Make a name (for oneself) nom chiqarmoq, dong'i chiqmoq, mashhur bo'lmoq.
Sue wants to work hard and make a name for herself.
It is hard to make a name with out a lot oftalent and hard work.
Make a pig of oneself (fig) ochko'zlik qilmoq, ko'p yemoq.
Do not make a pig ofyourself!
Sue is making a pig of herself and taking more than her share.
Make ends meet (make both ends meet) (fig) pulni yetkazmoq, pulni bu oydan keyinga oy ga yetkazmoq, ketini ketiga ulamoq, hammasiga (xarajatlarga) yetkazmoq.
1. I have to work at two jobs to make ends meet.
2.1 have to work overtime to make both ends meet.
Make cracks (about sotneone or something) ustidan kulmoq, hazillashmoq.
Please, stop makingcracks about my haircut. It is the new style.
Some people are notgood at ma king cracks. They arejust rude.
Make free with (someone, something) biror kishini yoki biror narsani ishlatmoq, foydalanmoq, o'ziga erk bermoq, bemalol ishlatmoq, muomala qilmoq, xuddi o'ziga tegishlidek ishlatmoq.
You should not make free with your employees. They are liahle to take you to court.
You can make free with the hot water. We have a huge tank.
Make heads or tails of (some one or something) (fig) biror kishini yoki biror narsani butkul tushunmoq, anglamoq.
I can not make heads or tails of John.
No one can make heads or tails ofthis problem.
Make it hot for someone (fig) biror kishiga ishni qiyinlashtirmoq, murakkablashtirmoq, biror kishiga bosim o'tkazmoq.
Maybe if we make it hot for them, they will leave.
John likes making it hot for people. He is sort ofmean.
Make no difference (to some one) biror kishiga farqi bo'lmaslik, baribir bo'lmoq, qiziqtirmas lik.
It makes no difference to me whatyou do.
Do whatever you want. It really makes no difference.
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