Yes, No, Not Given Questions
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- Yes. No. Not Given Tips
Yes, No, Not Given Questions: the YES, NO, NOT GIVEN questions are all about the writer’s opinion. It's not about the facts but about what the writer thinks. If the answer is YES, it means that the statement in the question agrees with the claims of the writer. If the answer is NO, it means the statement is opposite; it contradicts the claims of the writer. NOT GIVEN means it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about. Yes. No. Not Given Tips: Ignore anything you already know about the topic and don't make assumptions. Based your answers on the text only. Identify any words that qualify the statement. For example, some, all, mainly, often, always and occasionally. These words are there to test if you have read the whole statement because they can change the meaning. Be careful. When you see verbs that qualify statements such as know, suggest, claim, and believe. For example, "the woman claimed she was a doctor” and “the women is a doctor" mean they are different. Don’t skim and scan the text. To find the correct answer, you will have to read the appropriate part of the text very carefully in order to understand what the writer means. Don’t look for words that exactly match those in the statements. Instead, you should look for synonyms. If you can't find the information you are looking for, then it is probably NOT GIVEN. Don't waste time looking for something that is not there. Answers are in the same order they appear in the text. Do not waste time going back. Ha, Yo'q, berilmagan savollar: HA, YO'Q, BERILMAYDI savollarning barchasi yozuvchining fikri bilan bog'liq. Gap faktlar haqida emas, balki yozuvchi nima haqida o'ylayotgani haqida. Agar javob HA bo'lsa, demak, savoldagi gap yozuvchining da'volari bilan mos keladi. Agar javob YO'Q bo'lsa, demak bu bayonot qarama-qarshi ekanligini anglatadi; bu yozuvchining da'volariga zid keladi. BERILMAYDI degani, yozuvchi nima haqida o'ylayotganini aytish mumkin emas. Ha. Yo'q. Berilmagan maslahatlar: 1. Mavzu haqida bilgan narsalaringizni e'tiborsiz qoldiring va taxmin qilmang. Javoblaringizni faqat matnga asoslang. 2. Bayonotga mos keladigan har qanday so'zlarni aniqlang. Masalan, ba'zilari, barchasi, asosan, ko'pincha, har doim va ba'zan. Ushbu so'zlar ushbu bayonotni to'liq o'qiganingizni tekshirish uchun mavjud, chunki ular ma'noni o'zgartirishi mumkin. Ehtiyot bo'ling. 3. Bilish, taklif qilish, da'vo qilish va ishonish kabi gaplarni malakalaydigan fe'llarni ko'rganingizda. Masalan, "ayol o'zini shifokor deb da'vo qildi" va "ayollar shifokor" degani ular bir-biridan farq qiladi. 4. Matnni skayplamang va skanerlamang. To'g'ri javobni topish uchun yozuvchining nimani anglatishini tushunish uchun siz matnning tegishli qismini juda diqqat bilan o'qishingiz kerak bo'ladi. 5. Bayonotlarda aynan mos keladigan so'zlarni qidirmang. Buning o'rniga siz sinonimlarni izlashingiz kerak. 6. Agar siz izlayotgan ma'lumotni topa olmasangiz, demak u berilmaydi. U erda bo'lmagan narsani qidirib vaqt sarflamang. 7. Javoblar matnda ko'rinadigan tartibda. Orqaga qaytishda vaqtni behuda sarflamang. Download 86.07 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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