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qat’iylikda deb ko‘rish mumkin.bunday xususiyatga ega bo‘lgan shaxslar 
orqaga qaytishdan ko‘ra, yangi tajribaga ega bo‘lishni avzal deb bilishadi.
4. Ichki motivatsiya majburlikdan ko‘ra shaxsda murakkab masalani 
echishda qiziqiqish va qoniqish hissini yuzaga keltiradi. Ijodkor shaxs 
masalaning muddatini, uning keltiruvchi daromadini va talabgorlari haqida 
o‘ylamaydi. Butin e’tibori maslani echishdagi qonikish hisi va stimuli 
qaratadi. Isaak Nyutondan “Siz bunday murakkab masalalarni qanday qilib 
hal qilagansiz” deb so‘rashganda, u shunday javob bergan “Men bu muammo 
haqida tunu kun o‘ylab yurganman ” deb javob bergan.[411] 
5. Ijodiy muhit shaxsdagi ijodiy g‘oyalarni qo‘llab-quvvatlashga 
yordam beradi. Hamkasblar bilan ijobiy munosabat va ularni ko‘magi 
shaxsdagi g‘oyalarni kamol topishiga turtki bo‘ladi. Lekin shuni ta’qidlab 
o‘tish kerakki, ba’zi tadqiqotlarda ijtimoiy muhitning shaxsga salbiy ta’siri 
holati ham kuzatilgan. Masalan, amerikalik talabalarga insho yozish 
topshirig‘i berilgan. Ular yozgan inshoni uning kursdoshlari tomonidan 
tekshirilishi oldindan ogohlantirilgan. Boshqa guruhga esa faqatgina insho 
yozishni aytishagan. Natijalar shuni ko‘rsatdiki, ogohlantirilgan guruhning 
insholari yomon yozilgani ma’lum bo‘lgan. Bu holatda biz ijtimoiy muhitning 
ijodkorlikka salbiy ta’sirini yaqqol ko‘rishimiz mumkin.[412] 
1.Expertise, a well-developed base of knowledge, furnishes the ideas, im-
ages, and phrases we use as mental building blocks. "Chance favors only the 
prepared mind," observed Louis Pasteur. The more blocks we have, the more 
chances we have to combine them in novel ways. Wiles' well-developed base 
of knowledge put the needed theorems and methods at his disposal. 

2.Imaginative thinking skills provide the ability to see things in novel 
ways, to recognize patterns, and to make connections. Having mastered a 
problem's basic elements, we redefine or explore it in a new way. Copernicus 
first developed expertise regarding the solar system and its planets, and then 
creatively defined the system as revolving around the Sun, not the Earth. 
Wiles' imaginative solution combined two partial solutions. 
3.A venturesome personality seeks new experiences, tolerates ambiguity 
and risk, and perseveres in overcoming obstacles. Inventor Thomas Edison 
tried countless substances before finding the right one for his lightbulb fila-
ment. Wiles said he labored in near-isolation from the mathematics communi-
ty partly to stay focused and avoid distraction. Venturing encounters with dif-
ferent cultures also fosters creativity (Leung et al., 2008). 
4.Intrinsic motivation is being driven more by interest, satisfaction, and 
challenge than by external pressures (Amabile & Hennessey, 1992). Creative 
people focus less on extrinsic motivators—meeting deadlines, impressing 
people, or making money—than on the pleasure and stimulation of the work 
itself. Asked how he solved such difficult scientific problems, Isaac Newton 
reportedly answered, "By thinking about them all the time." Wiles concurred: 
"I was so obsessed by this problem that for eight years I was thinking about it 
all the time—when I woke up in the morning to when I went to sleep at night" 
(Singh & Riber, 1997). 
5."If you would allow me any talent, it's simply this: I can, for whatever 
reason, reach down into my own brain, feel around in all the mush, find and 
extract something from my persona, and then graft it onto an idea." 

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