Abich, H. W., Academician, 237, 250 Abramov, M. P., 395
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- This is a free sample of content from The Dawn of Human Genetics. Click here for more information or to buy the book. © 2005 by V.V. Babkov
This is a free sample of content from The Dawn of Human Genetics. Click here for more information or to buy the book. © 2005 by V.V. Babkov © 2013 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press second branch, 341 – 349 Wulf family and, 346 – 347 Gene pool. See Genofond Genetical Theory of Natural Selection, The (Fisher), 542 – 543 “Genetic Analysis of the Psychological Features of Man” (Koltsov) biological psychology and human regulatory systems, 88 chemical bases of emotions, 99 – 104 chemical bases of instinct, 93 – 99 chemical bases of temperaments, 89 – 93 constitutional reflexes (See Conditional reflexes and their psychological impact) constitutional types of temperaments, 105 – 108 evidence of a robust gene pool in Russia, 194 – 195 explanation of mental illness in some families, 192 importance of maternal contributions to inherited traits, 194 limited appreciation of heredity in autobiographies of famous people, 192 – 193 limits to knowledge of hereditary mental features, 87 nervous-psychological characteristics, 108 – 112 subjective psychology’s grouping of mental phenomena, 88 – 89 Genetic Record Office (U.S.), 17 “Genetics and Clinical Practice” (Davidenkov) conclusions, 620 doctors’ skepticism about genetics, 614 – 615 examples of theoretical and practical applications of genetics to medicine, 615 – 616 family history’s importance to clinical diagnoses, 618 medical researchers study of the pleiotropic effects of pathological genes, 616 need to expand the field of medical genetics, 617 social-hygiene applications of genetics, 618 – 620 study of pathological mutations, 617 “Genetics and Pathology” (Levit) clinical differentiation of pathologies, 557 – 558 connection between pathology and genetics, 552 example of how genetic analysis can be useful, 560 – 562 genetics’ role in Soviet medicine, 565
importance of the study of genetics, 556
information derivable from familial type analysis, 562 – 563 information derived from genetic analysis of a disease, 555 – 556 obstacles to the diagnosis of hereditary nature of a disease, 556 pathological forms of diseases, 554 – 556 problem of ignorance of etiology of diseases, 553 – 554 question of genetics study being advanced enough to be of clinical value, 558 – 560 role of modifier genes and the environment, 563 – 564 Genetics and Us (Genetika i my), 695, 737 – 738 Genetics Bureau, 294 Genetics studies by Morgan. See “Human Inheritance” Genetics studies using twins. See Twin studies
Genius and Madness (Lombroso), 4 Genkin, I.L., 302 Genofond (gene pool), 63, 195, 508 – 510, 511, 512, 518, 534, 540 Geographical genetics, 507 – 509 Geptner, M.A. See Arsenyeva, M.A. Gerasimovich, photo insert Gerd, A.Ya., pedagogue, 264, 272 Gerd, N.A., 272 German Jewish family birthrate, 149 – 150 German Society for Racial Hygiene, 12 Gershenzon, A.O., 303 Gershenzon, S.M., 628, photo insert Gertsenberg, Ye., 622 Gessen, S.Ya., 350 Geybovich, A.I., 435, 437 Giftedness as an inherited trait. See “Intelligentsia and Giftedness” Gigantopithecus, 704 Gilyarov, Professor of Philosophy, 263 Gindze, B.K., 461 Ginter, Ye.K., 694 GINZ (State Institute of People’s Health Care), 489 Giuffrida-Ruggeri, V., 500, 504 Glebov family, 323, 365 Glebova, M.B., 323 Glinka, A.G., writer, 391 Glinka, B.G., writer, 391 Glinka, D.G., writer, 391 Glinka, G.A., writer, 391 Glinka, M.I., composer, 347, 351, 393, 415
