Stand and deliver «yo jonini, yo molini», borini chiqar, hayotdan umiding bo'lsa chiqar boringni.
The rohber stopped the coach and demanded all his money, «Stand and deliver!»
Two masked men started to follow her as she advanced, and stopped her on the road in a me nacing manner. 'Stand and deliver’ said one ofthem.
Stand aside (lit) (1) chetga o‘tmoq, chiqmoq, chetroq turmoq, yo'ldan qo‘chib turmoq (2) (fig) xuddi hech nima bo'lmagandek turmoq, hech narsani ko'rmagandek turmoq, beparvo bo'lib turmoq.
The guests stood aside while the bride andgroom were leaving.
He just stood aside and let his kids behave as they pleased.
Stand head and shoulders above (fig) biror kishidan yoki biror narsadan bir bosh ustun bo'lmoq, afzalroq bo'lmoq, yaxshiroq bo'lmoq.
Sue stands head and shoulders above all the rest of the people we interviewed.
Your proposal stands head and shoulders ahove the rest.
Standing joke kulish uchun bahona, sabab, nishon.
Uncle John's driving was a stan dingjoke. He used to drive incredi bfy slowfy.
Their mother's inability to make a decision was a standing joke in the Smith famify all their lives.
Stand on one's dignity hurmat talab qilmoq, boshini baland tutmoq, munosib tutmoq, izzat talab qilmoq.
She stood on her dignity and ignored all the nonsense going on around her.
Before standing on your dignity you must learn to respect others as the wayyou wanted to be treated.
Stand on one's head (lit) (1) boshini osmondan qilib turmoq, oyogini osmondan qilib turmoq (2) (fig) o‘zini o‘qqa cho‘qqa urmoq, qiynamoq, rosa harakat qilmoq, o'zini ko'rsatishga hara kat qilmoq (boshqalarni hayron qoldirish, e'tiborini qozonish uchun).
John stood on his head as a form ofexercise.
You do not have to stand on your head to succeed in this office. Just do your assigned work on time.
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