation needs to deeply study the stages of formation of democracy as a national and universal value. Only this science can fulfill this strategic task.
"The theory of building a democratic society in Uzbekistan also has several tasks in front of it. These consist mostly of knowing the specific and universally recognized laws of building a democratic civil society in the country, making theoretical conclusions and generalizations. In particular, one of the main tasks is the formation of values related to the worldview, diversity of opinions, valuing freedom, human dignity, honor and dignity in citizens that meet the requirements of a democratic society. These tasks are clearly manifested in building a free and prosperous Homeland, a free and prosperous life in the country, mobilizing our citizens for creative work by respecting democratic values. As a science, it serves such great and creative works. For this he uses different styles. These are experimental, comparative analysis, empiric-sociological and other modern methods of science used by world sciences.
Therefore, the analysis of the positive changes taking place in our society through scientific thinking, their logical justification, and processes such as instilling the principles of the secular state into the minds of young people in this subject also require the task of teaching by sufficiently qualified specialists.
in Uzbekistan is based on universal and national principles recognized in the world for the formation of a democratic society, construction, decision making and implementation of a civil society in the country. At the moment, the study of the ways and laws of building a free, democratic, just civil society, based on its specific and appropriate characteristics, constitutes the subject and object of this science.
Also, all spheres of Uzbekistan's social life are objects of science. The theory of building a democratic society in Uzbekistan, on the one hand, takes into account the existing views and theories about the democratic society and the ideas of thinkers related to the historical heritage of our country's statehood, and on the other hand, it relies on important conceptual ideas and views about the democratic society in the years of independence, the unique path and characteristics of Uzbekistan. Thirdly, it studies the progress achieved in this field during the years of independence, based on the experience and achievements of building a democratic society. It is also important to know the place of Uzbekistan in the world community, the principles of development and development of mutually beneficial cooperation. The construction of a democratic society in our country is not limited to any sphere of our social life, but includes and studies the basics of changes in all its aspects. The main basis for this is the democratization of the country's socio-economic life and the liberalization of its political life, state sovereignty, people's power, its source, citizen-society and state relations. The areas related to the Constitution and the supremacy of the law, the basic rights, freedoms and duties of people and citizens, and democratic principles, society and individual relations, public associations, the family, and the organization of state power are the areas of study of the theory and practice of building a democratic society. Some aspects of these concepts are studied by other socio-political sciences. However, each of the socio-political sciences studies the process of events and events occurring in society based on its subject, object, purpose and legitimacy. For example, it is known that all social sciences study the problem of consciousness. But if philosophy studies consciousness as a characteristic of a person, as an important factor in the development of society, sociology studies the consciousness of a certain group or social stratum in society, the manifestation of its specific characteristics.
"Democracy" is a Greek word, which in translation means people's power - (demos-people, krotos-power). Democratic refers to the state and society in which the supreme power directly belongs to the people and is implemented by the will of the people. Of course, it is important not how the term democracy is interpreted, but how realistic, authentic, and livable it is. The task of democracy is to build a society in which the rights of citizens are recognized and protected, and their duties are respected and fulfilled. But until now, no country has achieved it perfectly, it is only working towards it. In the process of democratic governance, it is important to understand that participation in political life is not only an important sign of citizens, but also their rights and duties. It is also important to consider these aspects.
So, first of all, a democratic society is a society that relies on the features of the national-cultural heritage in the sphere of statehood, which takes into account the universally recognized values and principles of every country and people in democracy, the rights of citizens are recognized and protected, their duties are observed and fulfilled, and citizens actively participate in governance.
Secondly, democracy in general means respecting the power of the majority and the will of the few for the benefit of all.
Thirdly, when analyzing it in detail, it becomes clear that democracy is a form of self-governance of citizens as well as a view of the people's freedom and independence, protection from arbitrary restrictions on the interests and rights of each person and actions in this direction 3.
