Play it by ear vaziyatga qarab ish qilish, rejasiz ish bajarish
Play it safe ehtiyot bo'lmoq, tavakkal qilmaslik, o'zini asramoq.
Ifyou have a cold or the flu, play it safe and go to bed.
It isgood to play it safe but never overdo it.
Play one’s cards right (play one’s cards well) (fig) aql bilan ishlamoq, harakatlanmoq, ishlamoq, to'g'ri qaror qabul qilmoq, qadam tashlamoq.
Ifyou play your cards right, you canget whateveryou want.
She did not play her cards well, and she ended up with something less than what she wanted.
Play second fiddle (to some one) (fig) birov uchun ikkin chi darajali shaxs bo'lmoq, birov «zaxiradagi» shaxs rolini o'y namoq, birov uchun ahamiya ti past shaxs bo'lmoq, ikkinchi shaxs bo'lmoq.
1.1 am tired ofplaying second fidd le to John.
2. I am better trained than he, and I have more experience. I should not always play second fiddle.
Play something by ear (lit) (1) birorbir kuyni bir eshitishda no talarga qaramay chalib bermoq (2) birorbir musiqa asbobini tayyorgarliksiz chalmoq (3) (fig) biror bir ishni tayyorgarliksiz qilmoq, improvizatsiya qilmoq. 1.1 can play «Symphony» by ear.
Ifl could play the piano by ear, I would not have to take lessonsor practice!
Ifwego into the meeting unpre pared, we will have to play every thing by ear.
Play (the) devil's advocate (fig) o‘zi xohlamagan yoki o'zi tog'ri deb bilmagan fikrni yoki dalilni ma'qullamoq (suhbat, munoza rani yanada qizdirish, qiziqarli qilish uchun yoki fikrni qanchalik to'g'riligini bilish uchun).
I agree with yourplan. I am just playing the devil's advocate so you will know what the opposition will say.
She offered to play devil's advo cate and argue against our case so that we would find out any flaws in it.
Play the fool o'zini jinnilikka solmoq (boshqalarni kuldirish uchun).
The teacher told him to stop playing the fool and sit down.
John likes playing the fool, but we did not find him funny last night.
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