Rustam Solijonovich Toxirov
Nodirjon Raxmonjon o’g’li Raxmonov
Kokand Universiteti
Siz abituriyentmisiz? Sizni qanday savol qiynamoqda? Ushbu maqolada abituriyentlarning oliy ta’lim
muassasalari, universitetlarga kirish uchun imtihonga tayyorlanish jarayonidagi muammolar va bu muammolarni dasturiy ta’minot yordamida hal qilish masalasi o’rganilgan. Abituriyentlarning o’quv markazlariga borish jarayonidagi turli muammolar o’rganilgan. Bu muammoni hal qilish uchun abituriyent va talabalar o’rtasida so’rovnomalar o’tkazish va ushbu so’rovnoma natijasiga ko’ra va ularning muammosini hal qila oladigan dastur loyihasi haqida atroflicha so’z yuritilgan. Dasturning SWOT tahlili qilingan. Dasturning qanday ishlashi va xulosa keltirilgan.
Kalit so’zlar: oliy ta’lim muassasalari,
davlat test markazi, SWOT, o’quv markazi, zamonaviy boshqaruv, dastur, so’rovnoma.
Are you an applicant? What question is bothering you? This article examines the problems of applicants in higher education institutions, the process of preparing for the
entrance exam to universities, and how to solve these problems with the help of software. Various problems in the process of applying to training centers have been studied. To solve this problem, there was a lot of talk about conducting surveys
among applicants and students, and based on the results of this survey and a draft program that can solve their problem. SWOT analysis of the program was performed. Here's how the program works and the conclusion.
Keywords: higher education institutions,
state test center, SWOT, training center,
modern management, program, survey.