Zumrad va Qimmat
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Fairy tale 132 Sharipov Shahzod
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- Shundan keyin Qimmat uyga boribdi. Va Qimmat bilan onasi eshik va derazalarni yopib, “ Hech kim boyligimizni ko’rmasin”, debdi va sandiqni ochibdilar. Sandiqni ochsalar
- Then stepmother told Zumrad’s father: “Take your daughter to the forest and leave her there”. The father was scared and said: “Yes”.
- “My daughter! come in”. She said she would make some tea. “No, I will do it”, said Zumrad.
- One day the old woman said: “My daughter, go to the roof and bring some wood”. Then Zumrad got up to the roof and saw her father’s house and started crying. The old woman asked her what
- Then woman told: “You should open it when you go home. Do not open it on your way”.
- Then Qimmat’s mother told the father: “Take my daughter to the same place where you took Zumrad”.
- It is not your business”, said Qimmat. Then the woman told Qimmat: “I wanted to invite you to my house”.
- Then she drank tea and ate and she said “Now I am tired and I will sleep”.
- Qimmat told: “Where is the gift When guests leave, you are supposed to give them gifts”. The woman said: “Go to the cellar, open the white door and bring the white trunk up.”
- I know myself”, said Qimmat.
Zumrad va Qimmat Bir bor ekan, bir yo’q ekan, qadim zamonda, bir Zumrad degan qiz bor ekan. U mehnatkash va aqlli, zukko ekan. Uning otasi va o’gay onasi, opasi bor ekan. Ular hammalari birga yashar ekan. Zumradning o’gay onasi va opasi Zumradni yomon ko’rar ekan. Zumradning o’gay opasining ismi Qimmat ekan. Qimmat dangasa va ishyoqmas ekan. Qimmat va onasi Zumradga zulm o’tkazar ekan. Zumrad har kuni ertalab turib, xovlilarni supurar, ovqat tayyorlar ekan, kir yuvar ekan…uylarni yig’ishtirar ekan. Kunlarning birida Qimmat onasiga aytibdiki, “Zumradni yomon ko’raman, u juda ham mehnatkash, - debdi, uni hamma maqtaydi”, debdi. Shunda o’gay ona Zumradning otasiga aytibdiki, “ qizingni borib o’rmonga tashlab kel”, debdi. Shunda ota qo’rqib, “xo’p”, debdi. Shunda Zumrad va uning otasi o’rmonga yo’lga tushishibdi. Ular, shunda ular yo’lga tushishibdi, yo’l yuribdi, yo’l yurishibdi. Shunda Zumradning otasi Zumradga aytibdiki, “sen shu yerda meni kutin tur, hozir kelaman”, debdi. Shunda Zumrad kutib turibdi. Kech bo’libdi, lekin otasi kelmabdi. Shunda Zumrad qo’rqib, otasini qidirgani yo’lga tushibdi. Yo’l yurib Zumrad bir uychaga to’qnash kelibdi.U uyning eshigini taqillatibdi. Shunda kampir chiqibdi. Kampir debdiki, “ Kiraqol qizim” debdi, “Hozir men choy damlab kelaman” , debdi. “Yo’q, qo’ying o’zim damlayman”, debdi Zumrad. Shunda Zumrad borib choy damlabdi, ovqat pishiribdi. Shundan, shunda qilib u kampirning uyida yashay boshlabdi. U har kuni ertalab turib hovlilarni supurar, uylarni yig’ishtiara, ovqat tayyorlar ekan va kirlarni yuvar ekan. Kunlarning birida kampir aytibdiki, “ Bolam, tomga chiqib o’tin olib tush”, debdi. Shunda Zumrad tomga chiqib qarasa, o’z otasining uyini ko’ribdi va yig’lay boshlabdi. Kampir unga aytibdiki, “ Nima bo’ldi”. “Otamni sog’indim”, debdi Zumrad. Keyin, “Mayli tusha qol, uyingga borasan”, debdi. Keyin Zumrad tushibdi va kampir aytibdiki, “ Yerto’laga tushib, qizil eshikni och, va u yerdan sandiqni olib chiq, qizil sandiqni olib chiq”, debdi. Shundan keyin Zumrad qizil sandiqni olib chiqibdi va kampir unga aytibdiki, “Mana kaliti, bu senga sobg’a”, debdi. Shundan keyin kampir aytibdiki, “Uyingga borganingdan keyin sandiqni och”, debdi. “Yo’lda ochib yurma”, debdi. “Xo’p bo’ladi” debdi Zumrad. Shundan keyin Zumrad uyga boribdi. Ular sandiqni ochishibdi, qarasalar u yerda oltin va javohir, kumush bor ekan. Qimmat buni ko’rib hasad qila boshlabdi va “Menga ham shunaqa sandiq kerak”, debdi. Shundan keyin Qimmatning onasi cholga aytibdiki, “Mening qizimni ham Zumradni qayerga tashlab kelding, o’sha yerga tashlab kel”, debdi. Shundan keyin chol bilan Qimmat yo’lga tushishibdi. Qimmat bilan chol o’rmonga, o’rmonga borishibdi. Chol Zumradni qayerga qoldirgan bo’lsa, Qimmatni ham o’sha yerga qoldiribdi va debdi, “Qizim meni shu yerda kutib tur, hozir kelaman”, debdiyu va ketibdi. Qimmat o’tirib qo’rqa boshlabdi va o’tiribdi. Shunda kampir kelib qolibdi , “ Qizim bu yerda nima qilayapsan?”