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mild [maild| а мягкий; The climate of Great Britain is mild. strong

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mild [maild| а мягкий; The climate of Great Britain is mild.
strong [strap] а сильный; A strong wind is blowing.
frost (frost] n мороз; The frost is strong today.
rare [rea] а редкий; Strong frosts are rare in the South.
average [геуэпф] а средний; What’s the average temperature in Moscow in May?
low |lou] а низкий; What's the lowest average summer temperature in London? part n часть; What is the coldest part of the country?
frosty |'frosti| а морозный; Is it as frosty in St. Petersburg, as it is in Moscow?
snow [snou] n снег: There was a lot of snow last winter.
long adv долго: long ago давно; 1 read that novel long ago; for long в течение длительного времени; Snow never lies for long in the South.
almost podmoust] adv почти, чуть не. едва не: Не has almost done his home­work.
from day to day изо дня в день; It’s getting colder from day to day.
ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. Обратите внимание на отсутствие артикля перед суще­ствительным day в этом сочетании.
hard [had] adv сильно; It rained (snowed) hard yesterday. Вчера шел силь­ный дождь (снег). They are working hard. Они напряженно работают.
world [wa:ld]; the world n мир, свет; This is a map of the world.
land [tend] n земля, суша
per cent [pa'sent] а процент
temperate ttemparat] а умеренный; a temperate zone |zounj умеренная зона; a temperate climate умеренный климат; The country has a temperate cli­mate.
subtropical [,SAb irapikl| а субтропический; a subtropical climate (zone) суб- гропический климат (-ая зона)
great Igreit] а большой, сильный; The greater part of Russia is in the temper­ate zone.
air (сэ| n воздух; fresh air свежий воздух; I must get some fresh air. Мне нуж­но прогуляться.
flow [flou] утечь, струиться, литься
over [ ouva] prep над
lower | Чоиэ| v снижать, понижать; to lower the temperature понизить темпе­ратуру
central (' sentral] а центральный; Is your house in the central part of the city? region |'пфэп| n область, край, район (об очень большой территории) continental [,kontrnentl] а континентальный; In most regions of Russia the climate is continental. Siberia has a more continental climate.
hot а жаркий; Summers are very hot here.
short а короткий; Summer is very short in the north of the country'.
long «долгий, продолжительный: It was a very long winter.
extreme |ikstri:m| а крайний, самый дальний; in the extreme north на край­нем севере
bare |Ьеэ] а пустой, голый, лишенный (чего-л.)
tundra [ tAndn] n тундра; The tundra is a cold bare region, it occupies the extreme north of the country.
around round| prep вокруг, около; She is around forty. Ей около сорока (либо сорок, либо немногим меньше сорока).
zero ['ziarou| п ноль: above [э'Ьах] zero выше нуля; below [brlou] zero ниже нуля; The temperature is around 15° C above (below) zero. Температура около 15° выше (ниже) нуля по Цельсию.
cool |ku;l] а прохладный; Nights arc rather cool here in summer.
coast [koustj берег, побережье; The Black Sea coast Черноморское побере­жье; Their town is on the south coast. Их город расположен на южном бе­рег}'.
Exercise 1. Read and translate these sentences. Pay attention to active words and word combinations.
I. The climate of Scotland is not as mild as the climate of England. 2. The warm winds of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans do not influence the climate of the greater part of this country. 3. The July average temperature in London is lower than in Paris. 4. Strong frosts are rare in this part of the country. 5. “It’s as frosty today as it was yesterday, isn’t it?" “I think the frost was even worse yes­terday.” 6. It snows more in February than in March in Moscow. 7. In Great Britain the weather changes from day to day. 8. It was raining hard all day yes­terday. 9. About 80 percent of Russia is in the temperate zone. 10. Winters in the south are not as cold as they are in the central part of the country. 11. Siberia has a more continental climate, summers are hotter and shorter, winters are colder and longer. 12. The tundra occupies the extreme north of the country. 13. Winters are milder and summers are hotter on the Black Sea coast. 14. It is rather cool here in early spring. 15. The temperature is around 40° C above zero.
Western winds that blow from the Atlantic Ocean influence the climate of Great Britain. The climate is mild and strong frosts are rare. The January aver­age temperature is higher and the July temperature is lower than in most European countries.
The coldest part of the country is the Highlands of Scotland. It is as frosty in Scotland as it is in St. Petersburg. In January south-western England is the warmest part in Great Britain. There snow is rare and it never lies for long. In summer the south-eastern part of England is the warmest.
Britain has rain almost in every month of the year. In Great Britain the weather changes from day to day or even during the day. It may be sunny in the morning and it may start raining hard in the afternoon.
About 80 per cent of Russia is in the temperate zone, 18 per cent in the Arctic and 2 per cent is subtropical.
The greater part of the country is not influenced by the warm winds1 of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. There are no mountains in the north to protect the country from the cold north winds. Cold air from the Arctic flows over the land
235 and lowers the temperature of the northern and central parts of the country. In most regions the climate is continental with hot, short summers and cold, long winters.
The tundra is a cold bare region, it occupies the extreme north of the country.
The lowest average winter temperature in the tundra is around 30’ C below zero.2
In the European pan of the country the coldest months are January and February and the hottest months are July and August. There is often a lot of rain in autumn.
Siberia has a more continental climate than the European part of the coun­try, winters are colder and longer, summers are hotter and shorter.
The Black Sea coast have a subtropical climate. Winters are mild and sum­mers are hot there.
the Highlands of Scotland [haibndz avskotbnd] север Шотландии The Atlantic [at'kentik ] Ocean Атлантический океан
The Arctic [ ozktik] Арктика
The Arctic Ocean Северный Ледовитый океан
the Pacific [po sifik] Ocean Тихий океан
Siberia [sarbisna] Сибирь

  1. is not influenced by the warm winds теплые ветры не оказывают воздей­ствия (влияния)

  2. is around 30° С (thirty degrees |di gri:z] centigrade ['sentigreid|) below zero около 30° (градусов) ниже нуля по Цельсию

В России и во многих других странах используется термометр Цельсия.
В Англии, США и в некоторых другах странах в основном использу­ется термометр Фаренгейта. Точка замерзания воды по Фаренгейту +32°, а точка кипения +212°.

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