Abich, H. W., Academician, 237, 250 Abramov, M. P., 395
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- This is a free sample of content from The Dawn of Human Genetics. Click here for more information or to buy the book. © 2005 by V.V. Babkov
This is a free sample of content from The Dawn of Human Genetics. Click here for more information or to buy the book. © 2005 by V.V. Babkov © 2013 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Muravyova, V.A. See Bakunina, V.A. Muravyova, V.M., ne´e Mordvinova, 345 Muravyova, Ye.A., ne´e Moller, 348 Muravyova, Ye.F., ne´e Kolokoltsova, 341 Muravyova, Ye.K., ne´e Posse, 344 Muravyova, Ye.N. See Moller, Ye.N. Muravyova, Ye.N., ne´e Mordvinova, Ye.N., 348 Muravyova, Ye.Z. See Kankrin, Ye.Z. Muravyova, Zh.A., ne´e Brakman, 342 Muravyov-Amursky, N.N., Count, 348, 350
Muravyov-Apostol, I.I., Decembrist, 344, 392
Muravyov-Apostol, I.M., Senator, 343, 349, 351, 392 Muravyov-Apostol, M.I., Decembrist, 343, 344, 350, 392 Muravyov-Apostol, S.I., Decembrist, 343, 350, 351, 392, 401 Muravyov-Apostol, V.I. Muravyova-Apostol, A.S., ne´e Chernoyevich, 343, 346 Muravyova-Apostol, P.V., ne´e Grushetskaya, 343 Muravyova-Apostol, Ye.I. See Bibikova, Ye.I. Muravyov-Karsky, N.N., 339, 350 Muravyov-Vilensky, M.N., 339, 340, 350 Murchison, Roderick Impey, Sir, Academician, 229 Murin (literary character), 433 Murray, J.A., 487, 707 Musin-Pushkin family, 330 Musin-Pushkin, A.I., Count, 357, 396 Musin-Pushkin, P.I., Count, 397 Musin-Pushkin, V.A., Count, 396 Musin-Pushkin, V.V., Count, 399 Mutation analysis of veracity of somatic induction of mutations, 42 – 45 difficulty in distinguishing between recombinations and mutations, 41 Drosophila mutation studies, 33 – 37 dynamics of mutations study, 634 emergence of genius due to mutation, 316 – 317 gene mutation study by Morgan, 606 – 607 genofond composition and, 510 – 511 probability that extreme mutations will disappear eventually, 39 question of nature of mutations, 597 – 598 study of pathological mutations, 617 Muzalevsky, B.M., 536 Muzil family, 118 Muzrukova, Ye.B., Preface Myasnikov family, 324 Myshetsky family, 400 Myshkin, Prince (literary character), 434 Myslovsky, P.N., 343 Nabokov, D.N., 393 Nabokov, V.D., 393 Naecke, P., 20, 21 Na¨geli, K.W. von, 548 Napoleon, 79, 83, 328, 342, 722 – 723 Narses, 707 Naryshkin family, 397, 398, 401 Naryshkin, M.M., Decembrist, 391, 392, 397, 399 Naryshkina, M.M., 399 Naryshkina, Ye.P., ne´e Countess Konovnitsyna, 391 Nasonov, N.V., Academician, 246, 251, 263, 264, 267 Natalia Alekseevna, Grand Duchess, 407 Natural selection beneficial nature of, 81 – 82 childhood mortality and, 140 – 141 culture’s role in (See “Impact of Culture on Selection in Humans”) diseases and, 141 – 144 effects of elimination of, 139 estimated rate of in a modern country, 139 – 140 Fisher on the genetic theory of (See Genetical Theory of Natural Selection, The) generational consequences of neo-Malthusian unnatural selection, 145 – 148 process leading to dominance of altruism, 705 – 707 role in curiosity and aesthetic sense, 710 – 711 utility in Darwin’s process, 137 – 138 war and, 144 – 145 Nauk, A.K., Academician, 246 Navashin, M.S., 582, 624 Navashin, S.G., 267 Nazi Germany, 15 – 16, 17, 466 Nazimov, M.A., Decembrist, 392 Nazimova, M.G., 329 Neanderthals, 703 Nechaev, A.M., 130 Nechaev, S.G., 365, 370 Nechaeva, V.S., 444 Neel, J.W., 693 Nefedyeva, 400 Nekrasov, N.A., 190, 462 Nekrasova, Ye.S., 329 Neledinsky-Meletsky, Yu.A., poet, 363, 365, 366, 389 Nelidov, Yu.A., 198, 202, 213, 331, 371, 374, 387
Nemirovich-Danchenko, Vasily I., 251 Nemirovich-Danchenko, Vladimir I., 251 Neo-Malthusianism, 136, 145 Neplyuev, I.I., 391 Neplyueva, A.I., ne´e Panina, 391 Nerval, Ge´rard de, 416 Nesvitskaya, M.V., Princess. See Sulima, M.V.
