Aleksandr Deineka (1899-1969) : an avant-garde for the proletariat

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Glossary of


Fundación Juan March

AKhR: Assotsiatsiia khudozhnikov 

revoliutsii (Association of Artists of the 

Revolution), 1928–32, formerly AKhRR

AKhRR: Assotsiatsiia khudozhnikov 

revoliutsionnoi Rossii (Association of 

Artists of Revolutionary Russia), 1922–28

FOSKh: Federatsiia ob”edineniia sovet-

skikh khudozhnikov (Federation of 

Associations of Soviet Artists)

GAKhN: Gosudarstvennaya Akademiia 

khudozhestvennykh nauk (State 

Academy of Artistic Sciences), 1925–31, 

previously RAKhN

GIII: Gosudarstvennyi Institut Istorii 

Iskusstv (State Institute of Art History)

GINKhUK: Gosudarstvennyi Institut 

khudozhestvennoi kul’tury (State Insti-

tute of Artistic Culture [Leningrad])

GIZ / Gosizdat: Gosudarstvennoe 

Izdatel’stvo (State Publishing House), 

established on May 21, 1919, via the 

fusion of large department and coop-

erative publishing houses to coordinate 

administrative and political literature 

state publications; from 1930, OGIZ

Glaviskusstvo: Glavnoe upravlenie po 

delam khudozhestvennoi literatury i 

iskusstva (Chief Directorate on Matters 

of Artistic Literature and Art), the de-

partment of Narkompros that provided 

oversight for literature and art

GLAVLIT: Glavnoe upravlenie po delam 

literatury i izdatel’stv (Chief Directorate 

for Literary and Publishing Aff airs)

GLAVNAUK: Glavnoe upravlenie 

nauchnymi, nauchno-khudozhestvenny-

mi i muzeinymi uchrezhdenii mi (Chief 

Administration for Scientific, Scientific-

Artistic and Museum Institutions)

Glavpolitprosvet: Glavnyi politiko-

prosvetitel’nyi komitet Respubliki 

(Central Political Enlightenment 

Committee of the Republic)

Glavprofobr: Glavnoe upravlenie 

professional’nogo obrazovaniia 

(Chief Administration for Professional 


GOELRO: Gosudarstevnnaia Komissiia 

po Elektrifikatsii Rossii (State Commis-

sion for the Electrification of Russia), 

state organ created on February 21, 

1921, to elaborate the electrification 

plan for Russia after the October 


GOSKOMIZDAT: Gosudarstvennyi 

Komitet po Delam Izdatel’stv, Poligrafíi i 

Knizhnoi Torgovli (State Committee on 

Matters of Publishing, Printing and the 

Book Trade)

GOSTRUDIZDAT: Gosudarstvennoe 

Izdatel’stvo Voprosy Truda (State Pub-

lisher on Questions of Labor)

Gubnarobraz: Gubernskiioe otdel 

narodnogo obrazovaniia (Provincial 

Department of Public Education)

INKhUK: Institut khudozhestvennoi 

kul’tury (Institute of Artistic Culture 


MKRKP(b): Moskovskii komitet Rossi-

iskoi Kommunisticheskoi partii (bolshe-

viki) (Moscow Committee of the Russian 

Communist Party)

MOSSKh: Moskovskii Oblastnoi Soiuz 

sovetskikh khudozhnikov (Moscow 

Regional Union of Soviet Artists), 1932–

38. From 1938, MSSKh

MPI: Moskovskii poligraficheskii in-

stitut (Moscow Polygraphic Institute), 


MSSKh: Moskovskii Soiuz Sovetskikh 

khudozhnikov (Moscow Union of Soviet 

Artists), 1938–59

MTKh: Moskovskoe tovarichestvo 

khudozhnikov (Moscow Fellowship of 


MVKhPU: Moskovskoe vysshee 

khudozhesvenno-promyshlennoe uchil-

ishche (byvshee Stroganovskoe) 

