Aleksandr Deineka (1899-1969) : an avant-garde for the proletariat

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La Russie et les avant-gardes, Fondation 

Maeght, Saint-Paul-de-Vence, July 2 – 

November 5

Traumfabrik Kommunismus: die visuelle 

Kultur der Stalinzeit, Schirn Kunsthalle, 

Frankfurt, September 24, 2003 – Janu-

ary 4, 2004

Berlin-Moskau/Moskau-Berlin, 1950–

2000, Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin, 

September 28, 2003 – January 5, 2004; 

State Historical Museum, Moscow, April 

3 – June 15, 2004

Russian Art: Commemorative Exhibition 

at the Russian Embassy in Tallinn, 

Tallinn, 2003–4

The Woman of My Dreams, Ivanovo

Dreams and IIlusions, 1910–1930, 



Domestic and Wild Animal Painting in 

the Russian Art of the 18th–20th Cen-

turies from the Collection of the State 

Russian Museum, The State Russian 

Museum, Saint Petersburg, March 4 – 

May 31

En guerra, Centre de Cultura Contem-

porània de Barcelona (CCCB), 

Barcelona, May 17 – September 26

Russian Art of the 20th Century from 

the Collection of the State Museum of 

Art of Azerbaijan, Baku

Russia-Norway: Through Centuries and 

Borders, Norsk Folkemuseum, Oslo

Three Centuries of Russian Art

Republic of Karelia Museum of Fine 

Arts, Petrozavodsk

, October 1 –Decem-

ber 1; Murmansk Regional Museum of 

Art, Murmansk, December 17, 2004 – 

February 28, 2005


1900–2000, Zakhenta National Gallery, 

Warsaw, November 20, 2004 – January 

30, 2005; State Tretyakov Gallery, 

Moscow, March 25 – June 12, 2005

Kandinsky e l’anima russa, Galleria 

d’Arte Moderna Palazzo Forti, Verona, 


In the Russian Tradition: A Historic Col-

lection of 20th Century Russian Paint-

ing, Ripley Center, Smithsonian Interna-

tional Gallery, Washington, December 

15, 2004 – April 10, 2005; The Museum 

of Russian Art, Minneapolis, 2005


Il lavoro negli anni delle avanguardie 

russe: arte e lavoro, Complesso del 

Vittoriano, Rome, April 28 – May 24, 


Road to Victory on the 60th Anniversary 

of the Victory Day, The State Russian 

Museum, Saint Petersburg, April 28 – 

August 1

Aspects of Russian Art, 1915–1935: 

Selections from the Merrill C. Berman 

Collection, Ubu Gallery, New York, May 

3 – July 22

Russia! Solomon R. Guggenheim Mu-

seum, New York, September 16, 2005 

– January 11, 2006; Museo Guggenheim

Bilbao, March 29 – September 3, 2006

Avant-Garde: Before and After, Euro-

palia Museum of Visual Arts, Brussels, 

October 4, 2005 – January 22, 2006

Peasantry in Russian Art, The State 

Russian Museum, Saint Petersburg, 

October 12, 2005 – February 20, 2006

L’idéalisme soviétique: peinture et ciné-

ma (1925–1939), Musée de l’Art wallon, 

Liège, October 14, 2005 – February 5, 

2006; Perm State Art Gallery, 2006

Art Treasures from Kharkiv, Kharkiv, 



Soviet Idealistic Realism: 1920–1939, 

Perm State Art Gallery, March 22 – 

April 23

Russian Museums Congratulate the 

State Tretyakov Gallery, State Tretyakov 

Gallery, Moscow, May 24 –August 6

The City of the Sun: The Triumph of 

Socialist Realism, Shanghai; Beijing; 

Chungtsing, 2006–7


Kunst und Propaganda: Im Streit 

der Nationen 1930–1940, Deutsches 

Historisches Museum, Berlin, January 


– April 27

Poésie de l’eau dans l’art russe, Palais 

Lumière, Evian, June 23 – September 23

Russia: People, Years, Life, Perm State 

Art Gallery, July-September

Veritá e bellezza: realismo russo – 

dipinti dal Museo Nazionale d’Arte 

Lettone di Riga, Galleria Civica di Pala-

zzo Loff redo, Potenza, October 2007 – 

February 2008; Riga; Vilnius, 2009

Venus Sovietica, The State Russian 

Museum, Saint Petersburg, November 

1 – April 7, 2008


The Battle for the Banner: Soviet Art 

between Stalin and Trotsky, 1926–1936, 

New Manezh, Moscow, May 30–August 6

The Power of Water, The State Russian 

Museum, Saint Petersburg, August 14 – 

November 11

Neoclassicism in Russia, The State 

Russian Museum, Saint Petersburg, 

October 23, 2008 – January 15, 2009

The 1930s: The Making of “The New 

Man,” National Gallery of Canada, 



The Poster: The Artist and Time, State 

Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, June 3 – 

August 30

The Faculty of the VKhUTEMAS-

VKhUTEIN: Teachers and Pupils, State 

Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, June 19 – 

October 18

Around the World with an Easel, State 

Russian Museum, Saint Petersburg, 

October 7, 2009 – February 15, 2010

Sport in Art, New Manezh, Moscow, 

October 20–31


Promesas de futuro. Blaise Cendrars y el 

libro para niños en la URSS, 1926–1929, 

Museo Picasso, Malaga, October 4, 

2010 – January 30, 2011

Fundación Juan March



Without aspiring to be exhaustive, this 

bibliography is meant to provide readers, 

and especially those less familiar with 

Russian culture, with full bibliographical 

information on the subject of the 


Part I features texts written by Aleksandr 

Deineka. Many of the painter’s writings 

were later republished elsewhere, notably 

by V. P. Sysoev. In order to avoid repeatedly 

reproducing the same information, these 

later editions are indicated here simply by 

the name of the author and, in brackets, 

the place and year of publication.