Glinka, Yu.K., ne´e Kyukhelbeker, 391 Gnedich, P.I., 320 Gnilovskaya, M.B., 643 “Goals and Methods of Studies of Racial Pathology” (Koltsov) analysis of degree of isolation needed for a race to exist, 483 – 485 appendicitis and, 485 – 486 arteriosclerosis and, 487 – 488 Beck’s disease and, 489 cancer tumors and, 486 – 487 data collection focus of the Society, 480 – 481 geographic distribution of tuberculosis, 490 – 491 geographic distribution of venereal diseases, 491 – 492 goiters and, 488 – 489 importance of the study of evolution, 479 – 480 infectious childhood diseases and, 489 – 490 methods of study, 481 – 482 practical aspects of the study of racial differences, 479 race definition, 482 – 485 single species and, 482 – 483 vision and, 492 Gobineau, Arthur de, 521 Goddard, H., 14 Goering, Hermann, 585 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 107 Gogol, N.V., 79, 306, 328, 329, 335, 389, 400, 429, 462, 705 Goiters as a racial characteristic, 488 – 489
Goldblat, G.O., 302 Goldscheider, A., 554, 564 Goldschmidt, Richard, 97, 211, 487, 549, 627
Goldstein, 300 Golenovskaya, A.M., 426 Golenovsky family, 335, 426 Golenovsky, N.I., 427 Golitsyn family, 358 – 359, 361, 364 – 365, 390
Golitsyn, A.A., Prince, 394 Golitsyn, A.I, Prince, 399 Golitsyn, A.M., Prince, 399 Golitsyn, A.N., Prince, 399 Golitsyn, B.B., Prince, Academician, geophysicist, 235, 244, 251, 256, 394 Golitsyn, D.D, Prince, 399 Golitsyn, D.M., Prince, 397 Golitsyn, M.M., Prince, 397 Golitsyn, N.B., Prince, 402 Golitsyn, P.B., Prince, 399 Golitsyn, V.M., Prince, Decembrist, 318, 390, 399
Golitsyn, V.V., Prince, 397 Golitsyn, Yu.N., Prince, composer, 402 Golitsyna, I.P., Princess. See Dolgorukova, I.P. Golitsyna, M.A., Princess. See Tolstaya, M.A. Golitsyna, N.P., Princess. See Chernysheva, N.P. Golitsyna, V.N., Princess. See Golovina, V.N.
Golitsyna, Ye.D., Princess, 394 Golitsyna, Ye.M., Princess, ne´e Bobrishcheva-Pushkina, 390 Golokhvastov family, 369 Golovin family, 323, 330, 357 – 358 Golovin, F.A., 358 Golovin, I.M., 323, 358 Golovin, K.F., novelist, 344, 351 Golovina, O.I. See Trubetskaya, O.I. Golovina, V.N., ne´e Princess Golitsyna, 335 Golovina, Ye.I. See Pushkina, Ye.I. Golovinskaya, K.A., Preface Golovkin family, 330 Golovkin, G.I., Count, 397 Goltsev, 404 Golubinsky, Ye.Ye., Academician, 235, 246, 256, 260 Golubtsov, 403 Goncharov, I.A., 123, 348 Index / 757
This is a free sample of content from The Dawn of Human Genetics. Click here for more information or to buy the book. © 2005 by V.V. Babkov © 2013 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Goncharova (Pushkina), N.N., 355, 392, 401
Good Soldier Sˇveik, The (Hasˇek), 4 – 5 Gorbachevsky, I.I., Decembrist, 390, 403 Gorbaty-Shuisky family, 359 Gorbunov, A.V., 50, 201 Gorchakov family, 359 – 360, 390 Gorchakov, A.I, Prince, 360, Gorchakov, A.M., Prince, State Chan- cellor, 360, 409 Gorchakov, D.P., Prince, 360 Gorchakov, F.V., Prince, 360 Gorchakov, V.N., Prince, 360 Gorchakova, A.P., Princess, nun, 360 Gorchakova, P.N., Princess. See Tolstaya, P.N.
