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Exercise 8. Transform direct speech into reported speech. Make the necessary changes.
1. She said to me, “We’ll go boating tomorrow.” 2. He said, "We’ll stage this play if you help us.” 3. The secretary said, “I’ve got a message from Mr Green.” 4. Mr Nelson said, “Shaw was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1925.” 5. The old man said to me, “I met her many years ago.” 6. Mr Smith said, “They had lunch on the train two hours ago.” 7. She said, “I'm leaving for London tomorrow.” 8. He said to me, “I’m interested in literature.”

  1. Reported Questions (Вопросы в косвенной речи)

  1. При переводе прямого вопроса в косвенный он превращается в до­полнительное придаточное предложение. Вопросительный порядок слов заменяется порядком слов повествовательного предложения — глагол- сказуемое ставится после подлежащего. Личные и притяжательные местоимения заменяются по смыслу.

  2. Если в главном предложении глагол-сказуемое стоит в форме про­шедшего времени, то в косвенном вопросе необходимо соблюдать прави­ла согласования времен.

  3. При переводе общих вопросов в косвенные они присоединяются к главному предложению с помощью союзов if или whether, которые пере­водятся на русский язык частицей ли.

John asked the secretary whether Mr Brown had come back. Джон спросил секретаря, вернулся ли г-н Браун.
ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: При передаче в косвенной речи ответов на общие во­просы слова yes и по опускаются.
Не answered, “Yes, I can.” (“No, I can't.”) — He answered that he could (he couldn 7).

  1. Специальные вопросы в косвенной речи вводятся соответствую­щими вопросительными словами.

Не asked Jane, “ ИТю won the last swimming event?” — He asked Jane who had won the previous swimming event.
She asked Bill, “How old is John's father?” — She asked Bill how old John's father was.

Direct Questions

Reported Questions

He asked me,

Is Mr Smith a doctor?”
Is it raining now?”
Have you finished the poem?”
Did they enjoy the film?”
Will she join us?”
May I speak to you after lunch?”

eneral C
He asked me

whether (•wedo|

Mr Smith was a doctor, it was raining then.
I had finished the poem.
they had enjoyed the film.
she would join us.
he might speak to me after lunch.

Special Questions

What are you doing now?”

what I was doing then.

He “ What foreign languages

what foreign languages

asked does Peter know'!"

Peter knew.

me, “ Whose team lost the game He asked me

whose team had lost the


game the day before.

When will you go to see

when 1 would go to see

your mother?”

my mother.

" Where are they now!"

where they were then.

  1. Если прямую речь вводит глагол to say. то в косвенной речи он за­меняется глаголами to ask. to wonder, to want to know.

She said, "John, when are you leaving?” — She asked John (she wondered, she wanted to know) when he was leaving.
Exercise 9. Transform direct questions into reported. Pay attention to the sequence of tenses. Translate the reported sentences.
I. “Is the Music Festival taking place in Edinburgh now?” Mary asked him. 2. “What’s the weather like in Moscow now?” Mr Smith asked him. 3. “Was it a cup game?” she asked her brother. 4. “Are you tired?” she asked Jane. “Yes, I am,” Jane answered. 5. “Can you help me translate this article today?” John asked Bill. 6. “How long did you stay there?” John asked him. 7. “When shall we meet?” he asked Bill. 8. “What’s the title of this book?” Mary asked Jane. 9. “Where shall we go for the week-end?” Jane asked her husband.
Exercise 10. Make up dialogues according to the model.

  1. John asked me. “Are they coming to see us tonight?”

  2. What did John ask you?

A: He asked me if they were coming to see them that night.
1. How long did it take him to write the novel? 2. When will the next match take place? 3. May I have breakfast now? 4. Will you be able to come to the party? 5. When did he make a world tour? 6. What’s the score? 7. What hotel arc they going to stay at? 8. Who is the message from?
Exercise 11. Complete these sentences.
I. He asked me if... 2. She wondered how long... 3. John asked Peter what... 4. Mr Blackwood asked the secretary how many... 5. She asked him what time... 6. She wondered how much... 7. He asked me whether... 8. She asked them if... Exercise 12. Put these jokes into reported speech.
Wife: Do you want to see the beautiful present I bought for your birthday? Husband: What is it?
Wife: I’ll put it on in a minute.
A schoolboy said to his father, “We gave a wonderful performance at school. A lot of parents came and they enjoyed it.”
“How do you know?" asked the father.
“They laughed all through the play." the boy answered.
“And what was the play?”
"Hamlet." said the boy.
Exercise 13. Translate into English.
1. Он спросил Джона, знает ли он прогноз погоды на завтра. 2. Он спросил г-на Стоуна, куда они собираются поехать в отпуск. 3. В своем письме он спрашивал Джона, может ли он заказать билеты на самолет. 4. Билл спросил жену, что идет в их местном кинотеатре. 5. Между прочим, г-н Браун спросил меня, сможем ли мы заехать к ним в субботу. 6. Он спросил кассира, когда отходит поезд на Эдинбург. 7. Г-н Смит спросил его. смогут ли они решить этот вопрос до следующего понедель­ника. 8. Джон спросил Билла, сколько времени он пробыл в Москве в прошлом году. 9. Питер спросил ее, когда она ответила на письмо.

  1. Reported Commands and Requests59
    (Приказания и просьбы в косвенной речи)

Direct Speech

Reported Speech

She said to me,

"Tell him everything tomorrow."
"Don’t go to the cine­ma today.”
"Please help him.”

asked me She told me ordered me

to tell him everything the following day.
not to go to the cine­ma that day.
to help him.

  1. Приказания и просьбы в косвенной речи вводятся глаголами to ask (по)просить, to tell велеть, сказать, to order приказать.

Следует помнить, что за глаголами to tell, to ask, to order всегда следу­ет косвенное дополнение, к которому относится просьба или приказание. Если предложение, вводящее прямую речь, не содержит косвенного до­полнения. то вводится личное местоимение, обусловленное контекстом. She said, "Don’t book tickets for the theatre for next Friday." — She asked me
not to book tickets for the theatre for the following Friday.

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