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1). How did ancient Greece testing methods differ from Chinese ones? They used philosophical works of Confucius and his disciples They tested the content knowledge of military strategy, civil law, revenue and taxation In ancient Greece Socrates had used a system where he tested his students through dialogue In ancient Greece Socrates had used a system where he tested his students through speaking 2). ……………. provide information that helps to place the students at the most suitable stage of the teaching curriculum? Achievement tests test Placement tests Diagnostic tests 3). Types of alternative assessment? Preliminary, Formative, Summative traditional and innovative active and passive assessments test 4)Find the correct order in test design Designing objectives; creating test specifications: devising test items; administering the test; construct a system of scoring/grading Determining the purpose of a test; designing objectives; creating test construct a system of scoring/grading Determining the purpose of a test; designing objectives; creating test specifications: devising test items; administering the test; construct a system of scoring/grading Determining the purpose of a test; designing objectives; creating test specifications: devising test items; administering the test. 5) Multiple-choice tests are … Valid and authentic Reliable and authentic Valid and practical practical and reliable 6)AFL EFFECTIVENESS DOESN’T DEPEND ON its principles and techniques summative assessment results teachers’ knowledge considering the aim for a certain formative assessment instrument 8). What is validity? Statements that describe what a student can perform at a particular point on a rating scale; sometimes also called band descriptors The extent to which resources and time available to design, develop, and administer a test are manageable and feasible The effect of assessments on classroom teaching and learning The extent to which inferences made from assessment results are appropriate, meaningful, and useful in terms of the purpose of the assessment 7) Levels for school-leaving C1 A1, B2 A1, A2 A2, B1 9). FACE VALIDITY is … that the language and contexts of test items be expressed in ways that would look invalid and be acceptable to the teaching staff and administration that the language and contexts of test items be expressed in ways that look valid and be acceptable to the benchmarking that the language and contexts of test items be expressed in ways that would look valid and be acceptable to the test taker and to the public generally that the language and contexts of test items be expressed in ways that would look valid and be not acceptable to the learners 1)Аниқ режа, мақсад асосида унинг натижаланишини кафолатлаган ҳолда педагогик фаолият мазмунини ишлаб чиқиш маҳсули Сценарий Лойиҳа Дастур Режа 2). Муайян тизимнинг ички тузилишини ўзгартиришга қаратилган фаолият Новация Гравитация Градация Инновация 3). Дарсларга қўйиладиган дидактик талаблар тўғри кўрсатилган жавобни аниқланг Инновацион, креатив, интегратив Мотивацион, педагогик, психологик Физиологик, жисмоний, ақлий Таълимий, тарбиявий, ривожлантирувчи Креатив сифатларни ривожлантиришнинг 1-йўли Амалий креатив ҳаракат кўникмаларини ривожлантириш Креатив фикрлаш кўникмасини шакллантириш Креатив ишланмалардан фойдаланиш Ўқитувчи томонидан талабани муаммоли вазият, муаммоли масалани ҳал этишга йўналтириш орқали унда билиш фаоллигини оширувчи маъруза Муаммоли маъруза Маъруза-баён Маъруза-семинар Бинар маъруза Патти Драпеау нуқтаи назарига кўра, креатив фикрлаш ... Масаланинг моҳиятини чуқур таҳлил қилиш Масала юзасидан ҳар томонлама фикрлаш Масала юзасидан ўз фикрини билдириш Масала юзасидан бир ёқлама фикрлаш 8). Креатив сифатларни ривожлантиришнинг 4-йўли Креатив фаолият жараёнларни ташкил этиш Креатив фикрлаш кўникмасини шакллантириш Амалий креатив ҳаракат кўникмаларини ривожлантириш Креатив маҳсулот (ишланма)лардан фойдаланиш 10). Келиб чиқиш манбаига кўра таълим инновацияларининг турлари Радикал, модификацияланган, комбинацияланган