Make oneself at home o'zini o'z uyidagidek his qilmoq.
Please come in and make your selfat home.
I am glad you are here. During your visit, just make yourself at home.
Make one's blood boil (fig) biror kishining qonini qaynatmoq, jahlini chiqarmoq, asabiylashtir moq.
John borrowed my car without permission. I told him never to do that again, but he did it anyway. That made my blood boil.
The secretary could hardly be lieve what one ofthe office workers had said about her. She was angri er than she could ever remember being before. It made her blood boil.
Make one's mind up bir qarorga kelmoq, qaror qabul qilmoq.
Please, make your mind up. Which do you want?
Would you help me make up my mind?
Make one's mouth water (ma ke somebody mouth water) (fig) so'lagini oqizmoq, ishtahasini qitiqlamoq, havasini keltirmoq.
1. The chocolate in the display window looks delicious. It makes my mouth water.
2. John had been saving his money and now he was so close to being able to buy the sports car he wan ted, it made his mouth water.
Make or break yoki odam bo'ladi, yoki barbod bo'ladi, yo uyoqli, yo bu yoqli qilmoq.
The army will either make or break him.
It is a tough assignment, and it will either make or break her.
Make someone eat crow (fig) aybini tan olishga majbur qilmoq, aybini bo`yniga qo'yib izza qilmoq, gunohini tan oldirmoq.
Because Sue was completely wrong, we made her eat crow.
They will not make me eat crow. They do not know I was wrong.
Make someone or something tick (fig) biror kishini yoki biror narsani biror ish qilishga sabab chi bo'lmoq, biror kishini, nar sani biror ish qilishga undamoq, qiziqtirmoq.
1.1 do not know what makes it tick. 2. What makes John tick? Ijust do not understand him.
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