Part II includes publications (books or 

articles in edited volumes or journals) on 

the life and work of Aleksandr Deineka.

Part III has information on exhibition 

catalogues. Given the complexity of, and 

many contradictions in, the information 

available on some of these original sources, 

we opted to include exhibition titles 

exclusively in English for shows which were 

originally in languages other than English, 

German, French, Italian and Spanish.

The selected bibliography listed in Part 

IV is devoted to the Russian avant-garde

and more particularly, socialist realism. It 

includes a selection of books and articles 

as well as exhibition catalogues. Although—

above all in the case of the avant-garde—

the latter includes publications on single 

artist shows, we considered it more 

important to include here catalogues 

produced to accompany collective or 

thematic exhibitions.

Fundación Juan March


Texts by Aleksandr Deineka 


II.  Texts on Aleksandr Deineka 






III.  Exhibition Catalogues


Solo Exhibitions

III.2.  Group Exhibitions

IV.  Selected Bibliography



IV.2.  Articles in 

collective works 

and periodical 


IV.3.  Catalogues

I.  Texts by 




“Iskusstvo nashikh dnei” [Art of Our 


Nash den’ [a publication of the 

Kursk Professional-Productional Union 

of Art Workers] (August 19, 1919), p. 12. 

Reprinted in V. P. SYSOEV (Leningrad 

1989), vol. 2, pp. 70–71. 

“K voprosu o monumental’nom iskus-

stve” [On the Issue of Monumental Art], 

Iskusstvo 4 (1934), pp. 2–5. Reprinted 

in V. P. SYSOEV (Leningrad 1989), vol. 2, 

pp. 110–13;

“Tvorcheskaia komandirovka” [A 

Creative Mission (Notes about a Trip to 

the Crimea)], 

Iskusstvo 1 (1935), 

pp. 157–61. Reprinted in V. P. SYSOEV 

(Moscow 1989), vol. 2, pp. 11–16.

“Parizhskie vpechatleniia” [Parisian 


Sovetskoe iskusstvo (June 

11, 1935), reprinted in V. P. SYSOEV 

(Moscow 1989), vol. 2, pp. 120–24.

“Putevye zametki ob iskusstve Ameriki 

i Italii” [Travel Notes about the Art of 

America and Italy] (1935), published in 

V. P. SYSOEV (Leningrad 1974), pp. 234–

42. Reprinted in V. P. SYSOEV (Moscow 

1989), vol. 2, pp. 113–19.

“Avtobiograficheskii ocherk” [Autobio-

graphical Sketch] (1936), published in V. 

P. SYSOEV (Leningrad 1974), pp. 48–51 

and ID (Moscow 1989), vol. 2, pp. 8–11.

“Moia poezdka za granitsu” [My Trip 


Tvorchestvo 1 (1936), pp. 9–10. 

Reprinted in V. P. SYSOEV (Moscow 

1989), vol. 2, p. 16–18.

“K istorii monumental’noi zhivopisi Italii” 

[Towards a History of Italian Monu-

mental Painting] (1936–38), published 

in V. P. SYSOEV (Leningrad 1974), pp. 

243–49. Reprinted in V. P. SYSOEV 

(Leningrad 1989), vol. 2, pp. 124–32.

Reprinted in V. P. SYSOEV (Leningrad 

1989), vol. 2, pp. 226–32.

“Razgovor pro liubimoe delo” [A 

Conversation about a Beloved Matter], 

Iunost’ 8 (1957). Reprinted in V. P. 

SYSOEV (Leningrad 1989), vol. 2, 

pp. 37–40.

“Slovo k zriteliam” [A Word to the Viewer], 

introduction to 

Vystavka proizvedenii 

A. A. Deineka [Exhibition of Works by 

A. A. Deineka], exh. cat. Moscow, 1957. 

Reprinted in V. P. SYSOEV (Leningrad 

1989), vol. 2, pp. 33–36.

“Voplotit’ v zhivopisi liudei aviatsii, ikh 

bol’shie dela” [To Embody in Painting 

People, Aviation, Their Great Deeds], 

Sovetskaia aviatsiia (March 10, 1957). 

Reprinted in V. P. SYSOEV (Leningrad 

1989), vol. 2, pp. 82–83 [excerpt].

“Put’ k obrazu” [The Path to the Image], 

in A. VINNER (Moscow 1958), pp. 56–62. 

Reprinted in V. P. SYSOEV (Leningrad 

1989), vol. 2, pp. 41–47.

“Molodoe iskusstvo” [Young Art], 


vestiia, September 14, 1958. Reprinted 

in V. P. SYSOEV (Leningrad 1989), vol. 2, 

pp. 242–47.

“Za bol’shuiu temu v iskusstve” [For the 

Great Theme in Art], 

Ogonek 46 (1958).

“Iskusstvo bol’shikh form” [The Art of 

Great Forms], 

Dekorativnoe iskusstvo 

11 (1959). Reprinted in V. P. SYSOEV 

(Leningrad 1989), vol. 2, pp. 169–76.

“Fedor Reshetnikov. Portret khudozh-

nika” [Fedor Reshetnikov. Portrait of the 


Iskusstvo 10 (1959). Reprinted in 

V. P. SYSOEV (Leningrad 1989), vol. 2, 

pp. 238–42.

“Vystavka A. Osmerkina” [The Exhibition 

of A. Osmerkin], 

Tvorchestvo 12 (1959). 