инновациялар Тармоқ (локаль), модул ва тизим инновациялари Жамоа томонидан бевосита яратилган ёки ўзлаштирилган инновациялар Педагогик жараёнда ёки таълим тизимини бошқаришда қўлланилувчиинновациялар 3). Бир ўқув йили учун кундузги таълимда амалга ошириладиган таълим дастурининг ҳажми неча кредитга тенг? 60 240 120 30 5). Тадбиркорлик университети ролининг ортиши нима сифатида уларни амалиётда қўллашгача олиб боришга қодирлиги билан изоҳланади ? тарбияни “генерациялаш” механизмни шакллантириш ўқишни “генерациялаш” механизмни шакллантириш таълимни “генерациялаш” механизмни шакллантириш билимларни “генерациялаш” механизмни шакллантириш 7). Университет 3.0 моделининг янги босқичи қачон ва қаерда пайдо бўлган? ХХ асрнинг 50-60 йилларида АҚШ ХХ асрнинг 50-60 йилларида Европада ХХ асрнинг 50-60 йилларида АҚШ ва Канадада ХХ асрнинг 50-60 йилларида Канада 12). Кредит-модуль тизимида талабанинг ўқув-услубий мажмуаси таркибига кирувчи элементни кўрсатинг. кредит-модуль тизимида ўқиш тартиби ОТМ ҳақида маълумотлар мустақил иш бўйича кўрсатмалар академик тақвим 14). Ўзбекистон Республикаси Олий ва ўрта махсус таълим вазирлиги Голландиянинг «Elsevier» компанияси билан ҳамкорликда қандай дастурини ишлаб чиқди? олий таълим тизимини 2030 йилгача ривожлантириш илм-фанни 2030 йилгача ривожлантириш илмий-тадқиқотни 2030 йилгача ривожлантириш инновацион фаолиятни 2030 йилгача ривожлантириш 17). Биринчи технопарк нечанги йил ва қайси давлатдаги университет қошида очилган ? 1964 йилда Германияинг Берлин университетида 1952 йилда Англиянинг Кембридж университетида 1952 йилда Франциянинг Сарбона университетида 1951 йилда АҚШнинг Калифорния штатидаги Стенфорд университетида 18). Талабанинг фикрлаш ва ҳаракат стратегиясини инобатга олган ҳолда унинг шахси, ўзига хос хусусиятлари, қобилиятини ривожлантиришга йўналтирилган таълим Шахсни ривожлантирувчи таълим Шахсга йўналтирилган таълим Шахсни тарбияловчи таълим Шахсни ижтимоийлаштирувчи таълим 19). Болонья жараёни иштирокчи давлатлари ОТМ лари билан академик алмашишга имкон берувчи бандни кўрсатинг. магистрантларнинг хорижда стажировка ўташи профессор-ўқитувчиларнинг хорижий тажрибаси халқаро илмий анжуманларда иштирок этиш ўқув режаларининг хорижий ўқув режаларига мослиги 23). Муаммони ҳал этиш усул, воситаларини ишлаб чиқувчи лойиҳалар Ижодий лойиҳалар Амалий лойиҳалар Ахборотли лойиҳалар 24). Муайян тизимнинг ички тузилишини ўзгартиришга қаратилган фаолият Градация Инновация Новация 25). Таълим жараёнини самарали ташкил этиш учун барча омилларни инобатга олган ҳолда унинг схемасини ишлаб чиқиш Таълим жараёнини лойиҳалаш Таълим жараёнини режалаштириш Таълим жараёнини баҳолаш 1) Factorial designs are experiments that can best be defined by which of these statements? Have more than one independent variable Have one independent variable Are tested on math problems Have one dependent variable 2). What is Research Reliability? A statistics used in multivariable statistical procedues The degree to which a data-gathering procedures produce consistent results The degree to which a treatment is correctly administered 4). Samantha is interested in studying the relationship between gender differences and verbal ability. This is an example of what type of research? Correlational Gender research Descriptive Quasi-experimental 6). Which of the following is true of the scientific method of inquiry? Systematic process that is used to answer questions Complete once the hypothesis has been tested Different in basic research than in applied research Will vary depending on the specific research question 7). The significance level reported in a research study can be explained by which of the following? a statistical method Importance of the results to the benefit of society Risk associated with not being 100% confident the difference is due to the treatment Importance of the results to the benefit of an individual 8). What is Protocol analysis in Applied Linguistics? Analysis of spoken discourse Getting close to the culture of the studied language The in-depth study of instances of a phenomenon in its natural context Stating thoughts aloud, taping and analyzing them 10). Sites should be avoided if… It is an academic site. They contain a lot of dead links. The author uses a fair and balanced tone. The information they contain is relevant to your research. 