(Moscow Higher Artistic-Industrial 

School (formerly Stroganov), 1948–92

MVTU im. Baumana: Moskovskoe Vy-

sshee Tekhnicheskoe Uchilishche imeni 

Baumana (Moscow Higher Technical 

School named for Bauman), established 

in 1830 and renamed in 1930 in honor 

of Nikolai Bauman, a revolutionary 

executed in 1905

Narkompros: Narodnyi kommissariat 

prosveshcheniia (People’s Commissariat 

of Enlightenment), Petrograd, 1918–21; 

Moscow, 1918–22

Narkomzem: Narodnyi kommissariat 

zemledeliia SSSR (People’s Commis-

sariat of Agriculture of the USSR)

NEP: Novaia ekonomicheskaia politika 

(New Economic Policy), 1921–28

NK RKI: Narodnyi Komissariat Raboche-

Krest’ianskoi Inspektsii (People’s Com-

missariat of Workers’ and Peasants’ 


NKTP: (Narkomtiazhprom): Narodnyi 

komissariat tiazheloi promyshlennosti 

(People’s Commissariat of Heavy Indus-


NKVD: Narodnyi komissariat Vnutren-

nikh del SSSR (People’s Commissariat of 

Internal Aff airs of the USSR)

NOT: Nauchnaia organizatsiia truda 

(Scientific Organization of Labor)

OBMOKhU: Obshchestvo molodykh 

khudozhnikov (Society of Young Art-

ists), Moscow, 1919–22 

ODVF: Obshchestvo druzei vozdush-

nogo flota (Society of Friends of the Air 


OGIZ: Ob”edinenie gosudarstvennykh 

knizhno-zhurnalnykh izdatel’stsv (As-

sociation of State Book and Magazine 

Publishing Houses)

Okhobro: Otdel khudozhestvennogo 

obrazovaniia (Department of Artistic 


OKhR: Ob”edinennei khudozhnikov-

realistov (Association of Artist-Realists)

OMAKhR: Ob”edinenie molodezhi 

AKhR (Association of AKhR Youth)

OMKh: Obschestvo Moskovskikh Khu-

dozhnikov (Society of Moscow Artists)

OSA: Ob”edinenie sovremennykh arkhi-

tektorov (Association of Contemporary 


OSOVIAKhIM: Obshchestvo sodeist-

viya oborone, aviastii i khimicheskomu 

stroitel’stvu (Society for Facilitating 

Defense, Aviation and Chemical 

Construction), 1927–48, later DOSAAF

OST: Obshchestvo khudozhnikov-

stankovistov (Society of Easel Painters), 


PGSKhUM: Petrogradskie Gosudarst-

vennye svobodnye khudozhestvennye 

uchebnye masterskie (Petrograd State 

Free Artistic Education Workshops), cre-

ated in 1918 from the Higher School of 

Art, Sculpture ad Architecture, VKhU

Rabis: Vserossiiskii soiuz rabotnikov 

iskusstv (All-Russian Union of Art Work-

ers), 1919–24; from 1924, VSERABIS

RAKhN: Rossiiskaia Akademiia khu-

dozhestvennykh nauk (Russian Acade-

my of Artistic Sciences), created on the 

initiative of Lunacharskii, it was given 

over to the “synthetic study of the arts,” 

Moscow  1921–25, called GAKhN in 1925

RAPKh: Rossiiskaia assotsiatsiia prolet-

arskikh khudozhnikov (Russian Associa-

tion of Proletarian Artists), 1931–32

RAPM: Rossiiskaya assotsiatsiia prole-

tarskikh muzykantov (Russian Associa-

tion of Proletarian Musicians)

RAPP: Rossiiskaya assotsiatsiia prolet-

arskikh pisatelei (Russian Association of 

Proletarian Writers)

REF: Revoliutsionnyi front (iskusstv) 

(Revolutionary Front [of the Arts]), 

previously called LEF 

RKI: Raboche-Krest’ianskaia Inspektsiia 

(Workers’ and Peasants’ Inspection).  


