1. Introduction Consider hydrodynamic systems in Riemann
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- 3. Linearization via a reciprocal transformation
This method was proposed in ref. [4] for the first
time (see also ref. [5] ). Let H, (R) be any solution of the overdetermined system which is easily shown to be completely integrable for any __ satisfying (2) and (3). The general solution of (15) is given by __________, where ____are n arbitrary functions of the corresponding variables. Now write down (16) This system is again completely integrable (i.e. ____________) for any choice of the arbitrary functions _____and its solutions _____ are automatically solutions of (1). Moreover, any solution of (1) may be obtained in this way, because the ____ are arbitrary. Given the initial data R (x, 0) we insert them in the __-part of eq. (16) to find,_____. Then the t- part of (16) gives the time evolution of R(x, 0). This solves the initial value problem, For the system (8) eq. (15) assumes the form and we can choose Then (16) can be rewritten in the form Using the identities straightforward manner the validity of the following formulas, However, this is equivalent to (_____________________) and after integration we obtain (9). 3. Linearization via a reciprocal transformation The hydrodynamic flow ___________, is said t o co m mu t e wi th th e f lo w _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , if This condition is easily seen to be equivalent to Proposition. Any WNS system (1 ) has exactly n-2 nontrivial WNS flows, commuting with it. Proof Let us add to (18) the condition of weak nonlinearity ________. The obtained linear system for w' is completely integrable (in case the __ satisfy (2) and (3)) and possesses n linearly independent solutions. There are two trivial ones among them: one i s _ _ _ , t h e o t h e r _ _ _ _ _ . S e w e h a v e n - 2 n o n t r i v ial solutions. Remark. In fact any WNS system has an infinite number of commuting flows (see ref. 12] y How - eve r, amo n g th e m th ere a r e o n l y n -2 wea kl y nonlinear. Let us write down all these commuting flows together: Where ___ are the new "times" (t, = t). The R are re- garded now as functions depending not only on x and t i , but also on i,. It is convenient to rewrite (19) in the equivalent exterior form Let us introduce the new independent variables ___ , _________ by the formula ( ) where __ (R) is any solution of (15). (This formula is correct, because the right hand side of (21) is a closed one-form of the solutions of the system (19). It may be proved directly using (15) and (18 ). ) Transformations of the type (21) are known as "re - ciprocal". In the new independent variables ____ the system (20) becomes linear: ( ) Its complete integral is ___________ . Returning to the "old" variables x, t we obtain the complete integral of (19). To illustrate this procedure, consider again the system (8). Its WNS commuting flows are ( ) (here ________ in the expression for ____ means the sum- mation over all monomials _________ with ______ _ _ _ _ _ an d al l _ _ _ , d ist inc t. In t his not at ion ( _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ). Eq. (20) assumes the form with the choice ( ) the reciprocal transformation (21) assumes the form ( ). On e can exp licit l y "in v ert" (2 3 ) to o b tain th e expressions for ______________ through _________ I n t he var ia bl e s __ _ we ha ve _ _ _ _ _ . This is equivalent to _____ where the ____ are some arbitrary functions. Inserting this in (24) and integrating once we arrive at the complete integral of the system (22 ): ( ). Formula (9) is obtained from (25) after _______ will be set equal to zero. This means restricting only to the _____ evolution. Download 424,59 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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