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play [piei] п пьеса enjoy every minute of it

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play [piei] п пьеса
enjoy every minute of it получить огромное удовольствие; “How did you like the play?” “We enjoyed every minute of it.”
part [part [ n роль; to play the part of играть роль (кого-л.); Who played the part of Othello? the leading [' li:dirj] part главная роль; Who plays the leading part in the film?
brilliantly fbnljanth] adv блестяще, великолепно; He plays the part of Hamlet brilliantly.
be based [beist] on основываться на; The film is based on Leo Tolstoy’s novel. documentary [.dokju mentn] а документальный; documentary film докумен­тальный фильм; documentary material [ma norial] документальный мате­риал; His last book is based on documentary material.
believe [brlirv] v верить; Do you believe him?
true [trur] а верный, правильный, истинный; Is the news true? It is true to life. Это жизненно достоверно (правдиво).
repeat [rr pirt j v повторять; Repeat after me. please. Повторяйте за мной, по­жалуйста. They are going to repeat that programme tomorrow.
by the way кстати
to be interested in [ intrastid] интересоваться (чсм-л.); He is interested in books.
musical fmju:zikl] n мюзикл
local ['loukl] а местный; the local cinema местный (недалеко расположен­ный от дома) кинотеатр; What’s on at the local cinema (at our local)?
book v заказывать; to book seats заказывать места (билеты); to book tickets [ tikits] for the theatre (concert, cinema, etc.) заказывать билеты в театр (на концерт, в кинотеатр)
screen version tvofn] экранизация; This film is a screen version of Turgenev’s novel.
famous ['feimas] а знаменитый, известный
actress paektris] n актриса
near [ma] prep недалеко от, около; He lives near University Underground Station.
show n 1. сеанс (в кино); When does the show start at our local? 2. шоу, пред­ставление (в цирке, no телевидению, радио и т. п.); Have you seen any good shows lately? Видели ли вы за последнее время что-нибудь инте­ресное (в театре, цирке и т. п.)?
everyone pevnwAn] ргоп все, каждый (употр. с глаголом в ед. ч.); Everyone is here. Все здесь.
Пор |fbp] п провал, фиаско, неудача; complete |kom pli:t| Пор полный про­вал; The play was a complete flop. Пьеса с треском провалилась.
concert [konsat] п концерт
meet (met) v встречать; to meet smb. вегречать кого-л., встречаться с кем-л.; She met one of her old friends in Moscow.
drive |draiv] n прогулка, поездка; to go for a drive поехать покататься (на ма­шине); We are going for a drive after lunch.
in the country за городом; в сельской местности; They live in the country. Let’s go for a drive in the country.
pick up v заезжать (за кем-л.), заходить (за кем-л.); Could you pick me up at two o'cIock?
be able to мочь, быть в состоянии; Are you able to come?
fire ffaia] n камин
cosy f kouzi] а уютный; This is a very cosy room.
piece [pi:s] n кусок, кусочек; a piece of meat (apple-pie, cake, etc.) but a lump of sugar, a slice of bread, ham, cheese, sausage
A: Have you seen the new serial “Esenin” on TV?
B: Certainly, and I enjoyed every minute of it.

  1. By the way, the film is based on documentary materials, that’s why it is true to life.

  2. And the cast is very good. Their acting is wonderful. I’m glad that they show such films on TV.

A: I’d advise our TV to repeat this serial. I’m sure that many people are inter­ested in the films about our past.

  1. Would you like to go to the theatre tonight?

  2. I’d love to. What’s on?1

  1. The famous musical “Nord Ost’’2 is on. I’ve booked two seats.

  2. Isn’t it a version of “The two captains” by Kaverin, a well-known Russian writer?

  1. Yes, it is. By the way, it is my favourite book. Let’s meet at the theater at 6.30. The musical starts at 6.30.

  2. Fine. See you later.

A: See you soon.
Mary: John, we’re going to the show tonight. I’ve booked two seats.
John: Peter Smith went there last night and he didn’t like it.
Mary: I don’t care about Peter’s opinion.’
John: Well, everyone says the show’s a complete flop. There were only a few people there last night.
Mary: What a pity!4
George: Would you like to come to a concert with me tomorrow afternoon?
Alice: I’d love to. Thank you very much.
George: Fine. Let’s meet here about one o’clock.
Alice: Good. See you tomorrow.
George: G oodbye.
Michael: Why don’t we go for a drive in the country today?
Ann: That would be very nice. Thank you.
Michael: I can pick you up at 11 o’clock.
Ann: Good. See you soon.
Michael: Bye.
(The Browns invited the Ivanovs to tea.)
Mrs Brown: I’m so glad you were able to come.
Ivanova: It’s very kind of you to invite us.
Ivanov: Yes. This is the first time we’re in an English home.
Mrs Brown: Please, make yourselves comfortable/ Sit here in this armchair, Mrs Ivanov. It’s near the fire.
Ivanova: I must say this is a very cosy room.
Mrs Brown: Yes, 1 like it too. Now, Mrs Ivanov, do you take milk and sugar in your tea?6
Ivanova: Yes, please. Two lumps.
Mrs Brown: How about a piece of cake?
Ivanova: Yes, please.
Mrs Brown: And how do you like your tea, Mr Ivanov?
Ivanov: Not too much milk and two lumps, please.

  1. What’s on? Что идет? (в кино, в театре)

  2. the musical “Nord Ost” мьюзикл “Норд Ост”.

  3. I don’t care [kraj about Peter's opinion [a'pmjan]. Меня не интересует мнение Питера.

  4. What a pity I'piti]! Как жаль! Как жалко!

  5. Please, make yourselves [p:'selvz] comfortable ['клтГэоЬЦ. Пожалуйста, располагайтесь поудобнее (как вам будет удобно).

  6. Do you take milk and sugar in your tea? Пьете ли вы чай с молоком и са­харом?

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