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Conversations: A. Elections in Great Britain. B. Presidential Elections in the USA.

  • Learn these words and word combinations

  • state structure pstrxktfo] государственное устройство, государственный строй

  • electoral [ilekt(a)r(a)l] а избирательный: the electoral system psistam] избира­тельная система; Can you give me some idea of the British electoral system?

  • power n власть; state power государственная власть; to be in power быть у власти; a government (a party) in power правительство (партия), находя­щееся (-аяся) у власти; to remain in power оставаться у власти; Do you believe the Conservative Рапу will remain in power for four more years?

  • legislative ['lecfcisbtiv] а законодательный; legislative body законодательный орган

  • chamber ftfeimba] n палата; Sy n. house; the Upper Chamber (House) Верхняя палата; the Lower Chamber (House) Нижняя палата; How many deputies are elected to the Lower Chamber?

  • educational qualification | Awohfrkeijn] избирательный ценз

  • with the exception [ik'sepjh] of за исключением; We enjoyed all his concerts with the exception of the last one.

  • session n заседание, сессия; joint session совместное заседание

  • executive [ig zekjutiv] а исполнительный; an executive body исполнитель­ный орган

  • form v образовывать, формировать; The President invited Mr Jenkins to form a Ministry.

  • appoint (o point] v назначать; They are going to appoint Mr Lewis manager.

  • term of office срок полномочий; The President’s term of office is four years in the USA.

  • expire |iks'paio| v кончаться, истекать (о сроке). When does the President’s term of office expire?

  • expiration ] .eksprreijn] n окончание, истечение (срока), at the expiration of: по истечении (срока)

  • Act of Parliament постановление парламента (закон)

  • go down v понижаться (о ценах); ухудшаться (о качестве); уменьшаться (о количестве), сокращаться; Prices of radio sets are expected to go down.

  • go up v дорожать (о продуктах), расти, повышаться (о ценах; качестве и т. п.), подниматься; Prices have gone up again.

  • floating voters Br. «неустойчивые» избиратели, избиратели, голосующие то за одну, то за другую партию; S vn. Am. independent voters

  • dissolution |,diss' lu:Jn] n роспуск, закрытие; dissolution of Parliament роспуск парламента

  • dissolve [drzolv] v распускать, прекращать деятельность; The Conservative Party is going to dissolve Parliament next month.

  • the House of Commons (разг, the Commons) палата общин (нижняя палата английского парламента)

  • majority |тэ' cfamti | n большинство; The majority of people prefer watching games to playing them, to gain (to get) the majority собрать большинство голосов; by a large majority большинством голосов: by a majority of 4,536 большинством в 4 536 голосов; He was elected by a large majority; the majority leader руководитель (лидер) большинства (членов парламента, принадлежащих к партии, побелившей на выборах)

  • Prime Minister премьер-министр

  • Cabinet |'ksbinot ] п Вг. кабинет (министров) (руководящая группа мини­стров, назначаемая премьер-министром)

  • opposition | .cipa'zijh] leader лидер оппозиции

  • Shadow I'faedou] Cabinet Br. «теневой кабинет-» (парламентский комитет главной оппозиционной партии)

  • parliamentary bpaila'mentri] а парламентарный

  • peer |рю| п пэр (титулованный дворянин)

  • residence prezidons] qualification ценз оседлости

  • presidential |,prezi'denjl] а президентский

  • the Democratic Party Демократическая партия

  • the Republican Party Республиканская партия

  • primary | 'ргалпэп] n предварительные выборы

  • leadership | lixbjip] n руководство

  • take office вступить в должность

  • President-elect вновь избранный президент; When will the President-elect take office?

  • inaugurate 11' nxqiureit] v Am. торжественно вводить в должность

  • inauguration na:qjureijn| п иногурация; inauguration day день вступления президента в должность

  • vary |'V£an| v (часто from) разниться, расходиться, отличаться; Opinions varied on that problem. Мнения поданной проблеме разошлись. Election qualifications vary from state to state.

  • range v (from ... to) колебаться в определенных пределах; Prices ranged from £10 to £25.

  • literacy [litrasi] test образовательный ценз

  • A. Elections in Great Britain

  • Kochetkov (a Russian teacher): All your papers are writing about the coming election. 1 wonder why: the term of office of the present government hasn’t expired yet, has it?

  • Mr Brown (a London University lecturer): It hasn’t. Under the Act of Parliament the present government has about a whole year to go.

  • K: Then, why not wait till the end of that period?

  • B: Ah, there’s such a thing as making the use of the tide when it’s flowing for you.1 Naturally, a government in power wants to hold a general election at the most favourable moment for itself.

  • K: Why do they think this is a favourable moment?

  • B: Well, it may. Things are fairly peaceful, the party in power hasn't commit­ted any terrible faux par recently. The number of the unemployed has gone down a little.

  • К: Do you think the party in power will win the election?

  • B: They hope so. Judging by the last three elections the so-called “floating vot­ers” decide the matter.

  • K: Who do you mean by the "floating voters”?

  • B: Those who belong to neither major party. Very much depends on who they'll vote for.

  • K: Can you give me some idea of how the election works?

  • B: Well, the Queen has to agree to the dissolution of the present Parliament After that the election date is fixed. Then comes the nomination of candi­dates for the House of Commons.

  • К How many members are there in the Commons?

  • В About six hundred and thirty.

  • K: Then, 1 suppose, the party that gains the majority forms a government.

  • B: Yes. the leader of the majority party becomes Prime Minister and he forms the Cabinet.

  • K: And the opposition leader forms the Shadow Cabinet, doesn't he?

  • В Yes. this is the way parliamentary elections are held in this country.

  • K: Who is entitled to vote in this country?

  • B: Anyone who's reached the age of eighteen with the exception of lunatics, and also peers, who already have seats in the House of Lords.

  • K: Are there any election qualifications?

  • B: There’s a residence qualification.

  • B. Presidential Elections in the USA

  • Mishina (a Russian student): I've never expected the presidential election cam­paign to take that long.’ It started several months ago.

  • Mr Jackson (an American teacher): Well, that's the routine procedure. You cer­tainly remember the conventions the Democratic and the Republican par­ties held last summer. They nominated candidates for the Presidency.

  • M: 1 didn't quite understand the role of primaries, though.

  • J: Well, in away they help the party leadership choose the most popular of the candidates.

  • M: So the presidential election will take place next Tuesday,* won't it?

  • J: In fact yes. Though legally it won't be the presidential election. Voters will elect the Electoral College' which later on will elect President.

  • M: Will the President take office immediately after the election day?

  • J: No, not immediately. The President-elect will be inaugurated on Inauguration Day, January 20 next year.

  • M: Are there any election qualifications?

  • J: Yes, there are some and they vary from state to state: residence qualifica­tions ranging from six months to two years, literacy tests, etc.

  • Notes

    1. make the use of the tide when it's flowing for you использовать удобный момент, воспользоваться удобным случаем

    2. commit faux pas |fo:' рэ:] (франц. = англ, false step) совершить ошибку

    3. that long так долго

    4. next Tuesday имеется в виду первый вторник после первого понедель­ника в ноябре

    5. the Electoral College выборщики, непосредственно голосующие при косвенных выборах за кандидатуру на пост президента

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