Avvalo birinchi grammatik qoidalarni undan so’ng qiladigan xatolarni ko’rib chiqing bu sizni kelasida qilinadigan har qanday xatolardan saqlab qoladi. Uni tugatib test yechish sirlarini yaxshilab o’rganib chiqing

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Signal words


Present Simple

  • always

  • often

  • frequently

  • occasionally

  • seldom

  • sometimes

  • usually

  • Every day/ month/year

  • On Mondays(hafta kunlari


  • How often?

George jogs three miles every day.
Mary always has salad for lunch. I sometimes go to New York City. They go out to dinner often.
I t was often hard to work
The best information about hotels usually comes from friends I play football on Mondays

Present Continuous

  • now

  • at the moment

  • right now

  • at present Look!, shhhh Listen!

  • for the time being

You are reading sentences about verb tenses right now
Listen! Someone is singing

Past Simple

  1. a week/month/year ago

  2. in 1999

  3. last night/week/year

  4. the other day

  5. years ago

  6. yesterday

  7. just now

  8. previously,

  9. prior,

  10. before,

  11. ancient

  12. BC,

  13. DC,

  14. Tarixda yashab o’tgan shaxs nomlari kelsa

Last year I often went to the theatre
I saw Abror yesterday
I finished my homework an hour ago.
We had a good day yesterday.

Present Perfect

  1. already for

  2. ever

  3. just

  4. lately

  5. never

  6. recently

  7. since

  8. so far

  9. until now/till now

  10. up to now

  11. yet

  12. t imes/many time(so’zlari kelsa)

  13. over the last

I haven’t seen her since January 1995.
I haven’t seen her for over 20 years.
I haven’t finished my homework yet.
We have had a good day so far. I have already written a letter to the president.

Present Perfect Continuous/ Past Perfect continuous

  1. all day/morning

  2. the whole day

  3. how long

  4. since

  5. for

Rita has been jogging for two hours.
He has been playing football all day


over the last few days


for the last months

Future Simple


Next week/month/year
Oy/hafta/kun nomi + from now I expect, I am sure, I am not sure, I think, I hope, probably, possibly

Mary will go to Hawaii in two weeks
Ed will drive to Toronto next Saturday.
George will paint his house six days from now.

Future continuous


At this time tomorrow

At this time tomorrow, I will be cleaning my house

Future Perfect


By + time, by the time, until that day, until then

By the time the plane arrives, we will have completed the crossword puzzle.

Past Perfect


By + time, by the time, until that day, until then

By the time John finished his essay, most of the class had left.