Gordon, Catherine, 316 Gordon, I.M., 303 Gorenko, A.A, 435 Gorky, Maxim (Peshkov, A.M.), 2, 63 – 65, 156 – 180, 188, 194, 209, 436, 460 – 462, 463, 474 – 475, 477, 685 environmental influences on development of his talents, 179 environmental influences on grandfather’s fate, 160 – 161 environmental influences on grandmother’s fate, 167 expression of traits inherited from both parents, 173 – 176 genealogy table, 158t grandfather’s entrepreneurial history, 158 – 160 grandfather’s religiosity in old age, 160 grandmother’s demonstrations of fearlessness and action, 162 – 164 grandmother’s dominant traits, 164 – 166 grandmother’s lack of religiosity, 166 grandmother’s origins and temperament, 161 – 162 mother’s talents, 168 – 170 neuropsychological intellectual abilities, 176 – 179 self-made man qualities of his father, 168 – 170 social environment of his youth, 157 story of his father’s resistance of his in-laws, 171 – 173 traits of extended family members, 179 – 181 uncles’ phenotypic expression of grandparents’ recessive genotypes, 167 – 168 Gradovsky, A.D., Professor, 264 Graham, Robert, 645 Gran, M.M., 292, 301, 302 Grant, Madison, 14 Grashchenkov, N.I. (Propper), 638, 654, 656, 657, 686, 687 Great Britain, 9, 16 Grech, N.I., 341 Greek culture, 131 – 132, 148 Griboedov, A.S., 155t, 322 Grigorovich, D.V., 431 Grigoryev, B.D., artist, 180 Grigoryev, S.T., writer, 192 Grigoryev, T.T, 192 Grinberg, K.N., Preface, 694 Grinevich, V.S., 462, 463 Gritsevich, A., 74 Groenouw, Arthur, 116 Grossman, L.P., 436 Grot family, 270, 273 Grot, Joachim, 270 Grot, K.Ya., 270 Grot, N.A., ne´e Lavrovskaya, 270 Grot, N.P., ne´e Semyonova, 270, 273 Grot, N.Ya., 270 Grot, Ya.K., Academician, 237, 253, 264, 268 – 270 Grotjahn, Alfred, 142, 519, 521 Group selection, 708 – 709, 732 – 735 Gruber, Max, 139, 140, 146, 147, 149, 520
Gruhle, Hans, 418 Grushetskaya, P.V. See Muravyova- Apostol, P.V. Gruzinskaya, A.G., Princess, 328 Gruzinskaya, A.Ye., Princess. See Tolstaya, A.Ye. Guber-Griz, 430 Gurdzhiev, G.I., 532 Gurevich, I.B., 580, 594, 622, 624 Gurevich, M.O., 430 Gurvich, K., 202 Gutzkow, Karl Ferdinand, 687 Guyer, M.F., 43 Hacker, Valentin (Gekker), 198 Haeckel, Ernst, 494 Hahn, Lieutenant Colonel, 409 Hahn, Ye.A., ne´e Fadeeva (“Zinaida R- v”), 409
Haldane, J.B.S., 14, 467, 542, 543, 586, 607, 623, 628, 634, 734, 735 Hamilton, M.D., lady-in-waiting, 407 Hamilton, W.D., 707 Hamlet (literary character), 127 Hammett, Frederick, 100, 101 Hardy, G.H., 549, 628 Harriman, M.W., 14 Hasˇek, Jaroslav, 4 Hauptmann, Gerhart, 107 Hayashi, 721 Hegel, Georg, 345, 346 Heine, Heinrich, 107 Helmersen, G.P., Academician, 229 Helmholtz, Hermann von, 77 Hemophilia, 79, 116, 194, 507, 523, 543, 555, 556, 559, 567, 617, 622, 634, 669, 729
Henckel, 503 Henry I, 313 Henry IV, 718 Henschen, Volker, 642 Hereditary diseases and natural selec- tion, 143 – 144 Hereditary Genius (Galton), 9 Heredity and environment. See Envi- ronment versus heredity; “Evolu- tionary Genetics of Humaneness” Heredity and Selection in the Life-Cycle of Nations (Vererbung und Auslese) (Schallmeyer), 20 Hermann, Jacob, Academician, 227 Herzen, A.I., 63, 195, 201, 342, 346, 355, 356t, 368 – 370 Herzen, N.A., 370 Hess, F., 116 Hewitt, Ann Cooper, 465, 466 Hewitt, Peter