RKKA: Raboche-Krestianskaia Krasnaia 

Armiia (Workers’ and Peasants’ Red 


RKP(b): Rossiiskaia Kommunis-

ticheskaia Partiia (bolshevikov) (Russian 

Communist Party [Bolsheviks]), 1918–25, 

later VKP(b)

ROSTA: Rossiiskoe Telegrafnoe Agent-

stvo (Russian Telegraph Agency), the 

state news agency in Soviet Russia, 

1918–25, later called TASS and, from 

1992, ITAR-TASS (Russian Telegraph 

Information Agency)

RSFSR: Rossiiskaia Sovetskaia Federa-

tivnaia Sotsialisticheskaia Respublika 

(Russian Soviet Socialist Federative 

Socialist Republic)

SELKhOZGIZ: Gosudarstvennoe 

Izdatel’stvo Selskokhoziaistvennoi 

literatury (State Publishing House for 

Agricultural Literature)

INTERNAKhR: Internatsional AKhR 

(International wing of the Association of 

Artists of the Revolution)

Iugolef: Iuzhnyi levyi front iskusstv 

(Southern Left Front of the Arts)

IZO Narkompros: Otdel izobrazitel’nykh 

iskusstv (Visual Arts Section of the 

People’s Commissariat of Enlighten-


IZOBRIGADA: Brigada Khudozhnikov 

(Art Brigade), group of artists who split 

from OST in 1931.

IZOGIZ: Gosudarstvennoe izdatel’stvo 

izobrazitel’nykh Iskusstv (State Publish-

ing House of the Fine Arts), 1930–38

IZORAM: Izobrazitel’noe Iskusstvo 

Rabochei Molodezhi (the artistic circle 

Fine Art of Working Youth)

Komfut: Kommunisticheskii futurizm 

(Communist Futurism)

Komintern: Kommunisticheskii 

Internatsional (The Communist Interna-


Komsomol: Kommunisticheskii soiuz 

molodezhi (Communist Union of Youth), 

a nickname for the All-Union Leninist 

Communist Union of Youth (VLKSM) 

KPSS: Kommunisticheskaia partiia Sov-

etskogo Soiuza (Communist Party of the 

Soviet Union/CPSU), 1952–91

KUTV: Kommunisticheskii universitet 

trudiashchikhsia Vostoka (Communist 

University of the Laborers of the East)

LEF: Levyi front iskusstv (Left Front of 

the Arts), Russian association of writers

linked to the journal of the same 

name (later Novyi lef [Novyi levyi front 

iskusstv — New Left Front of the Arts]); 

the group continued as REF from 1929

LENINIZOGIZ: Leningradskoye Gos-

udárstvennoye Izdátelstvo Izobrazítelnyj 

Iskusstv (Leningrad State Publishing 

House of the Fine Arts)

LOSSKh: Leningradskoe otdelenie Soiu-

za Sovetskikh khudozhnikov (Leningrad 

branch of the Union of Soviet Writers), 

created in 1932, almost concurrently 

with that of Moscow (MOSSKh) 

LTsK: Literaturnyi tsentr konstruktivistov 

(Literary Center of Constructivists)

MARKhI: Moskovskii Arkhitekturnyi 

Institut (Moscow Institute of Architec-

ture), established in 1933

MGAKhI: Moskovskii gosudarstvennyi

akademicheskii khudozhestvennyi 

institut im. Surikova (Moscow State 

Academic Artistic Institute named for 

V.I. Surikov, commonly known as “The 

Surikov Institute”), 1948–92.

MIPIDI: Moskovskii institut prikhlad-

nogo i dekorativnogo iskusstvo 

(Moscow Institute of Applied and 

Decorative Arts), 1930–45

MKhAT: Moskovskii khudozhestvennyi

Akademicheskii Teatr (Moscow Art 


Fundación Juan March


SGKhM: Svobodnye Gosudarstvennye 

Khudozhestvennye Masterskie (Free 

State Art Workshops), created in the 

autumn of 1918 with a view to moving 

away from academic methods of teach-

ing art and introducing a new system of 

organization of individual workshops. 

