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Exercise 1. Make up sentences using the table and translate them.

rn You'll He’ll She’ll We’ll

leave for London see a new film stay at home hear his lecture go to see them

next week.
next month.
next Friday.
next Monday.
the day after tomorrow.


study French


shan t meet them

next week.

next year.


have any classes

in summer.


won't tell them about it



go there by bus


I we

introduce him to Mr Brown invite them to my birthday party

next Monday?


work in the office




return from Paris

next year?

she they

stay there long meet me

next month?

Exercise 2. Make the necessary substitutions and reproduce the dialogues.

  1. A: Has Peter already left for London?

B: No, he hasn't. He’ll leave next month.
(A: Jim, Nick, Mr Brown, Mr Volkov)

  1. A: I think Baluev will play this part.

В: I think so, too.
(A: Kharatian, Galkin)

  1. A: I'm sorry to say I shan’t go to see them next week.

B: Then I'll ask Peter to go with me.
(B: John, Mary)

  1. A: Shall 1 read text 5?

B: Yes. please. (Do, please.)
(A: do exercise 4, do my homework now, answer his questions)

  1. A: Will you pass me the book, please?

B: Here you are.
(A: bread, butter, salt, apples, cup of tea)
Exercise 3. Transform these sentences into tag questions and translate them. Give short answers to them. Pay attention to intonation.
He’ll reread the novel next week.
“He’ll reread the novel next week, won’t he?" ’‘Yes, he will."
I. They'll come to see us next week. 2. You'll have some free time tomor­row. 3. He w'on't help them. 4. She won't look through the papers before lunch. 5. I’ll go to his lecture next Wednesday. 6. He won’t go fora walk in the park next Saturday. 7. He'll help them do their homework next Tuesday. 8. She won't leave for St. Petersburg next week.
Exercise 4. Respond to these sentences according to the models.

  1. He often leaves home for work at 7.30. (tomorrow)

And will he leave home for work al 7.30 tomorrow?

  1. Ann usually gets up at half past six. (on Sunday) 2. He seldom plays ten­nis on Wednesday, (next Wednesday) 3. Bob sometimes plays hockey after class­es. (tomorrow) 4. They often go out on Saturdays, (next Saturday) 5. Mr Green often listens to the latest news in the evening, (tomorrow evening) 6. He is often at home on Saturday, (next Saturday)

  1. The Browns didn’t go out last Saturday, (next Saturday)

And they won't go out next Saturday.

  1. They didn't play chess yesterday, (tomorrow) 2. I didn't go shopping last Friday, (next Friday) 3. She didn’t go to see her mother last Wednesday, (next Wednesday) 4. He didn’t stay in the library yesterday, (tomorrow) 5. He didn't have any free time yesterday, (tomorrow) 6. He did not go for a walk last Sunday, (next Sunday)

Exercise 5. Ask questions to which the italicized words are the answers.

  1. They will go to the new show next week. (3) 2. The Browns will come back next month. (2) 3. He will have some free time tomorrow. (2) 4. She will play this role next month. (3) 5. He will bring me the new magazine tomorrow. (5) 6. They will have an English class next week. (3)

Exercise 6. Translate into English.

  1. Я надеюсь, он позвонит мне в следующее воскресенье. 2. Боюсь, что Петр не будет играть в теннис в следующую субботу. Он болен. 3. Ког­да вы его увидите? — Я думаю, что я его увижу в следующий вторник. 4. Кто будет играть Отелло в следующую субботу? — Не знаю. 5. Примите его, пожалуйста. 6. Передайте мне. пожалуйста, ручку. 7. Закрыть ок­но? — Да, пожалуйста. 8. Принести вам завтра новый учебник? — Да,

181 пожалуйста. 9. Я не пойду туда в следующий вторник. У меня нет време­ни. 10. Я не буду смотреть этот фильм. Я его уже видел.
Exercise 7. Make up ten sentences using Simple Future.

