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Conversations: A. Can you Tell me about Russian Writers? B. Tell me about British Writers, please. C. Could you Advise me an English Novel to Read? D. 1 am Fond of Music.
Learn these words and word combinations
name v называть; Will you name the most popular actors?
modem [ modan] а современный; Who’s your favourite modern writer?
for a change для разнообразия
award |a wo:d] награждать; to award smb. smth./ to award smth. to smb. на­граждать кого-л. чем-л.; to be awarded for smth. быть награжденным за; What was she awarded for?
be translated v быть переведенным; Last year his novel was translated into English.
at present ['prezantj в настоящее время: 1 don’t need any more books at pre­sent.
fiction I'fikjn] n лит. художественная литература, беллетристика; a book of fiction художественное произведение
in translation в переводе
serial | sianol] n сериал
republish [п рлЬИЛ v переиздавать; to be republished быть переизданным; When was his novel republished?
classic [' klaesik] n классик
main character | k«rakta| главное действующее лицо, герой; Who is the main character of this novel?
be united [junaitid] быть объединенным
gifted Jgiftid] одаренный, способный, талантливый
cryptologist [krip'tobc^ist] n шифровальщик
scientist |saiantist] n ученый
subject matter ('SAbcfrikt, ni«to] n основное содержание; What is the subject matter of this novel?
investigate [in'vestigeit] v расследовать
code [koudj n код
action ]'агк[(э)п] л действие
take place происходить, иметь место, случаться; Where does the action of this novel take place? Где происходит действие романа?
mostly [ mousth] adv главным образом; He mostly speaks about artists.
interrupt [inta'rApt] v прерывать; Excuse my interrupting you... Простите, что прерываю вас...
human being |hju:man bLirj] человек
contradict [zkontra'dikt] v противоречить; He likes to contradict everybody, oppose (d'pouzj v противиться, оказывать сопротивление
message ]'mesicfc] n главная идея (романа, повести, пьесы и т. п.); What’s the message of the play?
to my mind [maind] по-моему, на мой взгляд; То my mind the play is sure to be a success.
concert I konsat] n концерт
pianist [ pianist] n пианист
splendid | splendid] а великолепный; The performance was splendid.
have a look at smth. взглянуть на что-л; Will you have a look at the books I’ve just bought?
tour n турне; to be on tour быть на гастролях; The Bolshoi ballet is on tour in France now.
(A talk between Bill Anderson, a lecturer al London University, and Peter Borisov, a Russian teacher, who is teaching Russian at London University.)

  1. Could you name most popular modem Russian writers?

  2. My favourite modem Russian writers are Boulgakov, Pasternak, Aksenov, Solzhenitsin, Ulitskaya. Akunin. Also you can read a detective story by Marinina. Dontsova or Ustinova for a change.

  1. You named Ulitskaya. It’s a new name for me.

  2. Lyudmila Ulitskaya was born in 1943 in Bashkiriya. By education she is a biologist.1 Several years she worked at the theatre. In 80-s and 90-s she wrote screenplays* for two films.

  1. When and why did she become popular?

  2. She became widely known in 1992 after her short novel "Sofie" (Sonetchka) was published. In 1997 she was in the short-list of the Booker prize2 and in 2001 was awarded the "Russian Booker Prize” for the best Russian novel "Kazus Kukotskogo”.

  1. Is Ulitskaya known not only in Russia or in other countries at present?

  2. Yes. her books are translated into 17 languages.


A: Who are the most popular writers in Great Britain at present?
В It’s a diffucult question. Tastes differ.' you know. I’d say the most popular fiction writers are the Booker Prize winners* — John Banville, Alan Holingherst with his "Line of Beauty”, Julian Bams. Sebastian Barry and two women writers — Aly Smith and Zeidy Smith, though such writers as Graham Greene. Iris Murdoch. Agatha Christie are still popular with the English readers.
A: 1 hope I’ll be able to read them in Russian soon. As to Graham Greene, Iris Murdoch and Agatha Christie I’ve read some of their books in translation. I wonder whether John Galsworthy and Somerset Maugham are still read in Great Britain.
В I don’t think so though many of them are republished. Galsworthy is my favourite writer. He’s a classic. Have you seen the serial "The Forsyte Saga”?’ As far as I know it was on your TV.
A: Oh, yes. I enjoyed every minute of it.


