Avvalo birinchi grammatik qoidalarni undan so’ng qiladigan xatolarni ko’rib chiqing bu sizni kelasida qilinadigan har qanday xatolardan saqlab qoladi. Uni tugatib test yechish sirlarini yaxshilab o’rganib chiqing

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Darak gaplar uchun: So + yordamchi fe’l + Ega

  • Inkor gaplar uchun: Neither + yordamchi fe’l + Ega

    Darak shakldagi gaplarni zamonlardagi ko’rinishi

    Person A

    Person B

    Other ways

    I am happy.

    So am I

    = I am going to Brazil too

    I'm going to Brazil in the summer.

    So am I.

    = I am going to Brazil too.

    You look nice today.

    So do you

    = You look nice too.

    Stephanie has a new boyfriend.

    So does Mary

    = Mary has a new one too

    We went to the concert last night.

    So did I.

    = I went to the concert too

    I would love a coffee right now.

    So would I.

    = I would love a coffee too

    He will win a prize.

    So will I.

    = I will win one too.

    They have finished their homework.

    So have I.

    = I have finished too.

    I can speak two languages.

    So can I.

    = I can speak two too.

    My brother had eaten too much.

    So had I.

    = I had eaten too much too.

    I have got a car

    So have I.

    Inkor shakldagi gaplarni zamonlardagi ko’rinishi

    Person A Person B

    Other ways

    I am not happy.

    Neither am I

    = I'm not hungry either.

    I'm not going to quit.

    Neither am I.

    = I'm not going to quit either.

    They don’t speak French

    Neither do you

    = I don't speak French either.

    Stephanie doesn’t eat meat

    Neither does Mary

    = Mary doesn't eat meat either.

    Mary didn't go to the party.

    Neither did I.

    = I didn't go either.

    I wouldn't like to do his job.

    Neither would I.

    = I wouldn't like to do it either.

    He won't stop talking.

    Neither will I.

    = You won't stop either.

    You haven't finished your meal.

    Neither have I.

    = You haven't finished either.

    I can't reach the top shelf.

    Neither can I.

    = I can't reach it either.

    I hadn't seen her before..

    Neither had I.

    = I hadn't seen her before either.

    I haven’t got a car

    Neither have I.

    I haven’t got a car either

    Neitherni o’rnida ba’zan nor kelishi mumkin; Nor do I = Neither do I
    Tag question

    Tasdiq so’roq gaplari gapiruvchi o’zining aytgan fikriga tasdiq olishni istaganda ishlatiladi. Ya’ni shundaymi?,shunday emasmi? degan ma’no beradi. Agar gap darak gap bo’lsa tasdiq qism inkor shaklida, agar gap inkor bo’lsa tasdiq qism darak shaklida bo’ladi

    • Jenni eats cheese, doesn't she?(Jenni pishloq yeydi, shunday emasmi)

    • I don't need to finish this today, do I?(Men bugun buni tugatishim zarur emas,shundaymi?)

    • Your sister went to London ,didn’t she?(Opangiz Londonga ketdi,shunday emasmi?)

    E’tibor bergan bo’lsangiz agar asosiy qism darak shaklda bo’lsa so’roq qism inkor shaklda bo’larkan, asosiy gap inkor bo’lsa, so’roq qism esa darak shaklda bo’larkan.

    Positive statement FIKR QISM

    Negative tag TASDIQ QISM

    Snow is white,

    isn't it?

    Qorning rangi oq

    shunday emasmi?

    Negative statement FIKR QISM

    Positive tag TASDIQ QISM

    You don't like me,

    do you?

    Siz meni yoqirmaysiz




    Mary likes flowers,

    doesn’t she ?

    Mary gullarni yaxshi ko’radi,

    shunday emasmi?

    Bosh gap darak gap bo’lsa, negative tag question

    Present simple 'be'

    She's Italian, isn't she?

    Present simple other verbs

    They live in London, don't they?

    Present continuous

    We're working tomorrow, aren't we?

    Past simple 'be'

    It was cold yesterday, wasn't it?

    Past simple other verbs

    He went to the party last night, didn't he?

    Past continuous

    We were waiting at the station, weren't we?

    Present perfect

    They've been to Japan, haven't they?

    Present perfect continuous

    She's been studying a lot recently, hasn't she?

    Past perfect

    He had forgotten his wallet, hadn't he?

    Past perfect continuous

    We'd been working, hadn't we?

    Future simple

    She'll come at six, won't she?

    Future continuous

    They'll be arriving soon, won't they?

    Future perfect

    They'll have finished before nine, won't they?

    Future perfect continuous

    She'll have been cooking all day, won't she?


    He can help, can't he?


    John must stay, mustn't he?

    Bosh gap inkor gap bo’lsa, positive tag question

    Present simple 'be'

    We aren't late, are we?

    Present simple other verbs

    She doesn't have any children, does she?

    Present continuous

    The bus isn't coming, is it?

    Past simple 'be'

    She wasn't at home yesterday, was she?

    Past simple other verbs

    They didn't go out last Sunday, did they?

    Past continuous

    You weren't sleeping, were you?

    Present perfect

    She hasn't eaten all the cake, has she?

    Present perfect continuous

    He hasn't been running in this weather, has he?

    Past perfect

    We hadn't been to London before, had we?

    Past perfect continuous

    You hadn't been sleeping, had you?

    Future simple

    They won't be late, will they?

    Future continuous

    He won't be studying tonight, will he?

    Future perfect

    She won't have left work before six, will she?

    Future perfect continuous

    He won't have been travelling all day, will he?


    She can't speak Arabic, can she?


    They mustn't come early, must they?




    You have a car,

    don’t you ?

    You have got a car,

    haven’t you ?

    You had a car,

    didn’t you ?

    You have finished the test,

    haven’t you ?

    You have been working,

    haven’t you ?

    You had done it by midnight,

    hadn’t you ?

    You had been working,

    hadn’t you ?

    You are having dinner,

    aren’t you ?

    You were having lunch,

    weren’t you ?

    You have to go,

    don’t you ?

    You have got to go,

    haven’t you ?

    You had to leave early,

    didn’t you ?

    You had better leave now,

    hadn’t you ?




    I'm late,

    aren't I ?

    I'm not late,

    am I ?

    itta istisno bor : I am
    so’zini tag questioni aren’t I holida yasaladi. Ammo agar gap I am not holida tuzilsa, tag qism Am I holida bo’ladi

     I'm sitting next to you, aren't I?
    Bitta narsaga katta e’tibor berishingizni so’rayman agar gapda negative ma’noli so’zlar bo’lsa, tag question qismga e’tiborli bo’ling Masalan: You never come on time, do you? (buyerda never so’zi birinchi gapni inkor gapga aylantirib yubordi shu sababli biz do you ishlatdik don’t you emas
    Qoida : Agar gapda inkor ma’no beruvchi so’zlar bo’lsa, tag qism darak shalda bo’ladi
    I nkor ma’no beruvchi so’zlar: never, seldom, hardly, barely, scarcely, rarely, no, none, neither . . . nor, nobody, no one, nothing, nowhere, almost not at all.  It is never too late to start eating a healthy diet, is it?

    • Wild animals seldom sleep at night, do they?

    • You could hardly hear her at the back, could you?

    • She was barely fifteen when she won her first championship, was she?

    • He was scarcely able to move my arm after the accident, was he?

    • They rarely read classical novels, do they?

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