Democratic standards of organizing social life go back to the ancient world. Until it became the main and leading principle of democracy in the most developed countries of the world today, it underwent complex, conflicting, and sometimes tragic changes at various stages of its development as a universal human value. From this point of view, fully mastering the basic concepts of democratic values developed by humanity over the years is an important condition for deepening reforms in society. In this regard, it is important to know the concepts used in the construction of a democratic society in Uzbekistan. When studying them, the following three aspects should be taken into account:
General concepts related to social humanities. For example: society, civilization, freedom, law, law, culture, development, democracy;
Concepts related to socio-political sciences: legal state, private property, civil society, politics, political power, political organizations, political system, political regime, political pluralism, political consciousness, political culture, etc.;
The basic concepts that are mostly used in connection with Uzbekistan, i.e., the theory and practice of building a democratic society in Uzbekistan are studied: "Uzbekistan's unique and appropriate development path", freedom, independence, democracy, rule of law, "democratic statehood", "democratic society", " democracy", "views of a democratic society", "national-spiritual foundations of a democratic society", "national-spiritual values". Free democratization of the economic life of Uzbekistan, social life and democracy, democratic principles of political life, "democratic values", "Building civil society in Uzbekistan", "Free and prosperous Motherland, free and prosperous life", "Uzbekistan and the world community", "National statehood" and democracy" etc.
In the process of studying the theory and practice of building a democratic society in Uzbekistan, the following concepts are also used: "liberal democracy", "democracy and market economy", "human freedom and rights in the conditions of democracy", "democracy and inter-ethnic relations", "democratic governance of the state", "the basic principles of democracy". "elements" is naturally used more. Each of these concepts has its own meaning and content.
"The law of the unique and appropriate development of the construction of a democratic society in Uzbekistan", or "The law of taking into account the characteristics of the national mentality in the construction of a democratic society", "The law of the connection of the construction of a democratic society with national-spiritual values", "The history of the statehood of Uzbekistan of the characteristics of the construction of a democratic society in Uzbekistan" , the law of connection with national-cultural heritage, economy, socio-political life" etc.
It is known that these laws require special attention due to their versatility, complexity and subtlety. At this point, let's dwell on the issue of the relationship between democratic views and national values. The viability of democracy is determined by its ability to adapt to different conditions and not to deny national characteristics, to be able to harmonize with nationality. In fact, a democracy that values tolerance is also tolerant of national characteristics. Therefore, even when we chose a new path of democratic development, we never intended to adopt democratic views in exchange for renouncing Uzbekism. In other words, it is not our duty to believe in abstract values at the expense of demolishing the foundations of statehood with millennial roots. After all, what we have to lose is our strong spiritual roots, our immortal values that have safely carried us as a nation through the storms of the ages. And we chose democracy because we have the opportunity to graft it to the tree of our spirituality with this ancient history. Therefore, one cannot agree with the opinion of some people who measure the level of democracy by withdrawing from national characteristics.
to be supporters of the secular democratic system, are fighting against religious fanaticism and terrorism , and some representatives of foreign organizations, disregarding the national values, customs, thoughts, manners, and honor of the people, these values are transferred to the West. They are trying to pretend to be defenders of human rights, opposing democracy. Such a situation can be said to be an attempt to destroy the faith of some nations and peoples in democracy.
How justified are the opinions of some of the foreign organizations that introduce themselves as impartial defenders of human rights that "the neighborhood is turning into an oppressive state office"? It is said that when a couple has a misunderstanding and controversial issues are raised, they turn to the neighborhood instead of the court, which is a violation of human rights.
It is known that the neighborhood institute did not appear in our country yesterday. Unfortunately, during the time of the Shura, this structure was completely separated from the management of society. They turned the neighborhood into a point for writing information (spravka) for minor issues, for example, which any shura office might require. The result of this was the increase of living orphans, which was unprecedented in our history, the rise of kindness between people, and the wide spread of the view that "you don't touch me, I won't touch you".
Today, we cannot understand the "human rights defenders" who are looking for dirt even from our good intentions and trying to evaluate it based on their own interests and narrow views, while we are trying to eliminate this evil that does not correspond to our national, democratic way of life. After all, if a Western country takes pride in opening a wide path to same-sex marriages, while the representatives of another "civilized nation" understand democracy to be a matter of going into a store naked, taking whatever they can get their hands on, and satisfying their base desires. the fact that we are not involved in this matter does not mean that we do not have an opinion on this matter at all . No one has asked us for our opinion on such recurring cases. Why should our efforts to restore our national values, which are now blown by the spirit of humanity, disturb the sleep of others? After all, our distance from the intention of forcing our opinion on someone is a sign of our deep understanding of democracy.
