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Mrs Brown: Have another cup of coffee before you go, Mrs Payne.

  • Mrs Payne: I must/shouldbe off really. I want to catch the 3 o’clock bus to town and it’s nearly a quarter to 3.

  • Mrs Brown: You can/may as well have another cup and catch the 3.30. You must/have io run to catch the 3 o’clock now and you may/can miss it even then.

  • Mrs Payne: All right then, thank you. And сап/must I have another of those chocolate biscuits?

  • Mrs Brown: Of course, you сап/should. Here you are...

  • Mrs Payne: Did you read about that awful business at the new comprehensive school last week?

  • Mrs Brown: Yes, I did. A boy assaulted a teacher with a knife. Whatever next? Mrs Payne: He must/should be given a good beating. The children can/may do what they like, and the teachers can’t/mustn’t do anything to punish them... May/can I have another biscuit?

  • Mrs Brown: Of course — help yourself.

  • Mrs Payne: Ah, well, 1 must/have to go now... Oh dear! Is your clock right? It can ’t/mustn*t be twenty past three already.

  • Mrs Brown: I’m afraid it is. You've missed the 3.30 train too now. You may/should stay here for a chat and go to town after 5 o'clock tea.

  • Mrs Payne: Yes, I think I'd follow your advice.

  • to assault [э'5э:к] нападать; to punish [рлтД наказывать

    1. Translate into English paying attention to Conditionals

    1. Если бы погода была солнечной, мы бы поехали на прогулку в горы. 2. Если бы они не опоздали на поезд, они были бы уже дома. 3. Если вы позвоните им вечером, они вам все расскажут. 4. Если бы вы вчера дали ему книгу, он сегодня был бы готов к уроку. 5. Если бы они предложили работу, я бы не отказалась от нее. 6. Если она купит новую машину, она продаст старую. 7. Если бы она занималась лучше, она не провалилась бы на экзамене. 8. Если бы он говорил по существу, все бы слушали его с интересом. 9. На вашем месте, я бы не купил эти книги. 10. Если бы вы напомнили мне об этом вчера, я бы сегодня принес вам журнал. 11. Если бы у нее было достаточно денег, она купила бы этот дом. 12. Если бы не эта ошибка, все было бы хорошо. 13. Если бы не дождь, мы бы пошли купаться. 14. Если бы я знала, что она больна, я бы навестила ее вчера. 15. Если я узнаю их адрес, я позвоню вам.

    1. Transform Direct Speech into Indirect

    1. A DOG’S LIFE

    2. Ben: I hear you’re retiring at the end of the year. Max. What will you do with yourself when you have stopped working?

    3. Tom: Absolutely nothing. I’ll have been working for this company for forty years by the end of October. I think 1 deserve a complete rest.

    4. Ben: Forty years! You'll have seen a lot of changes in that time.

    5. Tom: Yes, and most of the changes have only made things worse. Formerly I was proud of my work, but I can’t be proud of it now. Every two or three years they put a new manager with new ideas in charge of the factory — and he tells you what you’ve been doing is all wrong.

    6. Ben: Why have you stayed on all these years then, Tom?

    7. Tom: Well, it's the same thing wherever you go. However well you do your job, you are not promoted unless you are a friend of the manager’s. And the present manager has certainly been no friend of mine.

    8. Ben: You don't sound to be sorry to leave.

    9. Tom: No. I won’t, but it’s no better at home. Instead of the manager giving me stupid orders, my wife will do it.

    10. deserve [drzav] заслуживать; however |haueva| как бы ни

    1. Insert articles or possessive pronouns wherever necessary

    1. One afternoon just before Christmas ... old gentleman was going through ... city centre. ... illuminated shops were full of... good things and crowded with ... cheerful shoppers.... children were looking at all... toys on ... display in ... win­dows, and ... old man was surveying ... happy scene. Suddenly in ... middle of... crowd he saw ... dirty little boy sitting on ... pavement, crying bitterly. When ... old man asked him why he was crying, ... little boy told him that he had lost... tenpenny piece that... uncle had given him. ... old man found ... new tenpenny in ... pocket and handed it to ... child. “Thank you very much," said ... little boy, and, drying his eyes, he cheered up at once.

    2. ... hour or so later... old man was going back ... home by ... same route. To ... astonishment he saw ... same dirty little boy cry as bitterly as before. He went up to the boy and asked him if he had lost... ten pence he had given him. ... lit­tle boy told him that he had not lost... second coin, but he still couldn't find ... first ten pence. “If 1 could find my own ten pence.” he said crying, “I'd have twenty pence now.”

    3. to survey [sa'vei] осматривать, обозревать; pavement [peivmont] тротуар; to cheer up |tfio| утешиться; route |ru;t] путь, дорога; coin |кэш] монета


    1. Read the situation and do the assignment.


    3. For nearly as much as the regular air fare!

    1. Round trip jet from Moscow to Thailand.

    2. All transfers and tips.

    3. Accommodation at one of luxury hotels.

    4. All meals included.

    5. Free cocktail party first night.

    6. Discounts on car rentals and sightseeing tours.

    1. Answer the questions.

    1. This is an advertisement for a "package tour.” What is a package tour?

    2. How long does the tour last?

    3. Why is such a tour less expensive than an individually planned vacation?

    4. What kind of hotel accommodations does the price include?

    5. What happens the first night in Thailand?

    6. Do you have to pay extra for meals?

    1. What kind of vacation would you take?

    1. State the arguments for and against a package tour.

    2. Download 1.32 Mb.

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