1). What is flipped classrom? Online learning Rearranging the order of events Using internet connection in the classroom 2). In general, when selecting factors for a study, you want to be sure of which of these? They are not of interest to you They have been investigated before They are available to investigate They do not lead to another question 3). I really hope you can find a __________ to this problem. solution conclusion result way 4). It’s not __________ to walk home by yourself in the dark. safe certain sure problem 5). Choose the appropriate answer. Do you include information about your family to CV? Never Yes Sure Definitely 6). Hot Potatoes дaстурида ишлaб чиқилгaн тoпшириқ вa тeстлaрдан фойдаланиш учун қандай брaузeр ёрдaмидa кириш мумкин Hot Potatoes дaстурлaри ёрдaмидa кириш мумкин Фақат Internet Explorer вeб брaузeр 6+ Google Chrome вeб брaузeр Ихтиёрий вeб брaузeр 7). Choose the appropriate answer. What is the aim of ESP? To teach non-English specialists To teach English specialists To teach native speakers To teach non-native speakers 8). Choose the appropriate answer. What are the types of Media? Internet, TV, radio, newspapers Internet, radio, TV, print Internet, print, radio, magazines Internet, radio, print, magazines 9). Choose the appropriate answer. What is another word for “director”? Manager Employee Staff Employer 10). ... – маълумотни иммерсив визуал ҳикояларга айлантиради. visual.lv tagxedo.com cacoo.com piktochart.com 11). A good hypothesis should be precise, specific and consistent with moist known facts all of these of limited scope and should not have global significance formulated in such a way that it can be tested by the data 12). Вебинар... – бу аралаш таълимнинг бир шакли бўлиб, таълим олувчиларни пассив, зерикарли ҳаракатини янги кўринишга ўтказувчи таълим концепцияси. – семинар, маъруза, тақдимотларни ОАВ орқали намойиш этиш воситаси. – бу шундай таълим концепциясики, унда ҳам аудиторияда, ҳам онлайн равишда ўқув машғулотлар ташкил этилади. – онлайн семинар, маъруза, тақдимотларни жонли режимда веб технологиялар ёрдамида ташкил этиш. 13). Ispring дастури таркибидаги қайси ёрдамчи дастур тест тузиш имконини беради? Ispring QuizMaker iSpring Visuals SCORM WAP 14). Are ____ any flowers in the garden? these here there those 15). In general, an online source is good if… The author uses an angry, provocative tone. It provides no links to other sources. The site is not obviously just an advertisement for a product. The tone is sensationalistic. 16). Choose the appropriate answer. Which one is correct in spelling? Globalization A & B Globalisation Globalizasion 17). What is Ethnography? Analysis of spoken discourse Stating thoughts aloud, taping and analyzing them Getting close to the culture of the studied language The in-depth study of instances of a phenomenon in its natural context 18). Choose the appropriate answer. In my email I asked for _________from my professor Assistance Assisting Assistant Assist 19). Ўзбекистон Республикаси Президентининг «Рақамли Ўзбекистон — 2030» стратегиясини тасдиқлаш ва уни самарали амалга ошириш чора-тадбирлари тўғрисидаги фармони қачон қабул қилинган? 2020 йил 8 август 2020 йил 5 октябрь 2020 йил 17 март 2020 йил 15 ноябрь 20). Qualitative research is characterized by…. The use of numbers to represent the data The description of the methods The verbal description of its data 21). Choose the appropriate answer. The email written to friends is _____________ Informal email Semi-formal email Business emails Personal email 22). Choose the appropriate answer. In my opinion, we have something in ______ Common Comma Detail Development 23). Are you having a nice time? Yes, it is. Yes, I’m having it. Yes, I am. Yes, I’m nice. 24). Which of the following is not a function of a research proposal of a study? What is proposed to be done in a study. How answers