How do those who interpret reliance on neighborhood support as a "violation of human rights" in resolving family disputes understand Articles 64 and 66 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan? Let's remind: one of these articles clearly states that "Parents are obliged to feed and educate their children until they reach adulthood", while another states that "Adult, able-bodied children are obliged to take care of their parents". Therefore, each nation, country implements democracy in its own and appropriate way. If not, it will not serve development. The forced "Soviet" form of democracy is a clear example of this. Non-recognition of this legality is contrary to the law of democratic development and causes harmful socio-political and moral consequences.
"Uzbekistan's new independent statehood led to a decision in difficult conditions. Now we can say with confidence that the foundations of national statehood have been laid during these years. The old administrative-command system and the authorities and management bodies corresponding to it were abolished. Many structures and bodies of political and economic management and regulation have been abolished. They were the pillars of the administrative-command system, centralized planning - distribution economy. They became the main obstacle to the establishment of a new state oriented to democratic values and principles and the creation of the foundations of a free market economy.
The established system of executive authorities is fundamentally different from the previous ones. They are free from planning-distributing tasks and perform the role of coordination and regulation of economic policy. Instead of numerous ministries, economic unions, associations, concerns, corporations, and holding companies were established in accordance with the market conditions.
A new system of local bodies of state power was created. It is based on the Institute of Governors. It combines the duties of the local executive authority and the head of the representative authority.
A regular system of local authorities cannot be imagined without local self-government bodies of citizens. The basis of these bodies is citizens' assemblies - neighborhoods. They were created based on the historical traditions and mentality of the people. The importance of the neighborhood, which is an important social body of self-government, has always been very high.
The neighborhood plays an important role in fostering good neighborliness, respect and humanity in human relations. It protects the social interests of citizens, provides specific assistance to the needy sections of the population.
The point is that the neighborhood should be a practical help in realizing economic and democratic changes.
As a result of the efforts aimed at the huge and clear goal of legal reforms, the judicial system of the republic was established as an independent and independent authority based on the provisions of the Basic Law. New structures of judicial power were created. The jurisdiction of the court has expanded.
In accordance with the strategic goals and rules of democratic development of the society, a new system of law enforcement agencies and national security agencies was established. The establishment of the National Army - the Armed Forces of Uzbekistan was an extremely important achievement on the way to establishing national statehood.
Investment and Trade Relations under the Cabinet of Ministers , the National Bank of Foreign Economic Activities and a whole network of other specialized institutions were created.
The Republican Presidential Institute, introduced for the first time in the history of Uzbekistan, has taken a central place in the system of state authorities of the new Uzbekistan. It became the core of the political system.
In the organization of state power, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan is the head of state and executive power in the Republic of Uzbekistan. This authority became the main support of the building of the new Uzbek statehood, as it was the guarantee of stability in the society and the successful progress of Uzbekistan on the path of reforms.
Adoption of the Constitution, legislative activities over the past years made it possible to create solid foundations for the formation of a legal state that guarantees the equality of all citizens before the law and the supremacy of the law.
At the same time, the nature of the state has completely, fundamentally changed. At the initial stage, the state became the most active force of social renewal, the main initiator and guide of reforms, the main implementer of new ideas in social life.
The fulfillment of the tasks of the first stage of the establishment of the new Uzbek statehood was reflected in the increase and strengthening of Uzbekistan's international reputation, the establishment and development of friendship and cooperation relations with many countries of the world community. As an independent, sovereign state, Uzbekistan became a member of the most prestigious and influential international organizations.
At present, the most important subject of the democratic political system, which is the reform of statehood, faces new challenges. This is explained, first of all, by the fact that at the present stage, the tasks of further democratization of society's life have become important and urgent based on the diversity of political institutions and non-state social associations and their role strengthening, as well as the increase in political activity of the population.
In the new conditions, the most important task of the state, state power and management bodies is to find new forms of cooperation and cooperation with political parties, non-state, social structures, various institutions of civil society that are just emerging.
It is becoming necessary to find ways to transfer the powers of the center from the center, to transfer some of these powers from the center to the regions and local authorities while maintaining the effectiveness of the work of all state authorities.
On the other hand, the local bodies of state power are determining the possibilities of strengthening their role and strengthening their reputation by transferring part of their powers and tasks to local self-government bodies of citizens in new conditions.