They were formed from existing educa-

tional institutions: the former Stroganov 

School of Art and Industry, which was 

the First Workshop; and the School of 

Painting, Sculpture and Architecture 

(the future Surikov), the Second Work-

shop. After the fusion of both work-

shops, the VKhUTEMAS was established 

in Moscow in 1920

SKh SSSR: Soiuz khudozhnikov SSSR 

(Union of Artists of the USSR), 1957–91

Sovnarkom: Sovet narodnykh komissa-

rov (Council of People’s Commissars)

SP SSSR: Soiuz Pisatelei SSSR (Writers’ 

Union of the USSR)

Svomas: see SGKhM

TASS: Telegrafnoe agenstvo Sovet-

skogo Soiuza (Telegraph Agency of the 

Soviet Union), formerly called ROSTA

TEO Narkompros: Teatral’nyi otdel 

Narkomprosa (Theater Section of the 

People’s Commissariat of Enlighten-


TRAM: Teatr Rabochei Molodezhi 

(Theater of Working Youth), semi-pro-

fessional theater for propaganda plays, 

in vogue in Russia in the late 1920s and 

early 1930s  

TsIT: Tsentralnyi institut truda (Central 

Institute of Labor)

TsK RKP(b): Tsentralnyi Komitet 

Rossiiskoi Kommunisticheskoi Partii 

(bolshevikov) (Central Committee of the 

Russian Communist Party [Bolsheviks]), 


TsK VKP(b): Tsentralnyi Komitet 

Vsesoiuznoi Kommunisticheskoi Partii 

(bolshevikov) (Central Committee of the 

All-Union Communist Party 

[Bolsheviks]), 1925–52

TsKK: Tsentral’naia Kontrol’naia 

Komissia (Central Control Commission)

TsPKiO: Tsentral’nyi Park Kul’tury i 

Otdykha imeni Gor’kogo (Central Park 

of Rest and Culture named for Gorky). 

UNOVIS: Utverditeli novogo iskusstvo 

(Champions of the New Art), 1920–22, 

group of artists from Vitebsk

USDS: Upravlenie stroitel’stva Dvortsa 

Sovetov (Board of Construction of the 

Palace of the Soviets) 

VDNKh: Vystavka Dostizhenii Narod-

nogo Khoziaistva SSSR (Exhibition of 

Economic Achievements of the USSR)

VKhUTEIN: Vysshie khudozhestvenno-

tekhnicheskie institut (Higher Arts and 

Technical Institute), Petrograd-Lenin-

grad, 1923–30, called VKhUTEMAS until 


VKhUTEMAS: Vysshie khudozhestven-

no-tekhnicheskie masterskie (Higher 

Arts and Technical Studios), Petrograd, 

1920–26, called VKhUTEIN from 1927

VKP(b): Vsesoiuznaia Kommunistich-

eskaia Partiia (bolshevikov) (All-Union 

Communist Party [Bolsheviks]), 1925–

52, formerly RKP(b)

VLKSM: Vsesoiuznyi Leninskii Kommu-

nisticheskii Soiuz Molodezhi (All-Union 

Leninist Communist Youth Organiza-


VOAPP: Vsesoiuznoe ob”edinenie as-

sotsiatsii proletarskikh pisatelei (All-

Union Federation of Associations of 

Proletarian Writers)

VOKS: Vsesoiuznoe obshchestvo 

kul’turnykh sviazei s zagranitsei (All-

Union Society for Cultural Relations 

with Foreign Countries)

VOPRA: Vsesoiuznoe ob”edinenie 

proletarskikh arkhitektorov (All-Union 

Association of Proletarian Architects)

Vsekokhudozhnik: Vserossiiskii soiuz 

kooperativnykh tovarishestv rabotnikov 

izobrazitel’nogo iskusstva (All-Russian 

Union of Cooperative Partnerships of 

Visual Art Workers)