Reprinted in V. P. SYSOEV (Leningrad 

1989), vol. 2, pp. 232–37.

“Martiros Sar’ian,” 

Ogonek 9 (1960). 

Reprinted in V. P. SYSOEV (Leningrad 

1989), vol. 2, pp. 254–56.

“Uspekh – derzhaiushchim!” [Success 

to Those Who Dare!], 

Iskusstvo 10 


“Iskusstvu nashemu rasti i rasti” [Our 

Art Should Grow and Grow], 

Ogonek 41 

(1960). Reprinted in V. P. SYSOEV 

(Leningrad 1989), vol. 2, pp. 247–54.

Iz moei rabochei praktiki [From My 

Working Practice]. Moscow: Akademiia 

Khudozhestv SSSR, 1961. 

“O chuvstve novogo” [About the Sense 

of the New], 

Khudozhnik i sovremen-

nost’: Ezhegodnik Akademii khudo-

zhestv SSSR. Moscow, 1961. Reprinted 

in V. P. SYSOEV (Moscow 1989), vol. 2, 

pp. 84–91.

“Risunok i kompozitsiia” [Drawing and 

Composition], “Risovaniie antichnoi 

figuri” [The Drawing of the Antique Fig-

ure], “Risovaniie arkhitektury” [Drawing 

Architecture], in 

Uchites’ risovat’ [Learn 

How to Draw]. Moscow, 1961. Partially 

reprinted in V. P. SYSOEV (Leningrad 

1989), vol. 2, pp. 188–205.

“Rol’ dekorativno-prikladnogo iskusstva 

v esteticheskom vospitanii naroda” 

[The Role of Decorative-Applied Art in 

the Aesthetic Education of the People], 


Kommunisticheskoe stroitel’stvo i 

zadachi sovetskogo izobrazitel’nogo 

iskusstva [Communist Construction and 

the Tasks of Soviet Visual Art]. Moscow, 

1961. Reprinted in V. P. SYSOEV (Lenin-

grad 1989), vol. 2, pp. 205–16.

“G. G. Nisskii”, in 

G. G. Nisskii. Al’bom 

(Izbrannye proizvedeniia) [G. G. Nisskii. 

Album (Selected Works)].

 Moscow, 1961. 

Reprinted in V. P. SYSOEV (Leningrad 

1989), vol. 2, pp. 257–63.

“Vysokoe, svetloe iskusstvo – narodu” 

[A Sublime, Luminous Art – for the 


Izvestiia, December 13, 1961. 

Reprinted in V. P. SYSOEV (Leningrad 

1989), vol. 2, pp. 92–96.

“Monumentalisti, vpered!” 

[Monumentalists, Forward!], 

Dekorativnoe iskusstvo 6 (1962). 

Reprinted in V. P. SYSOEV (Leningrad 

1989), vol. 2, pp. 217–22.

“6-ia akademicheskaia” [The Sixth 

Academic Exhibition], 

Ogonek 48 

(November 1962). Reprinted in V. P. 

SYSOEV (Leningrad 1989), vol. 2, 

pp. 263–66.

“Moi raznye sovremenniki” [My Diverse 


Ogonek 45 (1963). 

Reprinted in V. P. SYSOEV (Leningrad 

1989), vol. 2, pp. 96–100.

“Zhivaia traditsiia” [A Living Tradition], 

Pravda, May 4, 1964. Reprinted in V. P. 

SYSOEV (Leningrad 1989), vol. 2, 

pp. 101–3.

“Slovo o Konchalovskom” [A Word 

about Konchalovskii], 

Ogonek 9 (1966). 

Reprinted in V. P. SYSOEV (Leningrad 

1989), vol. 2, pp. 268–73.

“Kak ia pisal «Oboronu Petrograda»” 

[How I Painted 

The Defense of 

Petrograd], Khudozhnik 5 (1966). 

Reprinted in V. P. SYSOEV (Leningrad 

1989), vol. 2, pp. 66–67.

“Zhizn’, iskusstvo, vremia” [Life, Art, 


Ogonek 45 (1967). Reprinted in 

V. P. SYSOEV (Leningrad 1989), vol. 2, 

pp. 103–7.

“Krasota iskusstva” [The Beauty of Art], 

Krasnaia zvezda, February 21, 1967. 

Reprinted in V. P. SYSOEV (Leningrad 

1989), vol. 2, pp. 222–23.

II.  Texts on 




II.1. Monographs


Dejneka. Budapest: Corvina 

Kiadó, 1967.

“Novye khudozhniki” [New Artists], 

Iskusstvo 5 (1938), pp. 59–71. Reprinted 

in V. P. SYSOEV (Leningrad 1989), vol. 2, 

pp. 133–38.

“Khudozhniki v metro” [Artists in the 


Iskusstvo 6 (1938), pp. 75–80. 

Reprinted in V. P. SYSOEV (Leningrad 

1989), vol. 2, pp. 138–44.

“Mozaika metro” [Metro Mosaics], 

Tvorchestvo 11 (1938), pp. 14–17.

“Vladimir Vladimirovich,” 

Iskusstvo 3 

(1940), pp. 50–52. Reprinted in V. P. 

SYSOEV (Leningrad 1989), vol. 2, 

pp. 72–78.

“Khudozhnik v arkhitekture,” 


January 18, 1941. Reprinted in V. P. 

SYSOEV (Leningrad 1989), vol. 2, 

pp. 145–46.

“Pereklichka s proshlim” [Roll Call with 

the Past], 

Ogonek 8 (1941). Reprinted in 

V. P. SYSOEV (Leningrad 1989), vol. 2, 

pp. 79–80.