Nesvitsky, I.V., 368 Nesvitsky, V.F., Prince, Governor, 368 Nettlau, Max, 345 Nettleship, E., 560 Neufeld, Professor, 490 Neuropathic family hypothesis, 4 New Man. See Expectations of a New Man
Newton, Isaac, 77, 108, 240, 313, 417 Newton, John, 313 New York Times (newspaper), 649 Nezhdanova, A.V., 72 Nicoll, 560 Nietzsche, Friedrich, 18, 107 Nikitenko, A.V., Academician, 246 Nikitin, P.V., Academician, 246, 252, 260 Nikitsky, A.V., Academician, 246, 256, 260
Nikolaev, L.P., 430 Nikolaev, O.V., 472 Nikolaev, V.V., 469 Nikolaevsky, G., 353 Nikolsky, N.K., Academician, 246, 256 Nikoro, Z.S., 540 Nilsson-Ehle, H., 601 Nineteenth Century ( journal), 734 Nizhny Novgorod, 322 N.K. Koltsov Institute of Developmental Biology, 208 Nordau, Max, 18 Nordshteyn, A.S., 303 Norov, Aleksandr S., 392 Norov, Avraam S., 240, 392 Norov, S.A., 392 Norov, V.S., Decembrist, 389, 392, 399 Norova, T.M., ne´e Kosheleva, 392 Norton, 467 Norway, 16, 29 Norwegian Institute of Racial Hygiene, 11 Nosology, 546, 592 Novikov, A.I., 391 Novikov, N.I., 338 Novinsky, I., 535 Novitsky, A.P., 321 Novoselsky, S.A., 301, 302 Novozhyonov, Yu.I., 695 Nuremberg Laws, 15 – 16 Nurinov, A.A., 652, 679 Nuzhdin, N.I., 652, 684 Oblonsky, Stiva (literary character), 168 OBM (Society of Materialist Biologists), 476, 534
Obolenskaya, A.M., Princess, ne´e Miloslavskaya, 366 Obolenskaya, V.A., Princess. See Lopukhina, V.A. Obolenskaya, Ye.G., Princess, 399 Obolenskaya-Venevitinova, A.N., Prin- cess, 155t Obolensky family, 155t, 366 Obolensky, A.A., Prince, 155t Obolensky, D.D., Prince, 393 Obolensky, D.P., Prince, 393 Obolensky, K.P., Prince, 393 Obolensky, M.V., Prince, 393 Obolensky, N.A., Prince, 155t Obolensky, N.P., Prince, 366, 393 Obolensky, P.A., Prince, 366 Obolensky, S.P., Prince, 393 Obolensky, V.F., Prince, 393 Obolensky, Ye.P., Prince, Decembrist, 343, 344, 392 – 393 Odessa Institite of Selection and Genetics, 536 Odoevskaya, P.I., Princess, ne´e Countess Tolstaya, 155t, 319, 323, 361 Odoevskaya-Volkonskaya, V.I, Princess, 155t Odoevsky family, 156, 360 – 361, 393 Odoevsky, A.I., Prince, Decembrist, 155t, 319, 393, 399 Index /
765 This is a free sample of content from The Dawn of Human Genetics. Click here for more information or to buy the book. © 2005 by V.V. Babkov © 2013 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Odoevsky, F.S., Prince, 155t Odoevsky, I.S., Prince, 155t Odoevsky, I.V., Prince, 319 Odoevsky, N.I., Prince, 399 Odoevsky, S.I., Prince, 155t Odoevsky, V.F., Prince, writer, 155t, 319, 393 Odoevsky, V.I., Prince, 155t Offerman, C., photo insert Ogareva, Liza, 370 Ogurtsov, A.P., 205 Oldenburg, S.F., 230, 244, 252, 264, 268 OLEAE (Society of Naturalists, Archae- ologists, and Ethnographers), 61 Olenov, Yu.M., 689 Olonkina, M.S., 209 Omelyansky, V.L., Academician, 256 Onegin, Eugene (literary character), 97 “On Hereditary Predisposition to Brain Diseases” (Moreau de Tours), 3 On New Methods of Field Cultivation (Petrovich), 352 “On the Descendents of Baron Pyotr Pavlovich Shafirov” (Nelidov) consistency in lawfulness and service to the state, 335 demonstrated talents of Shafirov, 331, 334
