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guidebook Iqaidbuk] n пугеводитель; a guidebook to ixindon (Moscow, the British Museum, etc.) путеводитель no Лондону (Москве. Британскому музею и т. п.); S v n . a guide to Ixindon (Moscow, etc.)
list n список; to make a list (of) составлять список; The teacher asked me to make a list of students who wanted to see the film.
capital I 'kaepitl] n столица
lie |lai] (lay, lain [lei], [lein]) v 1. лежать; 2. быть расположенным; Scotland lies to the north of England. Шотландия расположена (находится) север­нее Англии (к северу от Англии)
valley ['veeli] л долина
population [.papju leij'n] п население; The population of Canada is over 28 mil­lion.
industrial [urdAStnal] а промышленный
cultural | kAltfarl] а культурный
centre I'senta] n центр
building | bildir)] n здание
Norman | пэ:тэп] а нормандский
century | sentfon] n век, столетие; in the twentieth (20th) century в двадцатом веке (столетии)
hundred [ hAndrad] и сотня; Hundreds of people came to see the match.
use |ju:z] v пользоваться, использовать; применять, употреблять; May I use your pencil, please? to be used использоваться; What was the Tower used for?
fortress [fortns] n крепость
residence [rezidns] n резиденция
prison I'pnzn] n тюрьма
sight [salt] n (обычно pl.) достопримечательность; Come and see the sights of Moscow.
nowadays [nauadeiz] adv в наше время, в наши дни; In many countries chil­dren start school at the age of six nowadays.
display [di'splei] n: to be on display быть выставленным; There were a lot of cars on display.
cathedral [kaOkdrl] n собор
striking ['straikirj] а поразительный, замечательный
design [drzain] v проектировать; конструировать; Who will have to design the new factory?
architect pa:kitekt] «архитектор
architecture [arkitektfa] n архитектура
part |pa:t] n часть, доля; The novel is in six parts.
whole [houl] n целое
area [ tons] n плошадь, пространство, участок; Hyde Park is several square miles in area.
important [important] а важный, значительный; London is one of the most important industrial and cultural cities in Great Britain.
king n король
bank nбанк
banking а банковский
commercial [ka'majl] а коммерческий, торговый; New York is the most important commercial centre of the USA.
white-collar worker служащий
westwards fwestwadz] adv к западу, на запад, в западном направлении reach v достигать, доезжать, доходить, добираться; When will the train reach
news-agency ['eicfeansi] n агентство печати site n местонахождение, местоположение flag n флаг
Пу (flew, flown [flu:, floun|) vразвеваться by day днем light [lait| n свет, освещение; огонь burn (burnt) v гореть by night ночью opposite ['opazit| а находящийся напротив; противоположный nearly pniali] adv почти, чуть нс; It is nearly four o’clock, bury [ ben| v хоронить; to be buried быть похороненным memorial [тгтэ:пэ1] n памятник; a memorial to smb. памятник кому-л.; war memorial памятник павшим воинам
attraction [artraekfn| n привлекательность, приятная особенность historical [his'tonkl| а исторический; historical associations [a,sousreijhzj ас­социации с историческими событиями
exhibition [,eksi'bijh] n выставка, показ, демонстрация; art exhibition выставка картин, скульптур
skyscraper |'skaiskreipa] п небоскреб
make (made) уделать, создавать; to be made of smth. быть сделанным из че- го-л.; Most skyscrapers are made of glass and steel.
build [bild| (built [bilt[) устроить; to be built быть построенным; St. Paul's Cathedral was built in 1675—1710.
recently |ri:santli| adv недавно; He has completed his last novel recently, traditionally [tro dijnhj adv традиционно, по традиции
storey ['stan] n этаж; two- (three-) storey house (building) двух- (трех)этаж- ный дом; Не said that the new block of flats would be a twelve-storey build­ing.
district [ distnkt| n район, область
change [tfemcfc] v менять(ся), изменять(ся); переделывать; Nothing has changed since I last visited the town.
still adv до сих пор, (все) еще по-прежнему; She is still busy.
Exercise 1. Read and translate these sentences. Pay attention to active words and word combinations.
1. How did you like his farewell speech? 2. Michael said he would stay there for a short while. 3. The problem they discussed yesterday was very important. 4. The British Isles lie to the west of Europe. 5. May 1 use your textbook, please? 6. There were a lot of interesting books on display. 7. Amundsen reached the South Pole in 1911. 8. He said they would travel by day and stay at hotels every night. 9. The guide told them about the historical events that had taken place many years before. 10. He told me he had seen some of the sights at night. 11. Nearly a hundred new houses were built in the old part of the city recently. 12. The skyscraper made of glass and steel looked beautiful. 13. “Has anything changed since you last saw the town?” she asked him. 14. “Is Mr Brown still engaged?” “Yes. I think so.” 15. There was a striking contrast between the two sisters.