“O risunke v monumental’noi master-

skoi” [About Drawing in the Monumen-

tal Studio] (1941), published in V. P. 

SYSOEV (Leningrad 1974), pp. 174–78. 

Reprinted in V. P. SYSOEV (Leningrad 

1989), vol. 2, pp. 147–50.

“Zametki k biografii” [Biographical 

Notes], in 

Vystavka proizvedienii S. 

Gerasimova, L. Konchalovskogo, S. 

Lebedevoi, V. Mukhinoi, D. Shmarinova 

[Exhibition of Works by S. Gerasimov, L. 

Konchalovskii, S. Lebedeva, V. Mukhina, 

D. Shmarinov], exh. cat. Moscow, 1944. 

Reprinted in V. P. SYSOEV (Leningrad 

1989), vol. 2, pp. 19–22.

“Iz avtobiograficheskogo ocherka” 

[From an Autobiographical Sketch], 

Ogonek 28 (1946). Reprinted in V. P. 

SYSOEV (Leningrad 1989), vol. 2, 

pp. 22–32.

“Iskusstvo XIX stoletiia”

 [Art of the Nine-

teenth Century] (1950s), published in V. 

P. SYSOEV (Leningrad 1974), pp. 250–57. 

Reprinted in V. P. SYSOEV (Leningrad 

1989), vol. 2, pp. 177–83.

“K voprosu o monumental’no-dekora-

tivnoi zhivopisi” [On the Issue of 

Monumental-Decorative Painting], in 

Monumental’no-dekorativnoe i dekora-

tivno-prikladnoe iskusstvo [Monumen-

tal-Decorative and Decorative-Applied 

Art]. Moscow, 1951. Reprinted in V. P. 

SYSOEV (Leningrad 1989), vol. 2, pp. 


“O monumental’nykh rospisiakh” [About 

Monumental Murals] (1953), published 

in V. P. SYSOEV (Leningrad 1974), pp. 

258–63. Reprinted in V. P. SYSOEV 

(Leningrad 1989), vol. 2, pp. 183–87.

“Ornament i tsvet” [Ornament and Col-

or] (1953–55), published in V. P. SYSOEV 

(Leningrad 1974), pp. 264–71. Reprinted 

in V. P. SYSOEV (Leningrad 1989), vol. 2, 

pp. 161–69.

“O sovremennosti v iskusstve” [About 

Modernity in Art] (1956), published in V. 

P. SYSOEV (Leningrad 1974), pp. 274–77. 

Fundación Juan March



Aleksandr Aleksandro-

vich Deineka. Moscow: Iskusstvo, 1959.


Zhurnal’naia grafika 

Deineki 1920-nachala 1930 gg [The 

Magazine Graphics of Deineka from 

1920 to the Early 1930s]. Moscow: 

Sovetskii khudozhnik, 1979.


Aleksandr Aleksan-

drovich Deineka. Leningrad: Khudoznik 

RSFSR, 1964.


A Biography of the USSR in 

Pictures: Aleksandr Deineka and the 

Problem of Socialist Realism (working 

title). In preparation.


Alexandr Dejneka. Prague: 

Nakladatelství československých 

výtvarných umělců, 1961.


Aleksandr Deineka. Dresden: 

Verlag der Kunst, 1963.


Aleksandr Deineka. Dresden: 

Verlag der Kunst, 1974.


A. Deineka. Moscow: Sovetskii 

khudozhnik, 1959.


“Liubliu bol’shie 

plany…” Khudozhnik Aleksandr Deineka 

[“I Love Big Plans …” The Painter 

Aleksandr Deineka]. Moscow: Sovetskii 

khudozhnik, 1987.


. A. Deineka. Leningrad: 

Izogiz, 1937.

OSTARKOVA, I. (ed.). 

Deineka Grafika 

[Deineka. Graphic Work.]. Moscow: 

Interrosa, 2009.

_______ and I. LEBEDEVA (eds.). 


Zhivopis’ [Deineka. Painting.]. Moscow: 

Interrosa, 2010.

SHCHEKOTOV, N. M. “O tvorchestve A. 

A. Deineki” [About the Creative Work 

of A. A. Deineka]

 in Stati, vystupleniia, 

rechi, zametki [Articles, Speeches, 

Discussions, Notes]. Moscow: Sovetskii 

khudozhnik, 1963. 


Tvorchestvo Aleksandra 

Deineki. Avtoreferat [The Creative Work 

of Aleksandr Deineka. Dissertation 

Abstract]. Moscow, 1972. 

_______ (ed.). 

Aleksandr Deineka. 

Leningrad: Avrora, 1971 [Text in Russian, 

English, German and French]. 

_______ (ed.). 

Aleksandr Deineka: 

Al’bom. Khudozhnik i vremia collection 

[The Artist and His Time]. Moscow: 

Izobrazitel’noe iskusstvo, 1973.

_______ (ed. and introd.). 


Deineka. Zhizn’, iskusstvo, vremia: 

literaturno-khudozhestvennoe nasledie 

[Aleksandr Deineka. Life, Art, Time: A 

Literary-Artistic Heritage]. Leningrad: 

Khudozhnik RSFSR, 1974.

_______ (ed.). 

Alexander Deineka: Paint-

ings, Graphic Works, Sculptures, Mosa-

ics, Excerpts from the Artist’s Writings. 

Translated from the Russian by Monica 

Wilkinson and Holly Elizabeth Smith. 

Leningrad: Aurora Art Publishers, 1982 

[Also published in German and French 


_______ (ed. and introd.). 


Deineka. Zhivopis’, grafika, skul’ptura, 

mozaika. Al’bom [Aleksandr Deineka. 

