???? Modal fe'llar: Can, Cannot; Must; Must not; Have to; Do/Does not have to

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???? Modal fe

📋 Modal fe'llar: Can, Cannot; Must; Must not; Have to; Do/Does not have to (qisqacha umumiy ma'lumotlar)
➡️ Can - qila olmoq
"Can" modal fe'li - biror qobiliyatga ega, yoki qo'lidan keladigan ishni aytish uchun ishlatiladi. U birlikka ham, ko'plikka ham, hech qanday qo'shimchalarsiz bir xil "can" shaklida ishlatiladi. Misol uchun:
I can swim - men suza olaman.
He can sing - u kuylay oladi.
She can dance - u raqs tusha oladi.
It can
You can run - siz yugura olasiz.
We can pay - biz to'lay olamiz.
They can wait - ular kuta oladilar.
➡️ Cannot - qila olmaslik (qisqa shakli "can't")
"Cannot" modal fe'li - biror ishni qila olmasligi nazarda tutiladi. Misol uchun:
I cannot open the door - men eshikni ocha olmayman.
You cannot lie - siz yolg'on gapira olmaysiz.
It cannot fly - bu ucha olmaydi
...va hk.
➡️ Must - shart
"Must" modal fe'li - biror narsani qilishi shart bo'lgan ish-harakatga aytiladi. Odatda, ushbu modal fe'li qonun-qoidalar yoki o'rnatilgan intizomlar uchun ishlatiladi. Bu ham hamma shaxs-sonlar uchun bir xilda qo'llaniladi. Misol uchun:
I must be on time - men o'z vaqtida bo'lishim shart.
You must go - siz borishingiz shart.
He must tell the truth - u haqiqatni aytishi kerak.

Inkor formasi uchun "must not" shakli ishlatiladi. Bunda uning ma'nosi "qilmaslik shart" deb tarjima qilinadi. Misol uchun:

You must not be late - Siz kech qolmasligingiz shart.
She must not drive the car - U mashina haydamasligi kerak.
➡️ Have to - majbur bo'lmoq
"Have to" modal fe'li - sharoit tufayli majbur bo'lishga aytiladi. U uchinchi shaxs birlik bilan "has to" shaklida keladi. Misol uchun:
➡️ I have to go - men ketishim kerak (shunga majburman)
They have to pay - ular to'lashga majbur.
She has to leave the house - u uydan chiqib ketishga majbur.
➡️ Do/Does not have to - majbur emas
"Do/Does not have to" modal fe'li - biror ishni qilmasa ham bo'ladi, deganidir. Ya'ni, buni qilishga majbur emas. Misol uchun:
We do not have to do all tasks - biz hamma vazifani qilishimiz shart emas.
He does not have to work - u ishlashga majbur emas.
Ingliz tilida 16 ta zamon bor, ularning hammasi ushbu formula asosida yasaladi. 👇👇👇
1. The Present Simple Tense. (Oddiy hozirgi zamon)
Positive- S+V.
Negative- S+do(does)+not+V.
Questions- Do(does)+S+V?
2. The Simple Past Tense. (Oddiy o’tgan zamon)
Positive- S+Ved.
Negative- S+did+not+V.
Questions- Did+S+V.
3. The Future Simple Tense. (Oddiy kelasi zamon)
Positive- S+will(shall)+V.
Negative- S+will(shall)+not+V.
Questions- Will(shall)+S+V.
4. The Simple Future in the Past Tense. (O’tgan zamondagi kelasi zamon)
Positive- S+would(should)+V.
Negative- S+would(should)+not+V.
Questions- Would(should)+S+V.
5. The Present Continuous Tense.(Hozirgi davom zamon)
Positive- S+to be+Ving.
Negative- S+to be+not+Ving.
Questions- To be+S+Ving.
6. The Past Continuous Tense. (O’tgan davom zamon)
Positive- S+was(were)+Ving.
Negative- S+was(were)+not+Ving.
7. The Future Continuous Tense. (Kelasi davom zamon)
Positive- S+will(shall)+be+Ving.
Negative- S+will(shall)+not+be+Ving.
Questions- Will(shall)+S+be+Ving.
8. The Future Continuous in the Past Tense. (O’tgan zamondagi kelasi davom zamon)
Positive- S+would(should)+be+Ving.
Negative- S+would(should)+not+Ving.
9. The Present Perfect Tense. (Hozirgi tugallangan zamon)
Positive- S+have(has)+P.P.
Negative- S+have(has)+not+P.P.
10. The Past Perfect Tense. (O’tgan tugallangan zamon)
Positive- S+had+P.P.
Negative- S+had+not+P.P.
11. The Future Perfect Tense. (Kelasi tugallangan zamon)
Positive- S+will(shall)+have+P.P.
Negative- S+will(shall)+not+have+P.P.
12. The Future Perfect in the Past Tense. (O’tgan zamondagi kelasi tugallangan zamon)
Positive- S+would(should)+have+P.P.
Negative- S+would(should)+not+have+P.P.
13. The Present Perfect Continuous Tense. (Hozirgi tugallangan davom zamon)
Positive- S+have(has)+been+Ving.
Negative- S+have(has)+not+been+Ving.
14. The Past Perfect Continuous Tense. (O’tgan tugallangan davom zamon)
Positive- S+had+been+Ving.
Negative- S+had+not+been+Ving.
15. The Future Perfect Continuous Tense. (Kelasi tugallangan davom zamon)
Positive- S+will(shall)+have+been+Ving.
Negative- S+will(shall)+not+have+been+Ving.
Questions- Will(shall)+S+have+been+Ving.
16. The Future Perfect Continuous in the Past Tense. (O’tgan zamondagi kelasi tugallangan davom zamon)
Positive- S+would(should)+have+been+Ving.
Negative- S+would(should)+not+have+been+Ving.
💠 Ingliz tilida 16 ta zamonning faqat 10 tasida "Passive voice" hosil qilsa boladi. Bular quyidagilar:
1⃣ Present Simple passive:
❇️Object + am/is/are + V3(-ed)
2⃣Present Continuous passive:
❇️Ob. + am/is/are + being V3(-ed)
3⃣Present Perfect passive:
❇️Ob.+ have/has + been V3(-ed)
4⃣Past Simple passive:
❇️Ob. + was/were + V3(-ed)
5⃣Past Continues passive:
❇️Ob.+ was/were being V3(-ed)
6⃣Past Perfect passive:
❇️Ob. + had + been V3(-ed)
7⃣Future Simple passive:
❇️Ob. + will/shall + be V3(-ed)
8⃣Future Perfect passive:
❇️Ob. + will/shall + have + been V3(-ed)
9⃣Future Simple in the past passive:
❇️Ob. + would/should + be V3(-ed)
1⃣0⃣ Future Perfect in the past passive:
❇️Ob. + would/should + have + been V3(-ed)
♦️Quyidagi 6 ta zamonning passive voiceni(majhul nisbatini) hosil qilib bo'lmaydi.
1⃣Present Perfect Continues
✅ S +have/has been + V-ing
2⃣Future Continues
✅ S + will/shall +V-ing
3⃣Future Perfect Continues
✅ S will/shall have been V-ing
4⃣Past Perfect Continues
✅ S + had +V-ing
5⃣Future Continues in the Past
✅ S + would be + V-ing
6⃣Future Perfect Continues in the past
✅ S + would have been +V-ing

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