Vsekopromsoiuz: Vserossiiskii Soiuz 

Promyslovoi Kooperatsii (All-Russian 

Union of Producers’ Cooperatives)

Vserabis: Vsesoiuznyi professional’nyi 

soiuz rabotnikov iskusstv (All-Union 

Professional Union of Art Workers), 


VSNKh: Vysshii Sovet Narodnogo 

Khoziaistva (Supreme Soviet of the 

National Economy)

VTsIK: Vserossiiskii Tsentral’nyi 

Ispolnitel’nyi Komitet (All-Russian 

Central Executive Committee), the 

largest state legislative, executive and 

control organ of RSFSR between 1917 

and 1937

VTsSPS: Vsesoiuznyi Tsentral’nyi Sovet 

Professionalnikh Soiuzov (All-Union 

Central Council of Trade Unions)

Zhivskul’ptarkh: Komissiia zhivopisno-

skul’pturno-arkhitekturnogo sinteza pri 

Narkomprose (Commission for Painting-

Sculpture-Architecture Synthesis within 


Fundación Juan March

Fundación Juan March


Index of 



Fundación Juan March

30 dnei (30 Days)

Akademiia Arkhitektury (Academy of Architecture)

Arkhitektura SSSR (Architecture of the USSR)

Arkhitekturnaia gazeta (Architectural Newspaper)

Bezbozhnik (Atheist)

Bezbozhnik u stanka (Atheist at the Factory Workbench) 

Brigada khudozhnikov (Artists’ Brigade)

Chitatel’ i pisatel’ (Reader and Writer)

Daesh’! (Let’s Produce)

Dekorativnoe iskusstvo SSSR (Decorative Art of the USSR)

Detskaia literatura (Children’s Literature)

Ermitazh (Hermitage)

Gudok (The Whistle)

Iskorka (Spark) 

Iskusstva dnia (Contemporary Art)

Iskusstvo (Art)

Iskusstvo kommuny (Art of the Commune)

Iskusstvo v massy (Art to the Masses) 

Iunost’ (Youth)

Izobrazitel’noe iskusstvo (Visual Arts) 

Izvestiia (News)

Khudozhnik (The Artist)

Khudozhnik i sovremennost’. Ezhegodnik Akademii Khudozhestv SSSR. 

(The Artist and Modernity: Annual of the Academy of Fine Arts of the USSR)

Khudozhestvennaia zhizn’ (Artistic Life)

Kommunisticheskoe prosveshchenie (Communist Enlightenment)

Kino-foto (Cine-Photo)

Komsomol’skaia pravda (Komsomol Truth)

Krasnaia gazeta (Red Newspaper)

Krasnaia niva (Red Field)

Krasnaia nov’ (Red Virgin Soil)

Krasnaia panorama (Red Panorama)

Krasnaia zvezda (Red Star)

Krasnyi sport (Red Sport)

Krasnyi student (Red Student)

Krokodil (Crocodile)

Lef: Levyi front iskusstv (Left Front of the Arts)

Leningradskaia pravda (Leningrad Truth)

Literatura i iskusstvo (Literature and Art)

Literaturnaia gazeta (Literary Newspaper)

Literaturnaia Rossiia (Literary Russia)

Marksistsko-leninskoe iskusstvoznanie (Marxist-Leninist Study of Art)

Metrostroi (Metro Construction)

Moskovskii bolshevik (The Moscow Bolshevik)

Moskva (Moscow)


Nash den’ (Our Day)

Nauka i tekhnika (Science and Technology) 

Novyi lef: Novyi levyi front iskusstv (New Left Front of the Arts)

Ogonek (Little Fire)

Organizatsiia truda (The Organization of Labor)

Pechat’ i revoliutsiia (Press and Revolution) 

Pod znamenem marksizma (Under the Banner of Marxism)

Pravda (Truth)

Prozhektor (Searchlight)

Przeglad artystyczny (Art Review)

Rabochaia Moskva (Worker Moscow)