Painting, Graphics, Sculpture, Mosaics. 

Album]. Leningrad: Aurora Art 

Publishers, 1982. 

_______ (ed. and introd.). 


Deineka. vol. 1. Aleksandr Deineka: 

monografiia [Aleksandr Deineka: 

Monograph]; vol. 2.

 Aleksandr Deineka. 

Zhizn’, iskusstvo, vremia: literaturno-

khudozhestvennoe nasledie [Aleksandr 

Deineka. Life, Art, Time: A Literary-Artistic 

Heritage]. Moscow: Izobrazitel’noe 

iskusstvo, 1989. 

II.2. Articles

AKIMOVA, L. “Narodnost’ sporta” [The 

Popularity of Sport], 

Iskusstvo 6 (1980). 

AKSENOV, I. A. “Vystavka zhivopisi” [An 

Exhibition of Painting], 

Zhizn’ iskusstva 

20, 16. 

ANDREEV, K. “U Aleksandra Deineki”


[With Aleksandr Deineka], 


iskusstvo (December 14, 1945). 

ANNENSKII, N. “Krasnaia Armiia v 

revolutsionnom iskusstve” (Na vystavke 

AKhRR k 10-letiiu Krasnoi Armii)” [The 

Red Army in Revolutionary Art (At the 

AKhRR Exhibition for the 10th Anniver-

sary of the Red Army)], 

Gudok (Febru-

ary 26, 1928).

ARANOVICH, D. “Sovremennye khu-

dozhestvennye gruppirovki”


porary Artist Groups], 

Krasnaia nov’ 5 

(1925) and 10 (1926).

ARKIN, D. “‘Na stroike novykh tsekhov’. 

O khudozhnike Deineka”

 [At the Con-

struction of New Workshops. About the 

Artist Deineka], 

Krasnaia niva 21 (May 


BASSEKHES, A. “Deineka. Vystavka vo 

Vsekokhudozhnike (1935)” [Deineka. 

The Exhibition at Vsekokhudozhnik, 

1935], in 

Za sorok let [For Forty Years]. 

Moscow, 1976.

BESKIN, O. “Moskva geroicheskaia”


[Heroic Moscow], 

Vecherniaia Moskva 

(December 13, 1942). 

_______ . “Zametki o vystavke”


about an Exhibition], 


Moskva (April 8, 1943). 

BONET, J. M. “Hopper-Deineka“, 


Europeo 15 (September 1989), 86–95.

BONTE, O. H. “Watercolors by Deyneka 

Seen at the Art Alliance,”


Inquirer (February 17, 1935), 14.

BRODSKII, M. A. “Deineka. Po zalam 

iubileinoi vystavki”

 [Deineka. In the 

Halls of the Jubilee Exhibition], 


gazeta (December 8, 1932). 

BUBNOVA, O. “Po zalam vystavki”


the Halls of the Exhibition], 


iskusstvo (July 5, 1933).

BYCHKOV, Y. “Uvidevshii pervym” [The 

One Who Saw It First], 

Sovetskii sport, 

June 2, 1962.

_______ . “Solntsu i vetru navstrechu”


[The Meeting of Sun and Wind], 

Khudozhnik 7 (1963). 

CHEGODAEV, A. D. “Knizhnaia i 

stankovaia grafika za 15 let”

 [Book and 

Painted Graphics of the Past 15 Years], 

Iskusstvo 1–2 (1933), 122. 

_______ . “A. A. Deineka,”

 in Iskusstvo 

knigui II [The Art of the Book, II]. 

Moscow, 1961.

_______ . “A. A. Deineka”, in 

Moi khudozh-

niki: izbrannye stat’i ob iskusstve ot 

vremen Drevnei Gretsii do dvadtsatogo 

veka [My Artists: Selected Articles 

about Art from the Time of Ancient 

Greece to the Twentieth Century]. 

Moscow, 1974. 

_______ . “A. Deineka,”

 Iskusstvo 5 (1957). 

COMAN, A. “A. A. Deineka – un maestru 

al artei sovietice,” [A. A. Deineka – A 

Master of Soviet Art]

 Arta Plastica 5 


“Dokumenty narodnoi doblesti”


ments of the People’s Valor], 


(December 13, 1942). 

DOLGOPOLOV, I. “Vchera, segodnia, 


 [Yesterday, Today, Forever], 

Ogonek 15 (1964). 

_______ . “Deineka,”

 Ogonek 27 (1966). 

_______ . “Maiakovski i Deineka” [Maya-

kovsky and Deineka],

 Ogonek 27 (1973). 

_______ . “Aleksandr Deineka,“ in


o khudozhnikakh [Stories about Artists]. 

Moscow, 1974. 

_______ . “Aleksandr Deineka,”

 Ogonek 20 


_______ . “Deineka,” 

Ogonek 29 (1980). 

“Dostizheniia sovetskogo khudozhnika. 

Po povodu kartiny A. Deineki ‘Oborona 

Petrograda ot Iudenicha’” [Achieve-

ments of the Soviet Artist. Concerning 

A. Deineka’s Painting 

The Defense of 

Petrograd from Iudenich], Chitatel’ i 

pisatel’ (June 2, 1928). 

DOSUZHII, G. “Tvorchestvo khudozh-

nika A. Deineki”

 [The Creative Work 

of the Artist A. Deineka], 


leninskoe iskusstvoznanie 1 (1932).

EFROS, A. “Na vystavke OSTa”

 [At the 

Exhibition of OST], 

Prozhektor 20 (1928). 

_______ . “Vchera, segodnia, zavtra”


[Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow], 


6 (1933), 57–58. 