  1. Equivalents of Modal Verbs “can" and “must”
    in the Simple Future and the Simple Past Tense
    (Эквиваленты модальных глаголов can и must
    в Simple Future и Simple Past)




I must do it now.

I had to do it yesterday. Did I have to do it yesterday? I didn’t have to do it yesterday.

Гll have to do it next week.

I can do it now.

1 was able to do it yesterday.
1 couldn't do it yesterday.
I was not able to do it yesterday.
Could you do it yesterday?

17/ be able to do it tomor­row.

  1. Для выражения долженствования в будущем и прошедшем време­ни вместо модального глагола must употребляется глагол have to. Глагол have to в прошедшем времени обозначает действие, которое должно было совершаться и совершилось.

Глагол have to образует вопросительную и отрицательную форму с по­мощью вспомогательного глагола do.
ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. Глагол have to в модальном значении употребляется также в Simple Present. Он обозначает необходимость совершения действия в силу сложившихся обстоятельств; как правило, это вынужденная необходи­мость (на русский язык have to переводится приходится).
Не has to gel up at six every morning as it takes him two hours to get to col­lege. Ему приходится вставать в шесть часов каждое утро, так как ему требуется два часа, чтобы добраться до института.
You don't have to do it. Вам не нужно делать это (нет необходимости де­лать это).

  1. Модальный глагол сап имеет форму прошедшего времени could [kud. kad)• В будущем времени он обычно заменяется сочетанием be able to быть в состоянии, быть способным сделать что-л. Сочетание be able to может также употребляться в Simple Present и Simple Past.

We7/ be able to hear Mr Browns lecture on British art next Tuesday.
Мы сможем послушать лекцию г-на Брауна об английском искус­стве в следующий вторник.
Л РИМЕЧАН НЕ. Глагол could сравнительно редко употребляется в утвер­дительных предложениях; в этих случаях он используется для обозначения обычного, повторяющегося действия, характерного для субьекта в какой-то период его жизни или деятельности.
He could play tennis well when he was a student. Он мог хорошо играть в теннис (он хорошо играл в теннис), когда был студентом.
Не could speak French very well when he was at school. Он очень хоро­шо говорил по-французски, когда учился в школе.
Н о: Не was able to play tennis yesterday. Он смог поиграть в теннис вчера.
I was able to get his new book last week. Я смог достать его новую книгу на прошлой неделе.
Exercise 8. Read and translate these sentences. Pay attention to modal verbs.
I. “Could you translate the text last Friday?” “No, I couldn’t. I was able to do it only yesterday.” 2. He could speak English very well when he was at school. 3. She could drive a car very well when she was young. 4. 1 couldn’t book any seats for the film. There weren’t any. 5. “Will you be able to call me up tonight?” “Yes, 1 shall.” 6. You’ll have to take them to the airport. 7. They’ll have to have a meeting next week. 8. He won’t have to drive the car. Peter will do it. 9. You won't have to stay there.
Exercise 9. Make the necessary substitutions and reproduce the dialogues.

  1. A: I shan’t be able to go for a walk tomorrow.

B: Why?
A: I’ll have to do my homework.
(A: to come to see you, to go out; to drive Peter to the department store, to answer a few letters)

  1. A: Did you have to receive visitors after lunch?

B: Yes, I did and I couldn’t ring you up.
(A: to look through the papers, to speak about the plans for the summer;
B: dictate any letters, translate the text)
Exercise 10. Transform these sentences into the Simple Future or Simple Past Tense. Use the adverbial modifiers of time given in brackets.

  1. They can visit Moscow, (next month) 2. She must study French, (next year) 3. You must stay in the college library, (the day before yesterday) 4. Can she bring me a few books? (next Friday) 5. She can’t speak French, (last year) 6. He can answer these letters, (in the afternoon) 7. They must bring books, (next week) 8. He can’t play tennis, (last year)

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