At the initial stage of reforms, the active role of the state required that the main powers be at the disposal of the state and, first of all, the executive power. The current stage of democratic transformation requires the development of a long-term strategy of political, economic and social development. In this, the role of the state should be fundamentally changed based on the ultimate goal of our democratic development - the goal of building a civil society. We will build a state social construction system in which a strong central government will focus its efforts on the main, nationwide tasks, such as defense, state security and citizen security, foreign policy, formation of currency-finance and tax systems, adoption of laws and other strategic tasks of development. we must reach. The solution of other issues should be gradually transferred from the center to the localities, from the state authorities to public organizations, and to the citizens' self-management bodies.
This is our strategic task in the field of formation and development of statehood. It is based on the path of democratic development of society that we have chosen . 4Determining the principles of democracy is a long and complicated process. Especially in our society, which has been living under the totalitarian system for a long time and has not yet been able to completely get rid of its evils, it is legitimate that it will be more complicated. These implemented changes show that the democratic principles recognized by the world, as well as the specific characteristics of Uzbekistan, have been taken into account.
In the construction of a democratic society in Uzbekistan, special attention is being paid to two important aspects. Its first is to recognize the universally recognized principles of democracy;
The second is to rely on national characteristics of democracy related to national-cultural heritage. These two directions are inextricably linked and building a real democratic society cannot be imagined in isolation. In practical life, cases of violations of this important law conflicted with the way of life of various peoples and their national interests, and caused socio-political and moral consequences. Failure to rely on recognized principles has distanced this country from building a secular, democratic society, and the way to build a democratic society without taking into account its national and spiritual characteristics is contrary to the requirements of real democracy. Such a unique and suitable development path does not correspond to the law of building a democratic society.
It should be emphasized that in the years of independence, the construction of a democratic society is being institutionalized in the republic . Formation of democratic institutions in the country; transition to multi-party system; independence and accountability of branches of government; increasing public control is characteristic of a democratic society.
In general, there are at least three criteria that determine the level of democracy in a society. These are: public awareness of decision-making processes ; the extent to which government decisions are controlled by the people; it is related to the extent to which ordinary citizens participate in the governance of the state.
Democratic processes in Uzbekistan should be analyzed based on these criteria. According to him, today there are 100 public associations; 4 political parties; 2 social movements; 3,000 non-governmental, non-commercial organizational legislation provides for the possibility of public control in 28 directions by the self-management bodies of citizens and the system of trade unions. If more than 700 candidates from 2 political parties and representative bodies of the Republic of Uzbekistan took part in the first convocation of the election to the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in the second convocation of the election to the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 47 subjects - 5 political parties, representative bodies of power and a total of 1010 people from the initiative groups of voters candidate attended. More democratic changes are taking place in this area. The transition to a bicameral parliament in the country will further deepen this process.
Regarding the democratization of the sphere of political life of the society, special attention is paid to the following important issues:
First. Liberalization of all spheres of the political life of our country, the construction of the state and society. In this process, first of all, it is necessary to strengthen the political and economic activity of citizens and to create appropriate conditions for the full realization of human potential;
Second. It is necessary to establish a real multi-party atmosphere in the political life of our country, each party should have its own clear and clear program of action, relying on a certain social stratum, as a defender of the interests of this class. It should express the goals and objectives of each party, alternative proposals for the development of society.
Third. Further strengthening and development of activities of non-governmental structures, non-governmental and public organizations, citizens' self-management bodies.
The fourth . Diversity of opinions and diversity of views in society, provision of conditions for their free expression.
The fifth. Further strengthening and development of human rights and freedoms, democratic values in the minds of our people. It is necessary to create all the necessary conditions for those who recognize their rights, live based on their own strength and abilities, react independently to the events happening around them, and at the same time, their personal interests for the interests of the country and the people.
Uzbekistan has its own reasons for choosing the path of building a secular state. For this, it is important to know the characteristics of a secular state and its advantages. The important aspects of the secular state are expressed in the following directions: Loyalty to the ideas of human rights and state sovereignty; commitment to democracy and social justice; recognition of the supremacy of universally recognized rules of international law; ensuring that citizens of the republic live a decent life; building a humane, democratic, legal state; relying on the historical experience of Uzbek statehood; separation of religious organizations and associations from the state and their equality before the law; non-interference of the state in the activities of religious associations; ensuring civil peace and national harmony; awareness of high responsibility to present and future generations; It means that the legal basis of the construction of the state and society in Uzbekistan is defined in its Constitution and works based on it;
The foundations of Uzbekistan's way of building a democratic society differ from the former totalitarian system in the following aspects: it does not rely on a single communist ideology; classism, with complete alienation from party principles;
Based on the idea that man is the greatest blessing; It is distinguished by the fact that the interaction between "citizen-society-state", which is fundamentally different from the relationship "state-society-citizen", is placed on a reasonable legal basis.