demonstrated talents of Witte, 334 family tree, 332 – 333 literary talents in the genealogy, 334 other Russian families that were sources of cultural attraction, 334 – 335 representatives from religious and mystical life, 335 uneven distribution of offspring, 335 – 336 “On the Goals of Pathographic Work” (Zinovyev), 307 On the Origin of Species (Darwin), 211, 527, 732, 735 “On the Psychopathology of Creativity: V. Khlebnikov” (Anfimov) abnormal behavior and musings, 417 – 418 examples of his creative work, 420 – 421 experimental-psychological study results, 419 – 420 family history of inherited psychiatric problems, 415 – 416 occupations and wanderings during his life, 416 – 417 psychological analysis of, 418 Oppengeim, D.G., 655 Orbeli, L.A., photo insert Ordynov (literary character), 431 “Origin of Altruism, The” (Efroimson), 695
biological factors’ influence on the social factor of marriage, 711 – 712 biological versus social argument of criminality, 715 – 717 conclusions about the evolutionary development of ethical norms, 714 – 715 evolutionary-genetic analysis of family bonds, 707 – 708 evolution of the instinct of social self-preservation, 703 – 705 genetics of criminality, 719 – 722 genetic theory of group selection, 708 – 709 hereditary biochemical heterogeneity of higher organisms, 717 – 718 hereditary diseases that cause an emotional-ethical degradation, 718 – 719 historical evidence of innate egotism in man, 700 – 701 instinctual altruistic behavior in primates, 702 – 703 issue of existence of respect for all age groups in human society, 709 – 710 natural selection process leading to dominance of altruism, 705 – 707 natural selection’s role in curiosity and aesthetic sense, 710 – 711 origin of monogamous love, 712 – 714 probability of a genetic basis of morality, 700 publication of, 695 question of conscience being determined by heredity, 723 – 724 role of a person’s upbringing in their moral development, 699, 700 theory of natural egotism versus existence of heroism, 701 – 702 Orlov family, 397, 401 Orlov (literary character), 434 Orlov, M.F., Decembrist, 397, 399, 401 Orlova, A.A., Countess, 399 Orlova, V.I., 622 Orlova, Ye.N., 391 Orlova-Davydova, O.I., Countess, 365 Oryol, V.M., Preface ORP. See Society for Study of Racial Pathology and Geographic Distribution of Diseases ORT (Society for Agricultural Workers and Craftsmen), 292 Orzhitsky, N.N., Decembrist, 393, 399, 401 Osipov, V.P., 198 Osten-Sacken, A.I., Countess, 322 Osterman, A.I. (Heinrich), Count, Vice Chancellor, 390 Osterman, G., 397 Osterman-Tolstaya, Ye.A., Countess, 400 Osterman-Tolstoy, A.I., 400 Ostroumov, A.A., 612 Ostrovsky, A.N., 98, 99 Ostwald, W., 613 Oswald, 569 “Our Eugenics Prospects” (Davidenkov) advocacy for state protection for valuable hereditary groups, 51 advocacy of eugenics legislation, 55 argument for supporting fertilization in desirable groups, 49 basing artificial selection on mental giftedness, 53 basing artificial selection on superior intellect, 51 basis of a state-wide eugenics program, 56 complexity inherent in best genotype selection process, 49 – 50 error in using affluence as a selection criteria, 50 error in using education as a selection criteria, 50 – 51 goal of cultivation of valuable recessive traits, 52 medical-eugenic control