Cooper, 465 Heyking. See von Heyking Hill, Elizabeth, 312 Hippocrates, 423 Hoffmann, 108 Hogben, Lancelot, 586, 607 Holmgren, 562 Homo erectus, 704 Homo sapiens, 27, 77, 128, 151, 482, 500, 504, 546, 589, 598, 695, 704 “Homo sapiens et humanus” (Astaurov), 695. See also “Evolutionary Genetics of Humaneness” Horst, 429 Howard family, 312 Howard, Mary, 310, 313. See also “Genealogy of Ch. Darwin and F. Galton” Huddy, 563 Human Beast, The (Zola), 3 Human Heredity (Neel and Shull), 693 “Human Inheritance” (Morgan) absence of known linkage cases, 39 analysis of veracity of somatic induction of mutations, 42 – 45 attention given to inheritance of anomalies, 41 biological selection in the case of disease, 46 characteristics of linkage groups in Drosophila, 34 – 35 distinguishing between recombinations and mutations, 41 environmental effects and, 42 inheritance in domesticated plants and animals, 37 – 39 mechanism for inherited mutations in Drosophila, 33 – 34 possible hidden effects of visible mutations, 36 probability of a Mendelian relationship between genes in humans, 38 – 39 probability that extreme mutations will disappear eventually, 39 question of fertility in racial crosses, 40 relative irrelevance of recurring mutations, 37 safety of crossing varieties or races, 39 – 40
sex-linked inheritance, 38 social and economic inheritance contrasted with biological inheritance, 45 – 46 specific modifiers of mutations in Drosophila, 35 – 36 understanding the complexity of, 46 – 47 value of mutant types from a heredity point of view, 36 – 37 Humboldt, Alexander von, 107 Hunold, 570 Huntington’s chorea, 718 Huxley, Thomas Henry, 8, 501, 708, 734 Hyperesthetics, 427 – 428 Hypomanics, 425 758
/ Index This is a free sample of content from The Dawn of Human Genetics. Click here for more information or to buy the book. © 2005 by V.V. Babkov © 2013 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Ibsen, Henrik, 107 Iceland, 16 Idelchik, Kh.I., 648 Idlis, G.M., Preface IEB (Institute of Experimental Biology), 59, 207, 478, 682 – 684, photo insert Ignatyev, M.V., 542, 544, 580, 581, 622 – 624 Ikhmeneva, Natasha (literary character), 434, 444
Ikonnikov, V.S., Academician, 235, 237, 254, 268
Ilyina, Ye.V. See Tolstaya, Ye.V. Imaginary Numbers in Geometry (Florensky), 1 – 2 “Impact of Culture on Selection in Humans” (Koltsov) elimination of natural selection and, 139 estimated rate of natural selection in a modern country, 139 – 140 generational consequences of neo- Malthusian unnatural selection, 145 – 148 irony of self-extermination leading to extinction of civilizations, 148 – 150 Malthus’s advocacy of limits on childbirth, 136 reproductive rate decrease with economic success, 147 selection of the fittest in modern times and, 140 – 145 stopping the process of degradation of civilized nations, 150 – 151 utility in Darwin’s natural selection process, 137 – 138 Imperial Cancer Research Fund, 487 Improvement and Degeneration of the Human Race (Usovershenstvovanie i vyrozhdenie chelovecheskogo roda) (Florinsky), 23 “Improvement of the Human Race” (Koltsov) advocacy of education programs, 80 – 81
beneficial nature of natural selection, 81 – 82