_______ . “Vystavka Alexandra Deineki 

(1935)” [The Exhibition of Aleksandr 

Deineka (1935)], in 

Mastera raznykh 

epokh. Izbrannye istoriko-khudozhest-

vennye i kriticheskie stat’i [Masters of 

Diverse Epochs. Selected Art Historical 

and Critical Essays.]. Moscow, 1979.

EXNER, H. “Volkserhebung und Revo-

lution. Zu zwei Bildern von Hodler und 


Bildende Kunst 3 (1956).

FAVORSKII, V. “Zhivopis’ i arkhitektura”


[Painting and Architecture], 


sinteza iskusstv [Issues Concerning the 

Synthesis of the Arts]. Moscow, 1936, 47.

_______ . “Ob illiustratsii, o stile i o miro-

vozzrenii” [About Illustration, Style and 

World View], in Y. MOLOK (ed.).


o Vladimire Favorskom [A Book about 

Vladimir Favorskii]. Moscow, 1967, 248.

FEDOROV-DAVIDOV, A. A. “Khudozhest-

vennaia zhizn’ Moskvy”

 [The Artistic 

Life of Moscow], 

Pechat’ i revoliutsiia 4 


_______ . “Po vystavkam”

 [At the Exhibi-


Pechat’ i revoliutsiia 5–6 (1925), 

no. 5 (1926) and no. 4 (1927).

FRIEDMAN, J. “Soviet Mastery of the 

Skies at the Mayakovsky Metro Station,” 

Studies in the Decorative Arts, vol. 7, no. 

2 (Spring/Summer 2000), 48–64. 

GERASIMOV, A. “Sovetskoe 

izobrazitel’noe iskusstvo i zadachi 

Akademii khudozhestv SSSR” [Soviet 

Visual Art and the Tasks of the Academy 

of Arts of the USSR]. Akademiia khu-

dozhestv SSSR,

 pervaia i vtoraia sessii. 

Doklady, preniia i postanovleniia 22–24 

noiabria 1947 g. 20–27 maia 1948 g. 

[Acadamey of the Arts of the USSR, 

First and Second Sessions. Reports, 

Debates and Resolutions. November 

22–24, 1947, May 20–27, 1948].



GERCHUK, Iu. “Chernyi sneg Aleksandra 


 [The Black Snow of Aleksandr 


Detskaia literatura 6 (1970). 

_______ (ed.). 

Khudozhnik A. Deineka 

delaet knigu N. Aseev “Kuter’ma” [The 

Artist A. Deineka Makes N. Aseev’s Book 

Kuter’ma]. Moscow: Sovetskii khudozh-

nik, 1982. 

GERTSENBERG, V. “Osenniaia vystavka 

moskovskikh zhivopistsev”

 [The Autumn 

Exhibition of Moscow Painters], 


vo 2 (1936), 33–34.

GRABAR, I. “Vystavka kartin A. Deineki”


[Exhibition of Paintings of A. Deineka], 

Pravda, December 18, 1935. 

_______ . “Tvorcheskaia zrelost’ ” [Cre-

ative Maturity], 

Literatura i iskusstvo 

(August 28, 1943).

_______ . “Vystavka Aleksandra Deineki”


[The Exhibition of Aleksandr Deineka], 

Tvorchestvo 7 (1957). 

GUREVICH, M. “Krasnaia Armiia za X 


 [Ten Years of the Red Army], Zhizn’ 

iskusstva (April 3, 1928).

IAKOVLEV, V. “Krasnaia Armiia v bor’be 

s nemetsko-fashistskimi zakhvatchi-

kami” [The Red Army in Battle with 

the German-Fascist Invaders], 


(February 26, 1943).

IUON, K. “Vystavka A. Deineki” [The 

Exhibition of A. Deineka],


(December 16, 1935), 4. 

JEWELL, E. A. “Soviet Art in an 

Impressive Show,” 

New York Times 

(December 23, 1934).

K. V. “Zapad glazami sovetskogo khu-


 [The West through the Eyes 

of the Soviet Artist], 


pravda (December 16, 1935). 

Fundación Juan March

KAMENSKII, A., “Poeziia sovremennosti” 

(O tvorchestve khudozhnika A. Deineki)


[The Poetry of Modernity (About the 

Creative Work of the Artist A. Deineka], 

Komsomolskaia pravda (August 17, 


_______ . “Vertikal’nii montazh”



Iskusstvo 6 (1980). 

_______ . “Nekotorye cherty stilistiki OST” 

[Some Features of OST’s Stylistics], 

Iskusstvo 9 (1981). 

_______ . “Edinstvo raznorodnogo”


Unity of the Heterogenous], 


1 (1982).

KASSIL’, L. “Iskusstvo na antiimperialis-

ticheskom fronte”

 [Art at the Anti-

Imperialist Front], 

Krasnaia niva (1931). 

KAUFMAN, R. “Sovetskaia 

monumental’naia zhivopis’” [Soviet 

Monumental Painting], 


SSSR 7 (1939), 42–49.

_______ . “Aleksandr Deineka”,

 Iskusstvo 3 

(1936), 84–100. 

_______ . “O batal’noi zhivopisi v gody 

Velikoi Otechestvennoi voini”


Battle Painting during the Years of the 

Great Patriotic War], 

Tvorchestvo 1 

(1947), 6–7. 

KHVOINIK, O. “O plakatnoy lapidarnosti. 

Na vystavke OSOAVIAKhIMa”


the Lapidary Style in Posters. At the 

Exhibition of OSAVIAKhIM], 


iskusstvo (March 26, 1933). 

