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government [ длуэптэш] п правительство
left п левая сторона; to sit on the Speaker’s left (on the left of the Speaker) си­деть слева (с левой стороны) от спикера
leader |lixb| п руководитель, лидер, глава
opposition [opa'zijn] оппозиция; The Opposition оппозиция (обыкн. главная оппозиционная партия в парламенте); Leader of the Opposition лидер оппозиции
Shadow Cabinet [ Jasdou'kasbinit] “теневой кабинет” (парламентский коми­тет главной оппозиционной партии)
face [feis] п стоять, сидеть, располагаться лицом к; The school faces the ci­nema. Школа находится напротив кино. Му window faces the south. Мое окно выходит на юг.
cross-bench I'krosbentf) п поперечная скамья (в палате общин и в палате лордов) для членов парламента, не принадлежащих к какой-либо пар­ламентской фракции
belong |brbp| v(to) принадлежать; Who does this book belong to? What party- do you belong to?
either |aida| pron любой из двух; You can take either of the books. Вы може­те взять любую книгу. Either of them is good.
main |mem] а главный, основной; the main street главная улица
political |po'htikl| а политический; There are two main political parties in the USA.
sit (sat) v заседать; The House of Commons will sit tomorrow.
foot [fut] n (pl. feet) ступня, стопа; h’s wet under feet. Под ногами сыро. Is it good to sit with your feet on the table?
in front of prep перед; There is a nice garden in front of our house.
next to prep рядом c; He is sitting next to Professor Ivanov.
bow Jbau] v кланяться, поклониться; What’s the name of the man who’s just bowed to you?
debate (drbelt] л дискуссия, дебаты, прения
late adv поздно; Better late than never. Лучше поздно, чем никогда. We arrived too late to see him.
take up v занимать, отнимать; We wont take up more of your time. Мы боль­ше не будем отнимать у вас время.
as enj когда, в то время, как; As we were leaving home, it started snowing, along |э'bi)] prep вдоль (no), no; They walked along Ostozhenka (Street), embankment |im'bsr)kmant] n набережная
impress [im pres] v производить впечатление (на кого-л.); Did the last novel impress you?
impression jinrprejh] n впечатление; to make an impression on smb. произвес­ти впечатление на кого-л. The film made a deep impression on us.
Exercise 1. Read and translate these sentences. Pay attention to active words and word combinations.
1. Most postgraduates spend a great deal of time in libraries. 2. He is sure to make quite a few friends there. 3. Would you like to look round the Houses of Parliament? 4. I wonder if her brother is an M.P. 5. First we shall go to the House of Lords and then to the House of Commons. 6. Mr Brown took them to the House of Lords. 7. There are two books on the table. You can take any of them. 8. Do you know who opens a session of Parliament in Great Britain? 9. The Prime Minister sits on the front bench on the right of the Speaker. 10. The Leader of the Opposition walked to the front bench on the left of the Speaker and sat down. 11.1 wonder how often the Shadow Cabinet meets. 12. He does not belong to either of the two main political parties of the USA. 13. When is the cabinet going to sit again? 14. Does your window face the north? 15. The main street of the city leads to the river. 16. The debate lasted till late at night. 17. I’m sorry. I’ve taken up too much of your time.
Mary Frolova, an exchange postgraduate from Moscow is studying English dialects at Oxford University. Mary has been staying at Oxford for three months now. She has spent a great deal of her time in the University Library. Mary' has made quite a few friends since she came to England.
Last week Mary visited the Houses of Parliament. One of her English friends, Alice Bromhead, asked Mary if she would like to look round the Houses
257 of Parliament. Alice's brother is an M.P. and he got two tickets for the Strangers' Gallery.
Alice and Mary arrived at Westminster at half past eleven and went to the entrance to the Victoria Tower. Alice’s brother met them there. He took them first to the House of Lords. There they saw the Throne on which the Queen sits when she opens a session of Parliament and the woolsack' on which the Lord Chancellor sits.
Then Mr Bromhead took them to the House of Commons. They saw the Speaker's chair where the Speaker usually sits. The front bench on the Speaker's right is for the Prime Minister and the leading members of his government. The front bench on the Speaker’s left is for the Leader of the Oppositon and mem­bers of his Shadow cabinet. There are some cross-benches facing the Speaker for members who do not belong to either of the two main political parties.
After lunch Mr Bromhead took the girls to the Strangers’ Gallery. Then he went to the House of Commons which was going to sit in a few minutes.
Mary was amused to see- members in the front seats sitting with their feet on the table in front of them. Some members were talking to those sitting next to them. Members were coming in and out all the time, everyone bowed to the Speaker as he came in or out.
If the members liked what a Speaker was saying, they shouted, “Hear, hear!'” If they did not like something they shouted, “No!"
Alice and Mary listened to the debate until late in the afternoon. When the debate was over, Mr Bromhead found them. Mary said to him, “Thank you very much for an enjoyable visit and for the excellent lunch. I hope we haven’t taken up too much of your time."
Mr Bromhead answered, “It’s sometimes nice to put pleasure before work.* I’m glad you enjoyed the visit. Goodbye.”
Mary and Alice were impressed by what they had seen and decided to take a walk. As they walked along the embankment. Alice asked Mary. “I wonder how you managed to learn English so well. How long have you been learning it?” “For five years at the Teacher Training College. There are quite a few very good teachers of English at our college.”
Alice Bromhead [ tells bromhed] Arnica Бромхед
Westminster | westmmsta| Вестминстер (перен. английский парламент) VictoriaTower [vik'ta:no'taua| башня Виктории (главная башня здания парламента)

  1. woolstick I'wulsrekl мешок с шерстью (набитая шерстью красная бар­хатная подушка, на которой силит лорд-канцлер в палате лордов)

  2. Mary was amused [a'mju:zd| to sec Мери очень насмешило, когда она увидела

  3. “Hear, hear!” "Правильно! Правильно!” (возглас одобрения).

  4. pleasure before work перевернута поговорка "Work before pleasure.” Сначала работа, а потом удовольствие.

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