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Exercise 5. Read and translate the dialogues.
Exercise 6. Find in the dialogues English equivalents for these word combinations and sentences.

  1. Он только позавчера приехал сюда. 2. Очень интересная страна.

  1. Не могли бы вы представить меня некоторым из своих коллег? 4. меж­ду десятью и одиннадцатью. 5. Я пробыл там десять дней. 6. Какой вы лю­бите чай? 7. Какое время вам подходит?

Exercise 7. Quote the sentences in which the following words and word combina­tions are used in the text.
to arrive, to suit, before, to call up, how long, sugar, only, perfectly Exercise 8. Make the necessary substitutions and reproduce the dialogues.

  1. A: Mr Brown, this is Mr Petrov, a Moscow University professor. Mr Petrov, please meet Mr Brown, a London University professor.

  1. How do you do?

P: How do you do?
(Л: Pankov, Pavlov, Popov)

  1. A: It’s a cold day today, isn’t it?

  1. Yes, it is. By the way, how do you like it here?

A: Well, it’s a very interesting country.
(A: nice, very cold)

  1. A: Could you introduce me to some of your colleagues?

  1. With pleasure.

(A: Mr Benson, your brother, Mrs Smith)

  1. A: When could I see you?

  1. I'm free between two and three in the afternoon. Does it suit you?

A: Perfectly.
(B: at five o’dock, in the moming)

  1. A: Can you come at ten tomorrow moming?

  1. Yes, it suits me perfectly.

(A: at two in the afternoon, at five tomorrow, between ten and eleven tomorrow)

  1. A: Where were you last nighf! 1 called you up but there was no answer.

  1. I went Го a birthday party.

(A: yesterday morning, last Sunday: B: shopping, for a walk in the park)

  1. A: Did you stay there long?

B: For ten days.
(B: two weeks, a month, a month and a half)

  1. A: Would you like a cup of tea?

  1. Only, if it’s not too much trouble.

(A: a cup of coffee, to have lunch now)
Exercise 9. Fill in the blanks with missing remarks. Reproduce the dialogues.

  1. A: Professor Brown, meet my colleague Professor Tenson.

B: ...
T: ...
A: Professor Brown is from London.

  1. A: How do you like St. Petersburg?

B: ...

  1. A: Could you introduce me to Professor Garin?

B: ...

  1. A: When can I see you?

В ...
A: Perfectly.

  1. A: Where were vou last Sunday? 1 called you up but there was no answer.

B: ...

  1. Did you stay there long?

  2. ...

  1. A: Is Great Britain an interesting country?

В ...

  1. A: Hello, Tom. Many happy returns of the day.

T: ...

  1. A: Would you like a cup of coffee?

B: ...

  1. How do you like vour coffee?

  2. ...

  1. A: How is your mother?

B: ...

  1. Give her my best regards.

  2. ...

  1. A: When do vou have an English class?

B: ...

  1. Well, goodbve then. See you later.

  2. ...

  1. A: I'd like to say goodbye to you.

B: ...

  1. I'm flying home on Thursday.

  2. ...

Exercise 10. Think of the questions and statements to which the following sentences are the answers.

  1. A: ...?

  1. Yes, it’s a cold day today.

  1. A: ...?

  1. They arrived only yesterday .

  1. A: ...■>

  1. Canada* is a very interesting country.

  1. A: ...?

  1. I was in Rostov. I arrived only this morning.

  2. ...?

  3. I stayed there for a week.

  1. A: ...?

  1. They start tomorrow.

  1. A: ...?

  1. Only if it's not too much trouble.

  1. A: ...■>

  1. No milk and no sugar.

  1. A: ...

Canada fkaenada) n Канала
В: Thank you for the stamps. They’re wonderful.
A: ...

  1. A: ...?

  1. At the cashier's desk over there.

  1. A: ...?

  1. I’m afraid so. My mother isn't very well.

Exercise 11. Reproduce the dialogues in pairs.
Exercise 12. Four of sentences below are wrong. Cross them out and write them cor­rectly.
1. When did they arrive in Moscow? 2. How long are you going to stay there? 3. Last year I go to the office by car. 4. What is Peter doing? — He is look­ing through the papers. 5. Our classes usually start at 9 o’clock. And when do they start on Monday? 6. Does this time suit you? — Oh yes, perfectly. 7. Where could I see them? — I think in the office. 8. Jane is ill last month. 9. They are having lunch now. Are they usually having lunch in the office canteen? 10. I called him up yesterday but he wasn't at home.
Exercise 13. Act as interpreter.

  1. А: Г-н Стоун, разрешите представить вам моего нового коллегу г-на Петрова.

В: How do you do, Mr Petrov?
P: Здравствуйте.

  1. A: When did you arrive in London?

P: Я прибыл в прошлое воскресенье. Как вам нравится здесь?
A: I like it very much. It’s a very interesting country.

  1. A: He могли бы вы представить меня некоторым своим коллегам, г-н Смит?

  1. With pleasure. When could you come to my office? What about ten o’clock tomorrow morning?

А: Я свободен в это время. Меня это вполне устраивает. Благодарю вас.
S: Goodbye.
А: До свидания.

  1. А: Передайте мои самые добрые пожелания вашей супруге.

В: Thank you.
Exercise 14. Translate into English.

  1. Разрешите представить вам г-на Панкова.

— Здравствуйте, г-н Стоун.
— Здравствуйте, г-н Панков.
— Г-н Панков прибыл сюда на прошлой неделе.

  1. — Не могли бы вы представить меня некоторым из ваших коллег?

— С удовольствием. Когда мы бы могли встретиться с вами? Свобод­ны ли вы завтра утром от десяти до одиннадцати?
— Да, я свободен. Это время меня вполне устраивает.
— Благодарю вас.
— До свидания.
— До свидания.

  1. — Как вам здесь нравится?

— Мне очень нравится здесь. Это очень интересная страна.

  1. — Сколько времени вы пробыли там?

— Полтора месяца.

  1. — Почему я не вижу Мери здесь?

— Болен наш сын.
— Надеюсь, что ему лучше. Передайте Мери самый сердечный при­вет.

  1. — Звонили ли вы мне вчера?

— Да, я звонил вам зри раза, но телефон не отвечал.
— Простите, я ездил навестить своего отца. Он болен сейчас.

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