KIAER, C. “Was Socialist Realism Forced 

Labour? The Case of Aleksandr Deineka


in the 1930’s,” 

Oxford Art Journal, vol. 

28, no. 3 (2005), 321–45.

_______ . “Sotsrealizm i amerikanskii 

modernizm. Deineka v SShA”


ist Realism and American Modernism: 

Deineka in the USA (translated by Viktor 


Pinakotheke, vol. 22–23, no. 

1–2 (Moscow, 2006), 288–95. Reprinted 


Deineka: Grafika. Moscow: Interrosa, 

2009, 455–64.

_______ . “Modern Soviet Art Meets 

America, 1935,”

 in M. Bolt Rasmussen 

and J. Wamberg, eds. 

Totalitarian Art 

and Modernity. Aarhus: Aarhus Univer-

sity Press, 2010, 241–82. 

_______ . “The Swimming Vtorova Sisters: 

The Representation and Experience 

of Soviet Sport in the 1930s,”


Sandra Budy, Nikolaus Katzer, Alexandra 

Köhring and Manfred Zeller, eds. 

Euphoria and Exhaustion: Modern Sport 

in Soviet Culture and Society. Frankfurt 

am Main: Campus-Verlag, 2010, 89–109. 

KIBRIK, E. “Aleksandr Deineka,”


Soiuz 12 (1957).

_______ . “Khudozhnik sovremennosti”


[The Artist of Modernity], 


gazeta (May 18, 1957). 

KISLOV, V. “Vsemirnaia vystavka v 

Briussele” [The Universal Exposition in 


Iskusstvo 4 (1959), 18.

KONNOV, F. and Ia. TSIREL’SON, “Vys-

tavka ‘Oktiabria’ pod znakom ‘levoi’ 

frazy” [The Exhibition of “October” 

under the Sign of a “Left” Phase], 

Iskusstvo v massy 7 (=15) (1930), 13.

KORIN, P. “Gimn sovremennosti”


Hymn of Modernity], 


Rossiia (April 24, 1964). 

KOSTIN, V. “Khudozhniki sovremennos-

ti” [Artists of Modernity], 

Tvorchestvo 7 



_______ . 

OST (Obschestvo stankovistov) 

[OST, The Society of Easel Painters]. 

Leningrad, 1977.

“Krasnaia Armiia v bor’be s nemetsko-

fashistskimi zakhvatchikami” [The Red 

Army in Battle with the German-Fascist 


Krasnaia zvezda (March 17, 


KRAVCHENKO, K. S. “Vynuzhdennye 

priznaniia. Sovetskie khudozhniki na 

XVIII mezhdunarodnoi vystavke v 

Venetsii. Po italianskoi presse” [Forced 

Confessions: Soviet Artists at the 18th 

International Exhibition in Venice. Ac-

cording to the Italian Press], 


1–2 (1933),  235–42.

KRAWCZENKO, K. “Dejneka (1899–


Przeglad artystyczny 2 

(Warsaw 1970).

KURATOVA, I. “Aleksandr Aleksandrov-

ich Deineka,”

 in Sovetskie khudozhniki 

 Geroi Sotsialisticheskogo Truda [So-

viet Artists—Heroes of Socialist Labor]. 

Moscow, 1974. 


 “Protiv formalizma v is-


 [Against Formalism in Art], Pod 

znamenem marksizma 6 (1936), 87–88. 


Sovetskaia russkaia 

zhivopis’ pervogo oktiabr’skogo desi-

atiletiia [Soviet Russian Painting of the 

First Ten Years of October]. Moscow, 


LOBANOV, V. “Shest’ masterov”



Moskovskii bol’shevik (August 

8, 1943). 


 A. “Vystavka v chest’ 

Krasnoi Armii” [Exhibition in Honor 

of the Red Army], 

Izvestiia (March 24, 


MIKHAILOV, A. “Khudozhnik novogo 


 [The Artist of the New World], 

Tvorchestvo 11 (1969). 

MOCHALOV, L. “A. A. Deineka,” in


Nepovtorimost’ talanta [The Uniqueness 

of Talent]. Leningrad, 1966. 

“Na khudozhestvennoi vystavke”

 [At an 

Art Exhibition], 

Pravda, March 31, 1934.

NEKHOROSHEV, Y. “Stranitsi epokhi 

(O nasledii Aleksandra Deineki)”


of an Epoch (About the Legacy of 

Aleksandr Deineka], 

Sovetskaia kul’tura 

(July 15, 1969). 

_______ . “Iskustvo, kotoroe opredeliaet 

vremia (K 80-letiiu Aleksandra Deineki)” 

[An Art that Defines Time. For the 80th 

Year of Aleksandr Deineka], 

Moskva 5 


“New Viewpoints Seen in Deineka’s 


Philadelphia Recorder, 

February 12, 1935.

NIKIFOROV, B. “Master sotsial’nogo tipa-

zha. O tvorchestve Deineki” [Master of 

Social Typage. About the Creative Work 

of Deineka], 

Brigada khudozhnikov 4–5 

(1932), 11–12. 

_______ . “Panno dlia zdaniia Nar-

komzema. Khudozhniki A. Deineka i F. 

Antonov” [A Panel for the Ministry of 

Agriculture Building. Artists A. Deineka 

and F. Antonov], 

Iskusstvo 4 (1932).

_______ . “Aleksandr Deineka,”

 Iskusstvo 3 

(1933), 85–107.

_______ . “Aleksandr Deineka,” 


naia gazeta (October 20, 1935).

_______ . “Khudozhnik zhiznennoi pravdi 

i bol’shikh chuvstv”

 [The Aritist of Truth 

to Life and of Great Feelings], 


kaia kul’tura (May 25, 1957).

