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Exercise 16. Speak on these topics.
Russia. Great Britain, Canada, Australia, the USA.
historian [hrstoinan] n историк
architectural [,a:ki'tektfarl| а архитектурный
fascinating [ zfaesineitir)| а восхитительный, очаровательный, пленитель­ный: Your new poem is fascinating.
call v называть: She is called Jane. Ее зовут /Джейн. What do you call this? Как это называется?
.Arab | аегэЬ| а арабский
get to know узнать, глубоко ознакомиться; When you get to know them you’ll like them.
recommend [.reka mendj v рекомендовать, советовать; Can you recommend me a good novel? I would strongly recommend you to go there by air. Я бы очень посоветовал вам полететь туда на самолете.
way п путь, дорога; on one’s way по пути; On my way to college I met John: out of the way лежащий не по пути (в стороне); Unfortunately this little town is out of the way.
journey | cfcorni] n поездка; Have a good journey! Счастливого пути!
expect [ikspekt] v ожидать, ждать; We expected you yesterday.
at least по крайней мере, самое меньшее; You should also visit Pskov at least for a few hours.
birthplace | ba:0pleis| n место рождения
find [faind] (found |faund|) out разузнать, выяснить; Please find out when the train starts.
appreciate |л'pitjieitj уценить, быть признательным (за что-л.); I appreci­ate your kindness.
feel (felt, felt) v чувствовать, ощущать; How are you feeling today? to feel cold (happy, comfortable) ощущать холод (чувствовать себя счастливым, чув­ствовать себя хорошо (удобно)); 1 feel very cold. Мне очень холодно.
conference [zkonfarans] п конференция
the Far East Дальний Восток
geologist |4$r alacfcist ] n геолог
sponsor | spansa] v устраивать, организовывать; быть инициатором, спон­сором
branch п отделение, филиал
full а полный, наполненный, преисполненный; You must be full of impres­sions. У вас, должно быть, масса впечатлений.
prospect I praspekt] п (обыкн. pl.) перспектива, виды, планы на будущее; What are your prospects? Каковы ваши планы на будущее?
development |drvelapmant] п развитие, рост, совершенствование
dicussion [dis'kAjh] п обсуждение, дискуссия; to have a discussion about smth. обсуждать, дискутировать что-л.; They had a discussion about the prospects for the development of Siberia.
lively [laivlij а оживленный; a lively discussion оживленное обсуждение fruitful I'frurtfl] а плодотворный; Their discussion was lively and fruitful.
happen phaepn] v I. случаться, происходить; to happen to smb. случаться c кем-л.; What happened to him? 2. оказываться случайно; He happened to be there. Он случайно оказался там.
participant [par tisipont] n участник; a participant in a conference (a meeting, etc.) участник конференции (встречи и т. п.)
taiga [ taiga:] n тайга
hydroelectric [ haidro(u)i lektnk) station гидроэлектростанция
friendly ['frendli] а дружеский, дружески расположенный; дружелюбный; to be friendly with smb. быть в дружеских отношениях с кем-л.; Is John friendly with Peter?
hospitable [ hospitabl] а гостеприимный, радушный
including |in'klu:dir)l prep включая, в том числе
the present state of affairs [a'fcazl современное положение
find [faind] (found [faund]) v-считать, находить; How do you find him? Как вы его находите?
A. Suggestions about What a Person Should See
At a reception in the Russian Embassy Mr Mitchell, a British journalist, meets George Danilov, a Russian journalist. They have met several times before. Mr Mitchell: Hello, George.
George Danilov: Good evening. How are you?
M: I’m fine, thank you. And what about you?
D: Fine, thanks.
M: Haven’t seen you for ages.1 Have you been away?
D: Yes. I’ve just returned from my holiday.
M: Where did you go for your holiday?
D: My wife and I made a tour of Central Asia.
M: How very interesting! I was just going to ask your advice about a visit there.
You see,2 my wife is a historian. For many years she’s been planning a trip to Samarkand and Bukhara. Have you ever been to these cities?
D: Yes, certainly. The architectural monuments of these two cities are fas­
cinating. In the past Arab poets called Samarkand “the Eden of the ancient East.’” 1 think your wife should try to see these cities.
M: I wonder how long the trip will take her.
D: If she wants to really get to know Samarkand and Bukhara it’ll take her
about a couple of weeks. I would strongly recommend your wife to see some modem cities, too.
M: That sounds interesting. I ll speak to her about it. Thanks a lot. Your
advice was most helpful.4
D: It’s a pleasure.
Nicholai Stepanov, a teacher of Russian, has been staying in London for a few months. Next Saturday morning he is leaving for Edinburgh. Last Tuesday Nicholai met Bernard Law. a London University lecturer and asked his advice.
Nicholai Stepanov: Bernard, could you do me a favour?"
Bernard Law: I’ll be glad to if I can.
•S’; Next Saturday morning I’m going to Edinburgh by car. What would you advise me to see on my way there?
L: Well, it’s going to be a long journey. When are you expected in
S: Next Monday afternoon.
L: You should try to see Oxford though it’s a little out of the way. I suggest
you should also spend at least a few hours in Coventry and see the Cathedral.
5: Is Robert Burns’s birthplace far from Edinburgh?
L: I'm sorry to say I’ve never been there. You see Bums isn’t as popular in
England as (he is) in Scotland and abroad. I’m sure you’ll easily find it out in Edinburgh.
5: I really appreciate your help. Thank you very much.
L: It's a pleasure.
B. Impressions of a Visit
Jim Brown: Hello, Henry.
Henty Sloan: Hello. How are you feeling?
Jim: I’m OK, thank you. And what about you?
Henry: I’m well, thanks. Have you been away? 1 phoned you several times but there was no answer.
Jim: Yes, I’ve just returned from a conference in Khabarovsk.
Henry: Where's that?
Jim: It’s in the Far East.
Henry: How very interesting! What were you doing there?
Jim: I attended the UNESCO” conference of geologists. It was sponsored by our branch.
Henry: You must be full of impressions.
Jim: Yes. indeed. That was a very interesting conference. Russian colleagues told us about the prospects for the development of the Far East. The discussion was lively and fruitful.
Henry: Did you happen to visit any other places in the Far East?
Jim: Yes. The participants made a fantastic tour of the Far East. We visited taiga, a hydroelectric station, Yakutsk, Chukotka and Sakhalin.
Henry: Did you meet many Russian people?
Jim: Quite a few! Among them scientists, workers and students. I must say the people were friendly and hospitable.
Henry: What did you talk with them about?
Jim: A lot of things including the present state of affairs in the world.
Samarkand I'saemorkaend] г. Самарканд
Bukhara [bu'karro] г. Бухара
Coventry fkovantn] г. Ковентри Khabarovsk [hA'ba:rafsk] г. Хабаровск
Yakutsk fjo'kirtsk] г. Якутск
Chukotka [tfirkartka] п-ов Чукотка

  1. Haven’t (I haven't) seen you for ages. He видел вас тысячу лет. (Давно не видел вас.)

  2. Yousee... Понимаете ли... (Видите ли...)

  3. the Eden of the ancient East Эдем (рай) Древнего Востока

  4. Your advice was most helpful. Ваш совет был очень полезен. (Благода­рю вас за совет.)

  5. Could you do me a favour I'feiva]? Нс могли бы вы сделать мне одол­жение?

  6. the UNESCO [jurneskou] = the United Nations Educational [.edjukeijnl], Scientific | .saian'tifik] and Cultural Organization bo:ganai'zeifn] ЮНЕСКО, Организация Объединенных Наций по вопросам образо­вания, науки и культуры

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