. “ Senga nim kampir”, debdi. Shundan keyin kampir Qimmatga aytibdiki, “Men seni uyimga taklif qilmoqchi edim”, Qimmat, “ Jonim bilan”, debdi va ular kampirning uyiga borishibdi. Shunda Qimmat kampirga aytibdiki, “choy damla, qornim ochdi, ovqat pishir”, debdi. Shundan keyin u choy ichibdi, ovqat yebdi va “Charchadim, endi uxlayman”, debdi. U so’ng uxlabdi. Shu bilan Qimmat kampirning uyida yashay boshlabdi. U hech narsa qilmas, uy ishlarini bajarmas, faqat yeb uxlar ekan. Kunlarning birida, “Zerikdim, uyimga boraman”, debdi. “Ketsang ketaver, bolam”, debdi kampir. Shundan keyin Qimmat aytibdiki, “Sovg’a qani?”, debdi. “ Axir, mehmonlar ketayatganda sovg’a berishadiku”, debdi. Kampir aytibdiki, “yerto’laga tushub, oq eshikni ochib, oq sandiqni olib chiq”, debdi. Qimmat yerto’laga tushub, oq eshink ochib, oq sandiqni olib chiqibdi. “ Mana kaliti, uyingga borganingdan keyin ochasan”, debdi, “yana yo’lda ochib yurma”, debdi. “O’zim bilaman”, debdi Qimmat. Shundan keyin Qimmat uyga boribdi. Va Qimmat bilan onasi eshik va derazalarni yopib, “ Hech kim boyligimizni ko’rmasin”, debdi va sandiqni ochibdilar. Sandiqni ochsalar ichida katta ajdarho bor ekan, katta ajdarho Qimmat va uning onasini yebdi. Qissadan hissa shuki, yomonlik baribir jazo topadi. Zumrad and Qimmat Once upon a time there was a girl named Zumrad. She was hardworking and clever. She had a father, a step-mother and a step-sister. They all lived together. Zumrad’s stepmother and sister did not like Zumrad. Zumrad’s stepsister’s name was Qimmat. Qimmat was very lazy and indolent. Qimmat and her mother were very hostile to Zumrad. Waking up in the morning Zumrad would sweep the yard, cook, do the laundry arrange the house. One day Qimmat told her mother: “I do not like Zumrad, she is very hardworking. Everybody praises her”. Then stepmother told Zumrad’s father: “Take your daughter to the forest and leave her there”. The father was scared and said: “Yes”. So then they started and were walking and walking. Then Zumrad father told her : “Wait for me here, I will be back soon”. Then Zumrad waited. It got late, but her father did not come back. Zumrad was afraid and started looking for her dad. After walking for a while she came across a small house. She knocked on the door. An old woman came out. The old woman said: “My daughter! come in”. She said she would make some tea. “No, I will do it”, said Zumrad. Then Zumrad made tea and cooked a meal. After that she started living in the old woman’s house. Every morning she would wake up, sweep the yard, arrange the house, cook and do the laundry. One day the old woman said: “My daughter, go to the roof and bring some wood”. Then Zumrad got up to the roof and saw her father’s house and started crying. The old woman asked her what happened. “I miss my father”, said Zumrad. Then she said: “Well, come down. You will go home”. Then Zumrad came down and the woman told her: “Go to the cellar and open the red door and bring the trunk, the red trunk from there”. Zumrad brought the red trunk up and the woman told her: “Here is the key and it is my gift for you”. Then woman told: “You should open it when you go home. Do not open it on your way”. “All right”, said Zumrad. After that Zumrad went home. They opened the trunk and they saw that it had gold and diamonds, silver. Seeing this Qimmat got very jealous and said: “I want this kind of trunk too”. Then Qimmat’s mother told the father: “Take my daughter to the same place where you took Zumrad”. Then the old man and Qimmat started their way. The old man and Qimmat went to the forest. The old man left Qimmat where he had left Zumrad before and said: “My daughter, wait for me here. I will be back soon.” and left. Qimmat was getting scared and sitting. At this moment the old woman came and said: “What are you doing here, my daughter?” “It is not your business”, said Qimmat. Then the woman told Qimmat: “I wanted to invite you to my house”. “ With pleasure”,she said and they went to the old woman’s house. Then Qimmat told the woman: “Make tea. I am hungry. Cook something”. Then she drank tea and ate and she said “Now I am tired and I will sleep”. Then she went to sleep. From then and on she started living the woman. She would never do anything, did not do the housework, she would only eat and sleep. One day she said: “I am bored and I will go home”. The woman said: “If you want to go, you can go, my child”. Qimmat told: “Where is the gift? When guests leave, you are supposed to give them gifts”. The woman said: “Go to the cellar, open the white door and bring the white trunk up.” Qimmat went into the cellar, opened the white door and brought the white trunk up. “Here is the key and open it only when you get home”, she said, “Do not open it on the way”. “I know myself”, said Qimmat. Then Qimmat went home. Qimmat and her mother closed all the doors and windows, “Nobody should see our wealth” and opened the trunk. When they opened the trunk, there was a big dragon inside; the dragon ate Qimmat and her mother. The moral is that the evil is always punished. Download 17,86 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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