will be found to what is proposed. What answers have been found to what is proposed 25). iSpring Audio-video Editor дастури қандай мақсадда қўлланилади? диалог( мулоқотлар) яратиш учун Расмларни қайта ишлаш учун аудио ва видео файллар билан ишлаш, таҳрирлаш учун компьютер экранидаги жараённи тасвирга олиш учун WHAT IS GENERALIZED CORPORA? THE BROADCAST TYPE OF CORPUS IS A GENERALIZED CORPUS. WHAT IS PEDAGOGIC CORPORA? A PEDAGOGIC CORPUS IS A CORPUS THAT CONTAINS LANGUAGE USED IN CLASSROOM SETTINGS. WHAT IS LEARNER CORPORA? A LEARNER CORPUS IS A KIND OF SPECIALIZED CORPUS THAT CONTAINS WRITTEN TEXTS AND SPOKEN TRANSCRIPTS OF LANGUAGE USED BY STUDENTS WHO ARE CURRENTLY ACQUIRING THE LANGUAGE. WHAT IS SPECIALIZED CORPORA? A SPECIALIZED CORPUS CONTAINS TEXTS OF A CERTAIN TYPE AND AIMS TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE LANGUAGE OF THIS TYPE. 1). What is an example of the sociolinguistic competence area of the communicative competence model? Knowing what words form collocations about social status Knowing what verb tense to use when talking to a stranger at the bus stop Knowing how to connect sentences to make a conversation Knowing how to talk to an older gentlemen in the supermarket versus your best friend at home The study of the sound patterns of language is called ______________. phonology phonetics morphology pragmatics 3). Learning languages for communicative purposes shifts the classroom focus …. from the learner to the teacher to the structure of the language from the teacher to the learner on grammar 4). How would you interpret CEFR? Common English Framework of References Common European Framework of References Complex English Frame Rules Complex English Framework Reflection 5). Which one is not a principle of CLT? Authentic language should be used. The target language is a vehicle for classroom communication, not just the object of the study. The teacher is the facilitator in setting up communicative activities. Students should learn to answer automatically without stopping to think. 6). The meaningful image, which comes up in the minds of people as a result of a pronounced sound image is …. mental image (signified) sound image (signifier) no correct answer is given the bond 7). Which strategy refers to saying its functions rather than mention exactly its name? the extended paraphrases compensation reduction strategy generalization strategy 8). To what does the term "lingua franca" refer? Speaking bluntly or directly Speaking French A shared language primarily used for business, education or political reasons. A dialect spoken in the Franconian region of Germany 9). Successful human communication is built upon knowing linguistic competence in addition to other competencies: all answers are correct strategic sociolinguistic pragmatic 10). The study of "invisible meaning" What is meant even when it isn't actually said or written. Based on shared assumptions and expectationsю Think about how it makes the speaker/listener feel... context face words contextual 1). Which of the following statements is NOT true? Generally speaking, who, what, where, why, and how are irrelevant questions when writing about literature. You should always choose a topic that is interesting to you. Even people who write well sometimes have difficulty writing. Worrying about the final grade will probably make it more difficult to write. 2). Which type of study may NOT have an implied null hypothesis? Quasi-experimental Experimental Descriptive Correlational 3). We have chosen 10 male students from Namangan to participate in the experiment. What is the type of sampling paradigm is used in the given research? Representative sampling Volunteer sampling Purposeful sampling Systematic Random Sampling 4). Quantitative research is characterized by… Describing the rules of research doing Writing a Literature review The verbal description of its data The use of numbers to represent the data 5. What is sample of the study? Download 0,94 Mb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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