of marriages recommendation, 54 – 55 plan for eugenic evaluation of the populace, 53 prevailing belief that social selection is equivalent to genotypic selection, 49 racial evaluation and, 52 – 53 selective artificial insemination support, 55 types of state limitations that should be enacted, 54 types of state support that should be offered, 53 – 54 “Our Outstanding Scholars” (Fili- pchenko), 215 – 226 categories of scholars surveyed, 215 – 216 data on alcoholism and mental illness, 224 data on children of scholars who became scholars, 222 – 223 data on outstanding relatives, 223 – 224 differences between outstanding scholars and scholars in general, 225
importance of scholars to Russia, 226 mothers’ lineages, 224, 225 number of children fathered, 220 – 222
professions of fathers and fathers-in- law, 219
professions of wives, 219 – 220 self-reported talents and health of respondents, 224 – 225 social origins of prominent scholars, 218 – 219 specialties and demographics of respondents, 216 – 218 Out of the Night (Muller), 7, 643 Ovsyaniko-Kulikovsky, D.N., 390 Ovsyannikov, F.V., Academician, 246, 256 Owen, Robert, 8 OZE (Society for the Preservation of the Health of the Jewish Population), 292 Ozeretskovsky, N.Ya., Academician, 228 Ozernyuk, N.D., Preface OZET (Society for Land Settlement of Jewish Workers), 292 Pages of My Life (Chaliapin), 181 – 183 Paget, Anne, 313 Paget, Lord, 313 Pahlen Commission, 295 Painter, Theophilus S., 604 Paisy Uglitsky, Venerable St., 362 Palechek, M., 348 766 / Index
This is a free sample of content from The Dawn of Human Genetics. Click here for more information or to buy the book. © 2005 by V.V. Babkov © 2013 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Pale of Settlement, 295 Palladin, V.I., Academician, 267 Palmov, I.S., Academician, 246, 256 Panaev, I.I., Academician, 229 Panafidin, P.I., 347 Panin family, 362, 363, 390 Panin, I.P., 368 Panin, I.V., Senator, 390 Panin, N.I., Count, 390 Panin, P.I., Count, 390 Panina, S.V., Countess, 390 Panini, 416 Papanin, I.D., 681 Passek family, 393 Passek, T.P., ne´e Kuchina, 369 Passek, V.V., 398 Passek, V.V. ( junior), writer, 369 Pasternak, B.L., 415 Pasteur, Louis, 107, 474, 644 Pasynkov, Ye.I., 579, 622, 624 Pathological Characters (Sukhanov), 307 Patlazhan, M.M., 301, 302 Patlis, G.D., 199 Paton, Diarmid Noel, 91, 100 Patrikeev family, 361 Patrikeeva, Princess, 358, 361 Patti, Adelina, 118 Paul I, 305, 320, 335, 398 Pavlenko, S.M., 693 Pavlov, A.P., Academician, 256, 263 Pavlov, I.P., Academician, 88, 89, 103, 108, 109, 119, 120, 235, 246, 252, 260, 527, 630, 674, 675 Pavlova, M.V., paleontologist, 263 Pavlova, P.D. See Tolstaya, P.D. Pavlov-Silvansky, N.P., 319 Pavsky, G.P., Academician, 231, 235, 246 Paz, Daniel de la, 103 Peacock, actor, 353, 354 Pearl, Raymond, 70, 72, 372 Pearson, Karl, 1, 9, 11, 143, 145, 226, 309, 310, 313, 315 Pekarsky, P.P., Academician, 236 Peking Man, 704 Penrose, Lionel, 11, 693 Perets, G.S., Decembrist, 396 Perets, V.N., Academician, 244, 254, 260, 263, 264, 396 Perfect, William, 3 Pericles, 133 Perovskaya, A.A., 320, 321 Perovsky family, 321 Perovsky, A.A. (Anton Pogorelsky), 320, 321, 393