biological selection applied to chicken breeding, 69 – 70 blood chemical properties’ inheritance studies, 73 – 75 complexities in studying trait inheritance in humans, 72 – 73 consideration of selective endorsement of some marriages and banning of others, 78 – 80 eugenicists’ attention to phenotype, 73 eugenic significance of limitations on reproduction, 84 – 85 eugenic significance of revolutions, 83 – 84
eugenic significance of war, 82 – 83 eugenic’s meaning, 66 eugenics presented as a national good, 85 – 86
eugenics seen as a religion, 86 eugenics versus previous attempts to improve humanity, 66 – 67 forced sterilization laws, 79 – 80 hypothetical Martian’s process of breeding trait-specific humans, 71 – 72 ideals that could be pursued by a eugenics movement, 76 – 78 identification of a relationship between blood properties and disease resistance, 75 implications of Mendelian inheritance for mankind, 67 plant biologists’ process of selecting for desired traits, 68 – 69 preferred support of positive measures, 80 recognition of a frequent combination of madness and genius, 79 requirement of careful maintenance of desired breeds, 70 scientists’ obligation to be neutral, 75 – 76 sociologists’ belief in inheritance of acquired positive traits, 67 unlikelihood that people would give up freedom of marriage, 72 Increase in the Life Force of a Race (Volotskoy), 530, 531 “In Defense of Degenerates” (Shaw), 64 “Indiana idea,” 15 Indris, 318 Infectious childhood diseases as a racial characteristic, 489 – 490 Infectious disease and natural selection, 141
Inquiries into Human Faculty and Its Development (Galton), 9 Instinct activity compulsion, 94 – 95 chemical bases of basic needs, 93 – 94 maternal, 95 need for animal experiments to clarify the genetics of, 111 – 112 self-defense and, 94 sexual, 96 – 99 social, 95 – 96 will for power, 96 Institute for Heredity (U.S.), 13 Institute of Experimental Biology (IEB), 59, 207, 478, 682 – 684, photo insert
Institute of General Genetics, 694 Institute of Genetics of the Academy of Sciences, 604 Institute of Genius, 2 Institute of Medical Genetics, 470, 694 “Intelligentsia and Giftedness” (Filipchenko) classes of giftedness and unit factors, 280 – 281 classes of giftedness depicted as a circle of sectors, 281 conclusions about inheritance of, 286 conditions necessary to maintain the numbers of, 283 – 284 features of, 279 – 280 genetic combinations resulting in, 282 – 283 inadequacy of current reproduction rate, 283 intelligentsia described, 279 origin of an exceptionally gifted cluster, 284 – 285 quantitative population policy advocacy, 284 recommended measures to maintain numbers of, 205 social and economic obstacles to joining the intelligentsia, 282 International Commission of Eugenics, 62 International Genetics Congress, 7th, 646
International Solidarity school, 2 Introduction to Medical Genetics (Efroimson), 693 Ioann Antonovich, 368 Ioasaf Gorlenko, Bishop, 399 Ioffe, A.F., Academician, 246, 252, 260 Ioffe, V.I., 689 Iomudsky, 485 Ionesko, I., Hetman, 410 Ipatyev, V.N., Academician, 244, 252, 260, 267 Irenaeus of Lyon, St., 532 Isaeva, M.D., 436 Ishmaelite clan, 13 Islenev family, 324 Ismail Pasha, 409 Istomin, V.K., physicist, 263 Istrin, V.M., Academician, 231, 246, 254, 256 Italian eugenics association, 12 Itsikson, I.A., 623 Ivanenko family, 409 – 410 Ivanenko, A.I., 410, 411 Ivanenko, N.A., 411 Ivanov family, 432 Ivanov, A.P., 426 Ivanov, B.V., 441 Ivanov, I.I., 2, 211 Ivanov, Viktor A., 453 Ivanov, Vladimir A., 453 Ivanov, Vladimir Ilyich, Preface Ivanov, Vsevolod Ivanovich, 694 Ivanov, Vsevolod Vyacheslavovich, 192, 193