Rabochii i iskusstvo (The Worker and Art)

Revoliutsiia i kul’tura (Revolution and Culture)

Riab’ (Ripple)

Russkaia volia (Russian Will)

Russkoe iskusstvo (Russian Art)

SA, Sovremennaia arkhitektura (Contemporary Architecture)

Samolet (Airplane)

Smena (The New Generation)

Sovetskaia aviatsiia (Soviet Aviation)

Sovetskaia kul’tura (Soviet Culture)

Sovetskii Soiuz (Soviet Union)

Sovetskii sport (Soviet Sport)

Sovetskoe foto (Soviet Photo) 

Sovetskoe iskusstvo (Soviet Art) 

Sovremennaia arkhitektura (see SA, Contemporary Architecture)

SSSR na stroike (USSR in Construction)

Stroika (Construction)

Stroitel’stvo Moskvy (The Construction of Moscow)

Trud (Labor)

Tvorchestvo (Creativity)

U stanka (At the Factory Workbench)

V mire iskusstv (In the World of Art)

Vecherniaia Moskva (Evening Moscow)

Vestnik iskusstva (Art Herald)

Vestnik rabotnikov iskusstvo (Herald of Art Workers)

Vestnik teatra (Theater Herald)

Vpered’ (Forward)

Za industrializatsiiu (For Industrialization)

Za proletarskoe iskusstvo (For Proletarian Art)

Za sotsialisticheskii realizm (For Socialist Realism)

Zhizn’ iskusstva (Life of Art)

Znanie–sila (Knowledge is Power)

Znenskii zhurnal (Woman’s Journal)

Fundación Juan March



of Works on  


Fundación Juan March

1. Aleksandr Deineka. 

Avtoportret [Self-

Portrait], 1948. Oil on canvas, 175.2 x 110 

cm. Kursk Deineka Picture Gallery

2 and 3. Kazimir Malevich and David 

Burliuk. Cover (Malevich) and back 

cover (Burliuk) of Aleksei Kruchenykh’s 


 Pobeda nad solntsem [Victory 

over the Sun], 1913. Book. Letterpress, 

24.6 x 17 cm. EUY, Saint Petersburg. 

Libretto by Aleksei Kruchenykh and 

music by Mikhail Matiushin. Collection 

Maurizio Scudiero and private 


4.  El Lissitzky. Cover of Konstantin 

Bol’shakov’s book 

Solntse naizlete. 

Vtoraia kniga stikhov, 1913–1916 [The 

Sun in Decline: Second Book of Poetry, 

1913–16], 1916. Lithography, 23.4 x 19 

cm. Tsentrifuga, Moscow. Private 


5.  Kazimir Malevich. Cover of the book 

Ot kubizma i futurizma k suprematizmu. 

Novyi zhivopisni realism [From Cubism 

and Futurism to Suprematism: The New 

Painterly Realism], 1916. Lithography, 

18 x 13 cm. Unknown publisher, 

Moscow, 3rd ed. Private collection

6.  Kazimir Malevich. 


kompozitsiia [Suprematist Composi-

tion], 1915. Oil on canvas, 80.4 x 80.6 

cm. Fondation Beyeler, Riehen, Basel

7.  Vladimir Tatlin. 

Kontrrel’ef [Counter 

Relief], ca. 1915–16. Wood panel, brass 

and oil, 85 x 43 cm. Private collection

8.  El Lissitzky. Cover and layout of the 


Russland. Die Rekonstruktion der 

Architektur in der Sowjetunion [Rus-

sland. The Reconstruction of Architec-

ture in the Soviet Union], 1930. Book. 

Letterpress, 28.8 x 22.7 cm. Verlag von 

Anton Schroll & Co., Vienna. 8b. Pages 

46–47 illustrating Tatlin’s Monument to 

the Third International, 1920. Fundación 

José María Castañé.

9.  Liubov Popova. 

Painterly Architecture 

no. 56, 1916. Oil on canvas, 67 x 48.5 

cm. Private collection

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