Sadullayeva D.Y.
14 aged 15
B1+ B2
40 minutes
Aim: Presenting museums and types of art
Assumptions: Students recognise the museums and paintings they watched
Anticipated problem: Students may not know the types of art and vocabulary about them.
Material: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1BHJ1dvDsU45UJgYf_RIfVm0a60P1yhJu/edit?usp=share_link&ouid=103757383481399844352&rtpof=true&sd=true
Interaction and time
1. Students are shown video related to the topic.
Teacher warns students before watching the video, to pay attention and find the theme by themselves .And discuss the topic (ppt 2slide )
6 minutes
2. After discussing the topic, students are asked to take a survey(ppt 3 slide) that includes questions related to topic. Cards will be given and students should fold the card and write the names of their friends. And they will ask the question that stays beside their friends' name.
T-Ss Ss-Ss
15 minutes
3. Students should answer the question that is asked by their classmates. Teacher discuss the answers with students.
Ss-Ss, T-Ss 4minutes
4. After discussing, students do exercise 3 a ( p.63)
Ss-Ss, T-Ss
3 minutes
5. Then Teacher checks the answers and shows video before doing exercise 2(p. 63) ( Ppt 4 slide ). While doing the exercise students will be divided into 2 groups by counting 1,2 and will put the phrases into the correct place.In 5 minutes they should complete the task, and the losers will make a question about the text as a homework.
6. After finishing the exercise, students are asked to write new vocabularies from the text. Teacher explains all new words
T-Ss, Ss-Ss
13 minutes
7. Homework is to draw an any artifact that they saw in the museum and bringing colourful pencils
T-Ss, Ss-Ss, Ss-T
3-4 minutes