Ivanov, Vyacheslav Vsevolodovich, Preface, 417 Ivanov, Yu.A., 433 Ivanova, A.I. See Tolstaya, A.I. Ivanova, I.A., 433 Ivanova, N.A. See Proferansova, N.A. Ivanova, V.M., ne´e Dostoevskaya, 426, 453, 441, 446, 453 Ivanova, Ye.A., 433, 443, 445, 457, 458 Ivan Vasilyevich IV Grozny (Ivan the Terrible), 305 Ivashev, P.N., 390 Ivashev, V.P., Decembrist, 390, 399 Ives, 457 Izvestiya, 476, 647 Jacobi (Yakobiy), P.I., 510 Jacobi, I.V., 400 Janssens, Frans Alfons, 603 Jeannotte, 29 Jennings, H., 467 Jewish Historical-Ethnographic Society, 291 Index / 759
This is a free sample of content from The Dawn of Human Genetics. Click here for more information or to buy the book. © 2005 by V.V. Babkov © 2013 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Jews criminality study (See “Criminality of Jews”) culture of, 132, 149 – 150 formation of REO committees to study Jews, 291 – 292 research paper on, 292, 301 – 304 Job (biblical character), 435, 437 Johannsen, Wilhelm, 8, 520, 568, 600, 601
Johnson, Roswell, 14, 15 Johnson-Reed Act (U.S.), 15 Joliot-Curie, F., 658 Jollos, Victor, 607 Joravsky, David, 209 Journal of Heredity (Popenoe), 13 – 14 Jukes family, 13 Junge, E.A., 321 Junge, Ye.F., ne´e Countess Tolstaya, artist, 318, 321, 329 Just, G., 585, 586 Kabakov, I.B., 570, 574, 579, 594, 621, 622 Kakhovsky, P.G., Decembrist, 390 Kalachov, N.V., Academician, 240 Kallikaks family, 13 Kalmykova, L.G., Preface, 694 Kamenetskaya, M.V., 435 Kamenskaya, A.P. See Barykova, A.P. Kamenskaya, M.F., ne´e Countess Tol- staya, 318, 321, 329 Kamensky, P.P., 321 Kaminer, S.B., 623 Kaminsky, G.N., 551, 648, 653, 654 Kaminsky, L.S., 303 Kammari, M., 533 Kammerer, Paul, 525, 526, 528, 532 Kan, O.L., photo insert Kanaev, I.I., 8, 694, 696, photo insert Kanarevskaya, A.A., 622 Kandinsky, V.V., 1 Kankrin, Ye.F., Count, Minister, 344 Kankrin, Ye.Z., Countess, ne´e Muravyova, 344 Kant, Immanuel, 108, 423, 424 Kantonova, 578, 592 Kantor, D.V., 303 Kantorovich, S.I., 653 – 654 Karakozov, D.V., 340 Karamazov, Alyosha (literary character), 434 Karamazov, Dmitry (literary character), 444 Kara-Murza, S.G., Preface Karamzin, N.M., 271, 341 Karelin, G.S., 275 Karelina, Ye.G., 271, 275 Karepin family, 440 – 454, 456 Karepin, A.P., 442 – 444, 449, 451, 454 Karepin, P.A., 452 Karepina,V.M., ne´e Dostoevskaya, 440, 446, 451, 452 Karepina, Ye.P., 447 Karpov, P.I., 4, 307, 462 Karsky, Ye.F., Academician, 246, 260 Kashirin family, 158 – 167 Kashirin, A.M., 180 Kashirin, A.Ya., 179, 180 Kashirin, M.V., 167 – 169, 172, 180, 181 Kashirin, V.V., Gorky’s grandfather, 158 – 161, 167, 169 Kashirin, Ya.V., 167 – 168, 172, 180 – 181 Kashirina, A.I., Gorky’s grandmother, 161 – 164, 167 Kashirina, M.I., 162 Kashirina, V.V., Gorky’s mother, 168 – 173 Kashkin, A.A., 401 Kashkin, D.Ye., writer, theologian, 399 Kashkin, N.N., 393, 403 Kashkin, N.S., 393 Kashkin, S.N., 393 Kashkina, 347 Kashkina, S.Dm., nun, 399 Kashkina, Ye.A. See Chernoyevich, Ye.A. Kasso, L.A., 