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painting n 1. живопись; Where can 1 see old Italian painting? 2. картина exchange [ikst/eimfel n обмен; an exchange of impressions (views [vju:z[ etc.) обмен впечатлениями (мнениями и т. п.); There have been quite a few exchanges of views between Russian and British scientists.
display [displei] v показывать, демонстрировать, выставлять; Where are they going to display his new pictures?
suppose [ss'pouzj v полагать, думать; What do you suppose he wanted to say? natural [• neetfsrl] добычный, нормальный, понятный; It is natural for friends to help each other.
admirer [ad'maiara| n поклонник; an admirer of art (music, ballet, the theatre, etc.) поклонник искусства (музыки, балета, театра и т. п.)
get in v входить; садиться (в поезд, машину, трамвай и т. л.); When the car came to the door, we understood that we could not all get in.
unluckily [лп'1лк111] adv к несчастью; Unluckily he failed to do the job.
boast v (of) хвастать(ся), похваляться
artist |'a:tist] n художник
modest fmodist] «скромный; сдержанный seascape f'sizskeip] n марина, морской пейзаж landscape ['kendskeip] n пейзаж
tear (tea] oneself away from smth. (tore [to:], tom) оторваться от чего-л.; We could not tear ourselves away from the picture.
especially [ts pejli] adv особенно, в особенности; I like the country, especial­ly in spring.
depict |drpikt] vрисовать, изображать
stormy а бурный, штормовой
opinion [a'pinjan] n мнение; взгляд; What is your opinion about the new teacher? in my (your, etc.) opinion по моему (вашему и т. д.) мнению; In my opinion this painting is brilliant; in the opinion of smb. по чьему-л. мне­нию; In the opinion of most people the exhibition is a great success.
produce [pro'djuis] v создавать
recall [it ko:l] v припоминать, вспоминать; I do not recall her name.
subject ['SAbcfciktl л тема, сюжет
reproduction [.ri:pro'dAkJh[ л репродукция, копия
It’s very kind of you. Очень мило с вашей стороны, icon paikan] п икона
unknown [ лп noun] а неизвестный: The writer’s name is unknown.
make a film (made) поставить картину: 1 wonder when the film “Hamlet” was made.
as to что касается (обычно употр. в начале предложения); As to his advice, it was most helpful.
portrait [ point] n портрет
It’s hard to believe. Трудно поверить.
reflect [nllekt] v отражать: Prorokov’s pictures reflect the struggle of the peo­ple for peace.
serve v служить, быть полезным, оказывать помощь; содействовать; It serves the interests of the people.
sculptor ['skxlpta] n скульптор sculpture [ skAlptJo] «скульптура
talented f taebntid] а талантливый; John’s younger brother is a talented pianist, remember [rrmemba] v помнить, хранить в памяти; Do you remember the painter’s name?
if I’m not mistaken если я не ошибаюсь
critic I 'kntik] n критик
consider |kan sida] v полагать, считать; We consider him a talented painter.
Michelangelo is considered one of the greatest Italian sculptors and painters, prominent ['prominent| а известный, выдающийся exhibition [,eksrbifn] n выставка, демонстрация gallery ['gaebn] n галерея unfortunately [An'fxtfanatli] adv к сожалению
Exchange of Impressions
Mr Reston: 1 think Moscow is becoming an international art centre. Most world famous art galleries had their masterpieces displayed1 in the Pushkin Art Museum.
Alexeev: I suppose it’s only natural. Muscovites have always been great admir­ers of art. By the way there were thousands of people queueing to get in when 18th and 19th century English paintings were displayed there.
R: That’s very pleasant to hear. Unluckily. Britain cannot boast of great artists such as Rembrandt and Goya.
A: Oh, you’re too modest, I should say. Your Turner is wonderful. I believe he’s the most brilliant seascape artist. I couldn’t tear myself away from his pictures.
R: Turner is my favourite artist, too. I especially like his seascapes depicting the stormy sea.
A: So do I.
R: In my opinion he’s one of the best artists England ever produced. You also had a famous seascape artist in the 19th century. I can’t recall his name.

  1. You mean Aivazovsky. Yes, the sea was his favourite subject. He’s very pop­ular in this country.

John Lobb, an exchange English student, and George Komov, a Moscow University postgraduate, are having a talk.
John Lobb: George, where can I see old Russian painting? I saw a few repro­ductions in a magazine and was greatly impressed by them.
George Komov: The Tretyakov Gallery has the richest collection, I believe if you have time tomorrow I can take you there.
John: Thank you very much. It's very kind of you.
George: Let’s meet in the lounge at 9.30 if it suits you.
John: It suits me all right. See you tomorrow morning.
(In the Tretyakov Gallery)
John: These icons are marvellous. It’s a great pity that the painters’ names are unknown.
George: Unfortunately we know only a few names. One of the greatest old Russian painters was Andrew Rublev.
John: Do you mean the painter about whom a film was made?
George: Yes. The film is called “Andrew Rublev”. Have you seen it?
John: Yes, I saw it a few years ago in London. It impressed me greatly. Where can I see his pictures?
George: As to Moscow you can find some of his pictures in the Kremlin.
John: By the way I'm going to the Kremlin next Saturday.
George: Then you'll be able to see Rublev’s picture there.
(After the visit)
John: Thank you very much. I think I'll have to come back to the Gallery again. There’s a lot to see and enjoy here.
George: Yes. The Gallery has got the richest collection of Russian painting.
A: I’ve just seen Repin's pictures. They're marvellous. I believe he's one of the most talented Russian realists.

  1. Yes. His paintings reflect the life of the people.


  1. Have you been to Shilov’s gallery?

  2. No, I haven’t. Is he a modern painter?

A: Yes. His portraits are wonderful. The portrait of his “Grandmother” made a great impression on me. I think he likes people whom he paints.
A: What’s the name of the sculptor who made the monument to Peter the Great?2 It is situated on the bank of the Moskva river in the centre of Moscow.
B: Tzeretelli. He’s one of the most talented sculptors of today.
A: Oh, now I remember his name. If I’m not mistaken I saw his sculptures in Alexander Park near the Kremlin.
В: Yes. you are right. But do you know that he is a painter as well? Some crit­ics consider him to be not only a sculptor but a prominent painter as well. Have you been to the exhibition in his gallery?
A: Unfortunately not. Is it possible to see any of his paintings anywhere in Moscow?
В: I think yes. in his gallery.
Muscovites |'rriAskovaits| москвичи
Rembrandt j'rembmnd] Рембрандт
Goya [qoia] Гойя
Turner |'tana] Тернер
Aivazovsky (.aiva zovski] Айвазовский
the Tretyakov Gallery I'tretjakav-gaelan] Третьяковская галерея
Andrew Rublev [sendru: rub'lev] Андрей Рублев
Repin I 'repin] Репин

  1. Most world famous art galleries had their masterpieces displayed... Большинство всемирно известных художественных галерей выстав­ляли свои шедевры...

  2. Peter the Great Петр Великий

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