Lunatic fringe (fig) o'ta mukkasidan ketgan, qattiq berilgan, o'zini kini ma'qul ko'radigan, ashaddiy.
Most ofthe members ofthat reli gious sect are quite reasonable, but Sue belongs to the lunatic fringe.
Many people try to avoid drink inga lot, but John ispart ofthe lu natic fringe and can not stop drin king alchohol tiU he is dead to the world.
Mad enough to chew nails (an gry enough to chew nails) (fig) o‘ta jahli chiqqan, asabiy, g'ajib tashlashga tayyor.
I am mad enough to chew nails! Who took my checkbook?
Her sudden criticism made him angry enough to chew nails.
Made for each other (fig) bir biri uchun yaratilgandek, uzukka ko‘z qo'ygandek.
John and Sue were made for each other.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith were not exactly made for each other. They really do not get along.
Made from the same mold (fig) tuprog'i bir yerdan olingan, birbi riga o'xshash, bir tomchi suvdek.
You two are made from the same mold.
Sometimes their outlook is so similar as iftheyare made from the same mold.
Make a hundle (make a pile) (fig) katta pul ishlab olmoq, yax shigina pul topmoq.
John really made a bundle on that deal.
I would like to make a pile and retire.
Make a clean breast of (fig) tan olmoq, ochiqchasiga bo'yniga olmoq, hammasini yashirmay aytib bermoq.
Youwill feel better ifyou make a clean breast ofit. Now tell us what happened.
I was forced to make a clean breast ofthe whole affair.
Make a clean sweep (fig) hammasini boshdan oyoq ko`rib chiqmoq, tozalamoq, qaytadan, yangidan qilmoq.
The boss decided to fire every body, so he made a clean sweep.
They made a clean sweep thro ugh the neighhorhood, repairing all the sidewalks.
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