190 Katerina Ivanovna (Marmeladova, literary character), 445 Katkov, M.N., 322 Katsnelson, T.I., 302 Kautsky, Karl, 522 Kavelin, K.D., 188 Kavelin, L.A., 399 Kazarinova, M., 348 Kedrovsky, V.I., 470 Kehrer, F.A., 561 Keith, Arthur, Sir, 701 Keller, B.A., Academician, 684 Keller, Gottfried, 107 Keller, M.F., Countess. See Baryatin- skaya, M.F. KEPS (Commission for the Study of Natural Productive Powers of Russia), 205, 208, 210 Kerkis, Yu.Ya., 607 Kern, A.P., also Markova-Vinograd- skaya, ne´e Poltoratskaya, 347 Kern, Ye.Ye., 347 Kesser, I.D., 303 Kessler, chemist, 252 Kessler, K.F., zoologist, 252, 734 Kevles, D.J., 17, 466, 467 Kevorkov, N.P., 303 Kharkov Regional Psychiatric Hospital, 415 Kharms, D., 1 Khlebnikov, V.V., 1, 17, 309, 415 – 421, 525
Khlyustina, V.I., ne´e Countess Tolstaya, 322
Khokhlakova, 444 Kholmsky family, 359 Kholodkovsky, N.A., 525 Khovanskaya, Ye.P., Princess, 364 Khovansky family, 364 Khovansky, I.A., Prince, 364 Khovansky, I.I., Prince, 397 Khovansky, I.N., Prince, 364 Khovansky, S.I., Prince, 399 Khovansky, V.P., Prince, 364 Khrapovitskaya, M.L., 463 Khrisanf, Archbishop, 176 Khrushchev, N.S., 654, 689 Khrushchov, G.K., 544, 582, 623 Khvorostinin family, 359, 400 Khvorostinin, I.A., Prince, 361 Khvorostukhin, V.K., 200 Khvorostukhina, V.K., 200 Kibler, 429 Kino-Pravda (film), 477 Kipling, Rudyard, 702, 710, 712 Kireev, A.N., 391 Kireev, I.V., Decembrist, 391 Kirillov (literary character), 434, 445 Kirpichnikov, V.S., Preface Kiselyov, P.D., Count, 365, 394 Kitchener, H.H., Earl, 417 Klaproth, M.H., chemist, 250 Klyuchevsky, V.O., Academician, 231, 246, 260
Kno¨pfehl, 139 Kobyla, A., Boyar, 369 Koch, Robert, 107 Kochetov, I.S., Academician, 229, 231, 233, 246, 268 Koestler, Arthur, 522 Kogan, B.B., 541 Kogan, I.G., photo insert Kogan, M.S., 350 Kogan-Yasny, V.M., 302 Kokovtsev, P.K., Academician, 244, 252, 256
Koksharov, N.I., Academician, 260 Kolbanovsky, V.N., 579, 622, 686, 687 Koldobsky, M.A., 469 Kollontai, A.M., 2 Kolman, E., 477, 647, 673, 678 Kolokoltsova, Ye.F. See Muravyova, Ye.F. Koltsov, N.K., 3, 9, 18 – 20, 45, 57 – 66, 87, 109, 136, 152, 156, 174, 186, 196 – 200, 202 – 203, 206 – 210, 212, 213, 291 – 294, 308 – 309, 469 – 479, 512, 520 – 522, 527, 529 – 531, 534 – 535, 537 – 542, 545 – 546, 550, 604, 610, 614, 625, 641, 646, 650 – 652, 656, 676 – 688, 691, 693 – 698 academic and institutional work, 206 – 209 appeal to Stalin to keep the IEB, 684 – 685 campaign to keep him out of the Academy of Sciences, 684 Caucasus population survey project, 470 – 472 chairmanship of Society for Study of Racial Pathology, 469 committee meeting meant to discredit him, 685 – 688 course of the debate on genetics, 677 – 680 criticism of political attacks on science, 679 – 680 death, 688 defense of science against political attacks, 679 – 680 difference in framing of eugenics compared to Filipchenko, 293 difference in style compared to Filipchenko, 206 – 209, 212 endemic goiter study in Central Asia, 472 – 473 “euphenics” research, 529 fight to keep the IEB autonomous, 682 – 684 friendship with Levit, 539 – 540 on the genetics of psychological features (See “Genetic Analysis of the Psychological Features of Man”) 760 / Index
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