Perovsky, Count, minister, 408 Perrin, J.B., 613 Peshkov, A.M. See Gorky, Maxim. Peshkov, Maxim, 180 Peshkov, M.S., 170 – 171 Peshkova, V.V., 168 – 170 Pesikova, L.N., 578, 586, 622, 623 Pestel, B.V., 393 Pestel, I.P., 393 Pestel, P.I., Decembrist, 341, 393 Peter (Biron), Duke von, 406 Peter II, 397, 408 Peter III, 397 Peter the Great (Peter I), 20–22, 25, 63, 197, 318, 319, 330, 331, 358, 363, 364,395,401, 407,408,410,417,441 Peter the Great’s Blackamoor. See Gannibal, A.P. Petrarch, 421 Petrograd Brain Institute, 6 Petropavlovsky, Ya.N., 303 Petrov (literary character), 434 Petrov family, 190 Petrov, A.A., 190 Petrov, A.V., 190 – 191 Petrov, N.A., 190 Petrov, P.A., 190 Petrov, P.D., 190 – 191 Petrov, P.N., 403 Petrov, P.V., 191 – 192 Petrov, S.A., 190 Petrov, V.A., 190 – 191 Petrov, V.P., 190 Petrov, Ya.P., 190 Petrova, A.A. See Leonova, A.A. Petrova, A.Ye., 190 – 191 Petrova, M.I., 191 Petrova, O.A., 190 Petrova, V.S., 190 Petrovsky, A.V., 2 Petrovsky, D.V., 416, 417 Petrunkevich, Aleksandra M., 354 Petrunkevich, Anna M., singer, 354 Petrunkevich, M. Ilyich, 353 Petrunkevich, M. Ivanovich, 353 Pevzner, I.D., 469 Phenylketonuria, 693 – 694 Philippe I, 313 Phlegmatics, 423 Phyletic Evolution of Man (Filetichskaya evolyutsiya cheloveka) (Novozhyo- nov), 695 Physique and Character (Kretschmer), 307, 430
Pippin, 313 Pirquet, Clemens von, 491 Pisarev, nobility family from Kaluga, 187
Pithecanthropus, 703, 704 Pkhakadze, G.M., 288 “Plasmon” hypothesis of Filipchenko, 212, 627
Plate, Ludwig, 137, 504 Plato, 27, 240 Platonov, S.F., Academician, 253, 264, 268
Plehve, V.K. von, minister, 299 Plekhanov, G.V., 512 Pleske, F.D., Academician, 235 Plesso, G.I., 463 Pletnyev, D.D., 469, 470, 540, 547 Pletz, Alfred, 520 Plyasov, M., 353 Plyasova, T.M., ne´e Bakunina, 354 s Pochinkovskaya, O., 431, 437 Poggio, A.I., 393 Poggio, A.V., Decembrist, 393, 403 Poggio, I.V., Decembrist, 393 Pogodin, M.P., Academician, 229 Pogorelsky, Anton. See Perovsky, A.A. Pogosyan, Ye.Ye., 689 Pokrovsky, student, 185 Polikarpova, Ye., 684 Polivanov, P.S., writer, 389 Polonsky, V.G., 345, 351, 353 Poltoratsky, Pavel M., 345 Poltoratsky, Pyotr M., 347 Polubotok, L., 367 Polubotok, P.B., Hetman, 367 Popenoe, Paul, 14, 15, 524 Popov, N.A., 274, 318 Popov, N.I., Academician, 228, 318 Popov, N.P., 201 Popov, N.V., 198, 213 Population growth. See “Biosphere and Mankind, The” (Timofeev- Ressovsky) Poretsky, S.A., writer, 264 Posse, Ye.K. See Muravyova, Ye.K. Postnikov, A.V., Preface Postnikova, Ye.N., 623 Potebnya, A., Professor, 251 Potyomkin family, 359 Potyomkina, V.A., Princess, ne´e Count- ess Tolstaya, 326 Potyomkin-Tavrichesky, G.A., Prince, 390, 395, 401 Povalo-Shveykovsky, I.S., Decembrist, 393 Povalo-Shveykovsky, T.N., 353 Pozdeev, O.A., Freemason, 367 Pozdeev, V.M., 367 Pozdeeva, M.V. See Gagarina, M.V. Pozharsky family, 365 Pozharsky, Dm.M., Prince, 390 Praskovia Fyodorovna, dwarfess, 21 Pravda, 527, 533, 535, 540, 641, 648, 652, 677, 679 – 681, 684 – 687, 696 Pravoverova, L.L., 1 Presnyakov, D.F., 578, 579, 624 Prezent, I.I., 213, 477, 525, 530, 535, 537, 538, 644, 646, 650, 652, 678, 679, 686, 687, 691, 693 Priklonskaya-Chicherina, L.V., 155t Priklonskaya-Obolenskaya, A.V., 155t Priklonsky family, 357 Priklonsky, M.V., 357 Priklonsky, V.G., 357 Priklonsky, V.I., 155t Principia Botanica (Erasmus Darwin), 313