2. Ikkinchi eng kerakli eng muximi o’zi shu zamonlar bo’yicha test yechishning siz zamonlar yuzasidan test yechyabsizmi ega va kesimni va strukturani bir biriga moslashtiring agar qolipga tushmadi u javoblarni chiqarib tashlang. Buning uchun siz hamma zamoni qay tarzda yasalishi o’rganib chiqishingiz kerak. Zamonlar moslashuvga qarang bu degani agar gap o’tgan zamon haqida hikoya qilnayotgan bosa kelasi yoki hozirgi zamoni olishga ehtiyot bo’ling. Nega sizga zamonlar yasalishi va ega kesim kerakliligini hozir pastdagi testlar orqali korib chiqamiz:
1. Choose the correct answer Mehmet… to the radio.
A) is listening B) was listened C) listen D) have listened
Izoh: Buyerda siz ega kesim moslashuviga qarashingiz kerak. Mehmet he olmoshiga to’g’ri keladi shu sababli biz have listened va listen ishlatolmaymiz sababi ular I,you,they,we olmoshlari bilan ishlatiladi. He/she/it bilan has listened va listens bo’lshi kerak edi. Shu uchun D va C javob xato. Endi B javob majhul nisbat shu sababli uni qo’ysak radio Mehmetni eshtdi bo’b qoladi. B ham xato. To’gri javob A Tarjimasi : Mehmet is listening to the radio – Mehmet radio tinglayabdi.
2. Choose the correct answer The teacher... some questions.
A) ask B) have asked C) were asked D) is asking
Izoh: Buyerda siz ega va kesimni moslashtirng The teacher so’zi he yoki she olmoshiga to’g’ri keladi. Biz he/she/it bilan birlikdagi kesim olardik A B C javoblarda ko’plikda kesim turibdi. D javob to’gri is birlikda. The teacher ask emas the teacher asks bo’ladi. The teacher have asked emas the teacher has asked bo’ladi. The teacher were asked emas, the teacher was asked bo’ladi shu sababli bu 3 ta javob xato. To’gri javob D
Choose the correct answer.
he going to be an economist?
A) Is B) Has C) Will D) Does
Izoh: Buyerda struktura o’z so’zini aytadi sababi be going to ya’ni going to has/will/ does bilan emas is bilan birikadi. To’gri javob A
Xulosa doim sinchovlik bilan e’tibor bering he/she/it da ba’zi zamonlarda yasalish o’zgarishlariga e’tibor bering ega qaysi olmoshliga qarang. Zamonlar to’g’ri tuzilyabdimi unga ham qarang ba’zi javob variantlarida umuman zamonlar qurlishi xato yasalishi mumkin. Would worked holida yoki have went holida bular albatta xato
Bonus ma’lumotlar: Agarda gapda by predlogi bolsa va unda so’ng vaqt emas odam kelsa ba’zida narsa kelshi ham mumkin bunday gaplar katta extimol bilan majhul nisbat bo’ladi. Yoki ba’zida gapning egasi narsa bo’lsa unda ham katta ehtimol bn gap majhul ya’ni passive voice bo’ladi.
1. Choose the correct answer.
A new hotel... in the centre of Tashkent for the time being A) is built B) built C) is being built D) is building
Izoh: Buyerda Toshkent markazida yangi mehmonxona qurilyabdi deyilmoqda. For the time being present continuousni signal so’zi shu sababli A va B javob xato. Endi gapning egasi mehmonxona o’zini o’zi qurmaydi shu sababli gapimiz majhulda bo’ladi. C javob to’g’ri
There is va There are konsturuksiyasi bo’ycha ham ancha testlar tusharkan buni ham ko’rib chiqamiz. Agarda sizga Shu mavzudan test tushdimi 1 chi qadaman ot ko’plikmi yoki birlik shunisni aniqlang qarang. Agar ot ko’plikda bo’sa siz albata There kegin ko’plikda to be oling ya’ni are yok were yoki boshqa biri. Qani misollar bilan mustahkamlaymiz.
1. Choose the correct answer some chairs in the room.
A) There are C) There is B) Those is D) It isn't
Izoh: Buyerda siz otga qarashiz kerak some chairs bu ko’plikda turibdi shu uchun there are bo’ladi birlik bo’lganda there is bo’lardi. To’gri javob A 2. Choose the correct answer …seven days in a week.
A) It isn't
C) Those is
B) There is
D) There are
Izoh : Seven days ko’plikda shunga there are bo’ladi. To’gri javob D
3. Choose the correct answer.
a lot of books in the library
A) That is B) There are C) It isn't D) There is
Izoh : A lot of books ko’plikda shu sababli there are to’g’ri To’gri javob B
Choose the correct answer Some beef on the plate.

  1. Those is

  2. There are

  3. It isn't

  4. There is

Izoh : Some beef birlikda shu sababli there is to’g’ri
Yana bir e’tibor qiladigan jihatingiz jadval bilan bajariluvchi ish-harakatlar bo’yicha testlar tushib turibdi shu uchun jadval bilan bajariluvchi ish-harakatlar uchun Present Simple oling.
1. Choose the correct answer.
The examination… at 9.30. Don't be late

  1. is starting

  2. was going to start

  3. starts

  4. will be start

Izoh : Buyerda imtixon boshlanishi haqida ketyabdi bilasku imtixonlar rejalashtirlikgan jadval asosida bo’lardi. Shu sababli buyerda C javob to’gri.
2. Choose the correct answer
My favourite film.. in five minutes

  1. will be start

  2. is start

  3. starting D) starts

Izoh : Tv programmalar aniq bir jadval asosida ishlaydi shu sababli present simple olinadi buyerda. To’g’ri javob D
Ma’lumot : Jadval va Programalar orqali ish harakatlar : Avtobus, poyezdlar yurishi, ko'rsatuvlar vaqtlarida biz shu zamondan foydalanamiz

3. Zamon testlarida ba’zida testlar bog’lovchi orqali tuzladi bunda bizga pastdagi formullar kerak bo’ladi

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