At the moment, the main components of democracy are: free and fair elections, an open and accountable executive branch, the existence of political and civil rights, and the construction of a just, civil society that follows the laws .
Building a just society in the history of social and political life of Uzbekistan is one of the main concepts . Today's views of Uzbekistan, which has a history of almost 3000 years, the foundations of the principles of a democratic , just society , are manifested in its unique aspects and views .
Nowadays, the concepts of national "Democratic state", "National statehood and democratic society" are used more often. Its specific aspects are clearly expressed in the following: a legal state based on democratic norms; preservation of historical traditions and national characteristics in important spheres of public life without conflicting with democracy; conducts a national policy based on the equality of all citizens; its geopolitical position corresponds to its economic, moral and military technical potential; citizens adhere to democratic thinking in their social consciousness; conducts an independent domestic and foreign policy; independently chooses and implements his own development path.
The last quarter of the 20th century was a period of triumphant spread of democracy throughout the world. In 1998, 117 out of 191 countries, or 61.3%, held free, secret, universally equal and relatively fair elections. After 1974, 89 autocracy countries were transitioned to democracy 5. It can be said that it will give the expected effect only when it is implemented by connecting the foundations of national statehood with democracy .
This does not mean that they are at the same stage in the field of democracy. At the same time, it does not deny that there are problems. In the works of V. Markel, democracy is shown as illiberal democracy (defective, with flaws) . 6The system of legitimizing the acquisition of power is also understood by means of the electoral regime.
In a legal, democratic state: 1) Citizens' rights are guaranteed by law; 2) State bodies and officials obey the law; 3) Personal freedom is guaranteed and protected by law.
Studying the theory of building a democratic society in Uzbekistan has important theoretical and practical value. It introduces every citizen of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the goals of building a democratic society, national-spiritual foundations of its formation and development, ideas and views on a democratic society. It plays an important role in the mind and thinking of the citizens, and in moving their beliefs and beliefs. In knowing the rules of building a democratic society, it forms the skills to feel the need to implement its internationally recognized principles in connection with the national and spiritual characteristics of each country and people. It plays an important role in seeing the difference between real democracy and fake democracy, evaluating it, reacting to it, and forming a civic position.
By studying the theory of building a democratic society in Uzbekistan, he was able to understand its theoretical foundations related to the construction of a free, democratic, civil society, the general laws related to the construction of a democratic society in the world, and the meaning of the specific national manifestations of democracy, "national models". can be
Social development and today's processes of globalization have their influence on the life, social-political, spiritual-educational foundations of the peoples of the world. The peoples of the world are becoming inextricably linked. In such circumstances , it is an important and urgent task for the people of Uzbekistan, who aim to build a democratic society, to preserve their identity, without forgetting their unique and appropriate national-spiritual values, and to achieve its implementation in connection with the principles of building a democratic society. teaches to respect the national values based on the origin, to carry out the national and universal principles of democracy .
Through the study of this subject, the democratic changes implemented in the socio-economic, political and spiritual life of the society of Uzbekistan, it helps to feel from the heart the inextricability of achieving a free and prosperous Motherland, a free and prosperous life, and to become its active participants.
The commonality of the tasks of building a democratic society in Uzbekistan with the foundations of civil society is aimed at ensuring human rights and freedoms and their equality before the law. Knowing the conditions and main directions of its achievement gives a comprehensive picture of a democratic society. These are some unhealthy behaviors that are contrary to democracy that we encounter in our lives today. it helps to understand and distinguish the fundamental goals and the essence of the one-sided, biased attempts at assessment.
By studying the subject, citizens can clearly understand the goals and tasks of the Republic of Uzbekistan to build a democratic society. About all aspects of the life of the society of Uzbekistan: the state, people's power, the participation of people and citizens in a democratic society, basic rights and freedoms, duties, socio-economic foundations of a democratic society, its characteristics, public associations, the organization of state power and the foundations of civil society construction, having knowledge about its national and universal foundations has important political and socio-educational value. It also serves to form citizens' feelings of patriotism, nationalism, respect for national and universal values. In this regard, it also performs important educational tasks.

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