Principles of Human Genetics (Stern), 693
Prit, M., 118 Problem of Inheritance of Acquired Traits (Blyakher), 530 Problems of the Biology and Pathology of Jews (Voprosy biologii i patologii yevreev), 292, 301 – 304 Proceedings of the MGI anthropogenetics focus at MGI, 577 anthropogenetics versus “bourgeois genetic science”, 583 – 585 benefit provided by science to the socialist state system, 587 clinical-genetic studies approach, 577 – 579 contents of published volumes, 621 – 624 divide between Soviet and German approaches to genetics, 585 – 586 karyological method for anthropogenetic studies, 582
Index / 767
This is a free sample of content from The Dawn of Human Genetics. Click here for more information or to buy the book. © 2005 by V.V. Babkov © 2013 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Proceedings of the MGI (Continued) paper by Muller (See “Theoretical Genetics”) publication end, 551 state of “capitalistic Anglo-American genetics”, 586 – 587 twin database improvement plans, 581 – 582 twin-studies methods, 579 – 581 Procopius of Cesarea, 707 Proferansova, N.A., ne´e Ivanova, 432, 440, 457 – 458 Prokharchin (literary character), 431 Prokhorov, 59 Prokofyeva, T.I., 623 Prokofyeva-Belgovskaya, A.A., Preface, 689, 694, photo insert Prokopovich, F., 369 Promptov, A.N., photo insert Promptova, L.P., photo insert Propper, N.I. See Grachshenkov, N.I. Psychiatric Discussions on Literary and Social Subjects (Bazhenov), 307 Psychoanalytical Laboratory, 2 Psychological features in genetic analysis. See “Genetic Analysis of the Psy- chological Features of Man” Punnett, Reginald, 466, 467, 602 Pushchin family, 337, 393 Pushchin, I.I., Decembrist, 393, 400 Pushchin, M.I., Decembrist, 393 Pushchina, M.A., also Fonvizina, ne´e Apukhtina, 400 Pushkin, A.P., 155t, 323 Pushkin, A.S., 63, 155t, 156, 190, 192, 195, 201, 206, 263, 305, 308, 322, 323, 325, 334, 342, 347, 350, 351, 355, 356t, 357 – 359, 365, 389, 393, 404, 421, 430, 460, 462, 470 Pushkin, L.A., 155t, 323, 357 Pushkin, N., 358 Pushkin, S.L., 155t, 323 Pushkin, V.L., 370 Pushkina, M.A., ne´e Gannibal, 359 Pushkina, Ye.I., ne´e Golovina, 323 Puzanov, I.I., 686 Pyknic physiques, 426, 430 Pypin, A.N., Academician, 235, 253 Quetelet’s law, 281 Race
eugenics’ concern with health of a race, 466 psychological foundation for racism, 6 question of fertility in racial crosses, 40 safety of crossing varieties or races, 39 – 40 studies of (See “Goals and Methods of Studies of Racial Pathology”; “Term ‘Race’ in Zoology and Anthropology”) Race and Body Type (Weindenreich), 307 Racial pathology study by Koltsov. See “Goals and Methods of Studies of Racial Pathology” Radiation risks studies, 689 – 692 Radilov family, 357 Radin, Ye.P., 417 Radlov, V.V., Academician, 237, 260 Radsha (Rostislav Stefan), 358 Raevsky family, 404 Raevsky, N.N., 390 Rakovsky, Kh.G., 648 Rapoport, A.M., 425, 449 Rapoport, I.A., Preface, 691 Raskolnikov (literary character), 432, 434, 444 Rasputin, G.Ye., 335 Ratsiborsky, V.A., photo insert Ravdel, Ye.A., 643 Razumovsky, A.K., Count, 321, 399 Razumovsky, P.K., Count, 402 Recent Progress in the Study of Variation, Heredity, and Evolution (Lock), 602 Reclus, Elise´e, 116 Red Warrior (Krasnyi Voin) (Russian newspaper), 17 Regaud, Professor, 486 Reilly, Philip, 17 Reimers, Charlotte von, 407 Repnin family, 366, 367, 368, 398 Repnin, A.I., Prince, Field Marshal, 368, 390