On September 25. 1984 Peter Fedorov, a lecturer at Moscow University, was giving a farewell dinner party to his friends as he was leaving for Great Britain the next day. Peter told his friends that he would teach spoken Russian to English students at Leads University for a year. He also said he would try to complete the English textbook he was working at.
His friends asked Peter whether he was going by air or by train. Peter said that he was going by air. George Lunin, one of his colleagues, who had been to England before, advised him to take the train. George said that if Peter went by train he would be able to see Poland, Germany and the Netherlands on his way to England. It would take him about two days to get to London.
Peter’s friends asked him whether he would be able to stay in London for a while and go sightseeing. Peter hoped he would stay in London for a couple of days. He said he had already read the guidebook to London and had made a list of places he wanted to see.
This is what Peter read about London.
London, the capital of Great Britain, lies in the valley of the Thames. Its population is over twelve million. London is the biggest industrial and cultural centre of Great Britain.
One of the oldest buildings in London is the Tower. William the Conqueror,' the first Norman king, built it in the eleventh century. For hundreds of years the Tower was used as a fortress, a residence of kings and a prison. The most popular sight in the Tower nowadays is the Jewel House in which the Crown jewels- are on display.
St Paul’s Cathedral is not very far from the Tower. The cathedral, the most striking building in the City,’ was designed by Sir Christopher Wren, an out­standing British architect.
The City of London is a very small part of the whole, it is only one square mile in area but it is the most important banking and commercial centre of the country. Every day over a million white-collar workers come to the City offices and banks.
If you walk westwards from St Paul’s you can reach Fleet Street. Here the most important newspapers and news-agencies have their offices.
Walking along the Strand you can reach the Houses of Parliament. The new building for the Houses of Parliament was built in 1840 on the site of the old Palace ofWestminster. When Parliament sits a flag flies from the Victoria Tower by day and a light in the Clock Tower above the famous Big Ben4 bums by night.
Opposite the Houses of Parliament stands Westminster Abbey, famous for its architecture and historical associations. Nearly all kings and queens have been crowned' in the Abbey since the 11 th century. Chaucer, Spencer. Tennyson, Dickens and many other famous men and writers were buried there. In the Poet’s Corner* there are memorials to Shakespeare, Milton, Burns, Byron and many other poets and writers.
One of London's attractions is its parks. Hyde Park is the most famous of them.
There are many other historical buildings, museums and exhibitions in London. Some skyscrapers made of glass and steel7 were built in London recent­ly but they are not popular with English people who traditionally like to live in small two-storey houses.
Leeds |li:dz] г. Лидс
Poland I'poubnd] Польша
Germany [cfcamani] Германия
the Netherlands | nedalandz| Нидерланды
the Jewel ['crural J House Хранилище сокровищ
St Paul's Cathedral [seint'palz ka'Oi.drlJ собор св. Павла
Sir Christopher Wren ( knstafa ren] Кристофер Рен
Fleet Street Флит-Стрит
the Strand [strand] Страна (улица)
the Palace | paehs] of Westminster pwestminsta| Вестминстерский дво­рец (здание английского парламента)
Westminster Abbey | aebi) Вестминстерское аббатство
Chaucer [ tfo:sa| Чосер
Spencer [spensa] Спенсер
Tennyson [tenisn] Теннисон
Shakespeare [Jeikspia] Шекспир
Milton pmiltn) Мильтон

  1. William the Conqueror [wtljam da 'kapkara] Вильгельм Завоеватель, Вильгельм I (1027—1087), первый король из норманнов в Англии

  2. the Crown [kraun] jewels сокровища короны (королевские драгоценно­сти)

  3. The City Сити (исторический центр Лондона, один из крупнейших коммерческих центров; в нем находятся главные банки)

  4. Big Ben “Биг Бен”, “Большой Бен” (колокол часов-курантов на зда­нии парламента, бой которых передается ежедневно по радио как сигнал точного времени)

  5. have been crowned (форма Perfect в страдательном залоге) были коро­нованы

  6. the Poet's | po(u)its] Comer Уголок поэтов (часть Вестминстерского аббатства, где похоронены известные поэты и писатели)

  7. made of glass Jglors] and steel сделанные из стекла и стали (made — при­частие прошедшего времени, употребленное в функции причастного определительного оборота).

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