NIKIFOROV, S. I. “Vospominaniia o 

velikom mastere. ‘To, shto ostalos’ v 

pamiati’” [Remembrances about the 

Great Master. “That, which Remains 

in Memory”], in 

Problemy sovetskogo 

iskusstva 1930-1950 gg. K 100-letiiu 

A. A. Deineki [Problems of Soviet Art of 

1930–1950. For the 100th Annivesary of 

A. A. Deineka]. Kursk, 1999. 

NISSKII, G. “Serdtse khudozhnika” [The 

Heart of the Artist], 

Trud (April 26, 


OLENIN, B. “Khudozhniki o snaiperakh”


[Artists about the Sharpshooters], 

Vecherniaia Moskva (February 24, 1933). 

OSMOLOVSKI, Y. “Samyi sovrmennyi 


 [The Most Modern Artist], 

Dekorativnoe iskusstvo SSSR 11 (1969).

PARAMONOV, A. “Kartina A. A. Deineki 

«Oborona Petrograda»”

 [The Painting 

of A. A. Deineka, 

The Defense of Petro-

grad], Iskusstvo 7 (1977). 

PIMENOV, Iu. “Put’ khudozhnika”


Path of the Artist], 

Ogonek 32 (1957). 

_______ . “Chuvstvo novoi zhizni” [The 

Feeling of the New Life], 


February 19, 1964. 

PLASTOV, A. “On pishet svoiu rodinu i 

ego synov” (K 70 - letiiu so dnia rozh-

deniia A. A. Deineki)”

 [“He Paints his 

Motherland and Her Sons” (For A. A. 

Deineka’s 70th Birthday)], 


kaia pravda (May 21, 1969). 

“Pokhorony A. A. Deineki” [The Funeral 

of A. A. Deineka], 

Sovetskaia kul’tura 

(June 17, 1969).

POPOVA, E. “Ia eto liubliu... (Tvorchest-

vo A. Deineki, K. Iuona i A. Gritsaia)” 

[I Love This…The Creative Work of 

A. Deineka, K. Iuon and A. Gritsao],


Ogonek 26 (1971). 

PRONIN, V. “Khudozhnik A. A. Deineka”


[The Artist A. A. Deineka], 

Krasnyi sport 

(December 27, 1935). 

RAKHILLO, I., A. “Deineka,” 

Ogonek 13 


_______ . “Deineka (Iz zapisey raznykh 

let)” [Deineka (From Notes of Various 


Moskva 9 (1972). Reprinted in 

Serebrianyi pereulok (Moscow: 

Moskovskii rabochii, 1978).

ROGUINSKAIA, F. “Obzor zhivopisnogo 


 [Survey of the Pictorial 


Krasnaia nov’  7 (1926).

ROMOV, A. “Aleksandr Deineka,”


dnei 4 (1935). 

ROMOV, S. “Aleksandr Deineka,” 

Sovetskoe iskusstvo (August 27, 1932).

SALAKHOV, T. “Nash Deineka. K 70-letiiu 

so dnia rozhdeniia”

 [Our Deineka. For 

his 70th Birthday], 

Sovetskaia kul’tura 

(May 20, 1969). 

SAMOILOV, D. “Solnechnyi mir v zale 

Alexandra Deineki” [The Sunny World in 

the Hall of Aleksandr Deineka], 


sport (August 24, 1943).

SEMENOV, S. “Iskusstvo radosti”


Art of Joy], 

Vecherniaia Moskva (June 

25, 1933). 

SHUKATOV, N. “Bor’ba za novuiu kar-


 [The Battle for the New Picture], 

Vecherniaia Moskva (February 24, 1928).

SIDOROV, A. “Mir, ozarennyi solntsem”


[The World, Illuminated by the Sun], 

Leningradskaia pravda 1 (1980). 

SKRIPKOV, Ia. N. “Uchitel’” [The Teach-

er], in

 Problemy sovetskogo iskusstva, 

1930–1950 gg. K 100-letiiu A. A. Deineki 

[Problems of Soviet Art of 1930–1950. 

For the 100th Annivesary of A.A. 

Deineka]. Kursk, 1999.

SMOLNIKOV, I. “Oborona Sebastopolia”


[The Defense of Sevastapol], in 


skaia solntsa [The Studio of the Sun]. 

Leningrad, 1974. 

SOKOLOVA, N. “Obraz i masterstvo”


[Image and Mastery], 

Izvestiia (August 

20, 1943).

_______ . “Na palitre-solntse”

 [In the Pal-

ette—the Sun], 

Komsomolskaia pravda 

(February 26, 1964). 

SOKOLOVSKII, V. “Romantik, agitator, 

provokator” [Romantic, Agitator, Provo-


Rossiia 17 (May 7–13, 2001).

SOLANA, G. “Aleksandr Deineka,” in 


realismo en el arte contemporaneo, 

1900–1950. Madrid: Fundacion Cultural 

Mapfre Vida, 1998.

SOSFEROV, I. “Stantsii metro 

Gor’kovskogo radiusa” [Metro Stations 

of the Gorky Radius Line], 


SSSR 8 (1939), 25–39.

“Sovetskoe monumental’noe iskusstvo 

na mezhdunarodnoi vystavke v 

Parizhe” [Soviet Monumental Art at 

the International Exhibition in Paris], 

Tvorchestvo 8–9 (1938), 9.

“Summer in the Soviet,” 

Vanity Fair 

(August 1935), 28–29.


Oborona Sevastopolia 

[The Defense of Sevastapol]. Leningrad, 


Fundación Juan March

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