Repnin, N.V., Prince, Field Marshal, 368 Repnin, P.I., Prince, 368 Repnin, V.A., Prince, 368 Repnina, P.V., Princess. See Volkonskaya, P.V. Repninskaya, Ye.Ya. See Sulima, Ye.Ya. Repnina-Volkonskaya, K.N., Princess, 389
Repnin-Volkonsky, N.G., Prince, 389 Research Medical Council, 550 Re´ti, Rudolph, 118 Reuter, Fritz, 107 Revue de Psychiatrie, 20 Richter, Jochen, 6, 305 Rizenkampf, 452 Robespierre, Maximilien, 108, 429 Robitscher, Jonas B., 15 Rockefeller foundation, 208, 535, 541 Rodzyanko, A.G., 401 Rodzyanko, M.P., 399 Rodzyanko, M.V., 391 Rodzyanko, Ye.S., 391 Roemer, J.F., 455 Roginsky, Ya.Ya., 202 Rohn, P., 540 Rokhlin, L.L., 302 Rokhlina, M.L., 475, 477 Rokhlina, R.D., 302 Rokitsky, P.F., Preface, 59, 64, 200, 203, 352, 625, 627, 696, 697, photo insert “Role of Genetics in the Study of Human Biology” (Koltsov) growing interest in and knowledge of genetics, 610 – 612 potential of genetics studies, 613 practical application of genetics for physicians, 612 – 613 Roll-Hansen, Nils, 16 Roman culture, 131 – 132, 148 Romanov family, 359, 369 Romanov, Vasily P., 270, 271, 274, 396 Romanov, Vladimir P., 264, 270, 274, 396
Romanov, V.V., 274, 396 Romanova, P.V., 274 Romashov, D.D., 63, 626, 627, 628, 638, photo insert Romodanovskaya, Ye.A., Princess, 408 Romodanovsky, G.G., Prince, 397 Romodanovsky-Ladyzhensky family, 410
Rorschach test, 433 Rosen, A.Ye., Baron, Decembrist, 393 Rosen, Georg Gustav, Baron, diplomat, 393
Rosenberg, Alfred, 585 Rossolimo, G.I., 293, 469 Rostov, Ilya Andreevich (literary character), 322 Rostovtsev, M.I., Academician, 244, 253, 256
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 108 Rout of medical genetics arrest of Levit, 651, 655 attacks on Levit in newspapers, 647 – 648 cancellation of the 7th International Congress by Moscow, 649 Davidenkov’s defense of genetics at the 7th Congress, 656 Davidenkov’s presentation on how genetics affects medicine, 667 – 676 growing caution at MGI, 653 – 655 Lysenko’s rise in Stalin’s circle, 641, 646 – 647 Muller’s affinity for the Soviet Union, 641 – 643 Muller’s letter to Stalin advocating positive eugenics, 643 – 645, 659 – 666 Muller’s political troubles, 643, 651 – 652 official banning of medical genetics, 657 – 658 presentation of human genetics at the 4th session, 650 – 651 signals indicating disfavor towards MGI’s work, 652 – 653 Soviet rebuttal to the NYT article about political persecution of scientists, 649 – 650 Stalin’s apparent response to Muller’s letter, 645 – 646 Vavilov’s organizing of the 7th Congress, 646 Roux, Wilhelm, 601 Rovinsky, D.A., 351 Royzman, S.A., 302 Rozanov, I., 156 Rozanov, M.N., Academician, 254, 268 Rozanov, V.V., 320 Rozen, V.R., Academician, 235 Rozhestvensky, Z.P., Vice Admiral (in Khlebnikov’s poem, misspelled Rozhdestvensky), 421 Rtishchev family, 359 Rtishchev, F.M., 360 Rtishcheva, P.M., 319 Rubashkin, V.Ya., 301, 302, 506, 509 Rudin, 456 768
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