Peter Rostov: Could you advise me an American novel to read?
John Brown: I’d advise you to read Dan Brown's books — “Angels & Demons”, “The Da Vinci Code”.1 Also there are several very interesting books by John Grisham.
Peter Rostov: Who are the main characters of the books by Dan Brown?
John Brown: Dan Brown's two books are united by one character — Harvard professor Robert Langdon. In "The Da Vinci Code” he is supported by a gifted French cryptologist — Sophie Nouveu.
Peter Rostov: What is the subject matter of the book "The Da Vinci Code"?
John Brown: In "The Da Vinci Code” Robert Langdon investigated the death of the elderly Louvre professor. He discovered a code in the works of Leonardo Da Vinci.
Peter Rostov: When and where does the action take place?
John Brown: It takes place nowadays mostly in France.
Peter Rostov: Excuse my interrupting you. What is the code that Robert Langdon found?
John Brown: He found a secret that Jesus Christ was a human being. He was married and was going to have a child. This contradicts the main principles of Christianity.' So the Church is now opposing the book.
Peter Rostov: What do you think of the message of the novel?
John Brown: To my mind it is an attempt to have a new view on the history of religion through fiction.
Peter Rostov: Thank you.


(Jane, an English student, has just returned from a concert. She meets Mary, a Russian exchange postgraduate.)
Mary: Hello. How are you?
Jane: Fine, thanks. I’ve just been to Richter’s concert.
Mary: Did you enjoy the concert?
Jane: It was splendid.
Mary: What did he play?
Jane: Tchaikovsky. Rachmaninov and... Here, have a look at the programme. I believe Richter is one of the most brilliant pianists of today.
Mary: Yes, he certainly is. By the way, the Orchestra “Moscow Virtuosos”56 is on tour in Great Britain now. Would you care to attend their concert next Friday? I've got two tickets.
Jane: I’d love to. Thank you very much. I’ve read a review about the concert. It says they’re marvellous. I’m fond of music.
John Banville ['cfcanbienvil] Джон Бэнвилл
Alan Holingherst ['aelanhohrjhast] Алан Холингхерст
Julian Barns pcfculianbaznz] Юлиан Барнс
Sebastian Barry (srbcEstjan'ba?n] Себастьян Бэри
Aly Smith paelrsmiO] Эли Смит
Zeidy Smith [zeidrsmiO] Зейди Смит
Graham Greene ['greiamgrkn] Грэм Грин
Iris Murdoch ['ains ma:dak] Айрис Мердок
John Galsworthy |'ctpn'garizwadij Джон Голсуорси
Somerset Maugham [somasat'maiam] Сомерсет Моэм
Dan Brown I'dten braun] Дэн Браун
John Grisham ['cfcangnjam] Джон Гришом
Robert Langdon ['robot'laegdan] Роберт Лэнгдон
Sophie Nouveu [so"fi na'va:] Софи Неве
Jesus Christ [cfcezus kraist| Иисус Христос

  1. By education she is a biologist [bar olacfeist] По образованию она биолог

  2. The Booker Prize Букеровская премия

  3. Tastes differ. О вкусах не спорят.

  4. The Booker Prize winner лауреат Букеровской премии

  5. “The Forsyte Saga” “Сага о Форсайтах”

  6. “Angels and Demons” “Ангелы и демоны”; “The Da Vinci Code” “Кодда Винчи”

  7. Christianity [,knsraenati| n христианство

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