Avvalo birinchi grammatik qoidalarni undan so’ng qiladigan xatolarni ko’rib chiqing bu sizni kelasida qilinadigan har qanday xatolardan saqlab qoladi. Uni tugatib test yechish sirlarini yaxshilab o’rganib chiqing

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Secrets of Grammar kodi pdf


Direct Speech

Reported Speech

present simple

I like ice cream

She said (that) she liked ice cream.

present continuous

I am living in London

She said (that) she was living in London.

past simple

I bought a car

She said (that) she had bought a car OR She said (that) she bought a car.

past continuous

I was walking along the street

She said (that) she had been walking along the street.

present perfect

I haven't seen Julie

She said (that) she hadn't seen Julie.

past perfect*

I had taken English lessons before

She said (that) she had taken English lessons before.


I'll see you later

She said (that) she would see me later.


I would help, but..”

She said (that) she would help but...


I can speak perfect English

She said (that) she could speak perfect English.


I could swim when I was four

She said (that) she could swim when she was four.


I shall come later

She said (that) she would come later.


I should call my mother

She said (that) she should call her mother


I might be late

She said (that) she might be late


I must study at the weekend

She said (that) she must study at the weekend OR She said she had to study at the weekend

* Bu fe’llarimiz hech qanaqa o’zgarishsiz qoladi

Simple present

Simple past

I always drink coffee”, she said

She said that she always drankcoffee.

Present continuous

Past continuous

I am reading a book”, he explained.

He explained that he was reading a book

Simple past

Past perfect

Bill arrived on Saturday”, he said.

He said that Bill had arrived on Saturday

Present perfect

Past perfect

I have been to Spain”, he told me.

He told me that he had been to Spain

Past perfect

Past perfect

I had just turned out the light,” he explained.

He explained that he had just turned out the light.

Present perfect continuous

Past perfect continuous

They complained, “We have been waiting for hours”.

They complained that they had been waiting for hours.

Past continuous

Past perfect continuous

We were living in Paris”, they told me.

They told me that they had been living in Paris.


Present conditional

I will be in Geneva on Monday”, he said

He said that he would be in Geneva on Monday.

Future continuous

Future continuous in the Past

She said, “I’ll be using the car next Friday”.

She said that she would be using the car next Friday.

Ko’chirma gapda

O’zlashtirma gapda








that day


the next day

the day after tomorrow

two days later


the day before

the day before yesterday

two days before



next year

the next year, the following year



Shunaqa o’zgarishlar bo’ladi

Eslatma: Agar gapiruvchi aytgan gapi hozirgi zamonda to’g’ri va muofiq bo’lsa ya’nikim o’zgarmagan bo’lsa bunda biz zamon orqaga qaytarishimiz shart bo’lmaydi. Lekin biz qaytarishni afzal ko’ramiz

  • The teacher said “Paris is the capital of France”

  • The teacher said (that) Paris is/was the capital of France

  • Javlon said, “My new job is very interesting”

  • Javlon said that his new job is/was very interesting

Reported Questions
Sizda hozir negative bilan positive gaplarni reported speechga aylantirishda muommo yoq, ammo so’roq gaplarnichi?
Bilasizku so’roq gaplar 2-xil bo’ladi so’roq so’zlar orqali yasalgan masalan: where, who, when va boshqalar. Ikkinchisi yordamchi fe’llarda do/does did va am/is/are va boshqalar. Ikki turda ham sal boshqacharoq bo’ladi:

  • Direct speech: “Where do you live?”

Savol buni qanday reported speechga aylantiramiz?
Gap shundaki bu ham darak va inkor gapga o’xshab almashadi zamonni alishtiramiz va so’roq so’zni saqlab qolamiz bu eng muxim joyi. Agarda biz kimnindir so’roq gapini boshqaga aytdikmi demak u ortiq so’roq gap emas. Siz uni odatiy grammatik darak gap shaklida alishtirasiz. Ozroq chalkasha bu misollarga qarang

  • Direct speech: Where do you live?

  • Reported speech: She asked me where I lived.

Qanday qilib men almashtirganimga e’tibor bering

  • Direct speech: Where is Julie?

  • Reported speech: She asked me where Julie was.

Direct Question

Reported Question

Where is the Post Office, please?

She asked me where the Post Office was.

What are you doing?

She asked me what I was doing.

Who was that fantastic man?

She asked me who that fantastic man had been.

Maxsus so’roq so’zlar bilan kelgan savollar shunaqa usulda aylantiramiz maxsus so’roq so’z saqlab qolinadi va yordamchi fe’lni ob tawab bitta zamon pastga tushiramiz. Masalan:

  • What did you make for dinner yesterday” Bob asked me

  • Bob asked me what I had made for dinner the day before

Hosh maxsus so’roq so’z bolmasa nima qilamiz. Qiyinmas unda maxsus so’roq so’z ishlatiladigan yergan If yoki whether qo’yasiz.

  • Direct speech: Do you like chocolate?

  • Reported speech: She asked me if I liked chocolate.

Osonmi muommo yo’qmi pastdagi misollarga qarang:
Yana bir savol borki ular so’roq so’z bilan boshlanadi yoki maxsus ichida so’rogi bor bayonotlar bunda bitta so’roqni ichida boshqa bir narsani so’raymiz. Unda ham huddi shu qoidaga bo’ysinadi. Pastda jadvalga qarang tushinishga harakat qiling.

I wonder...
I don't know...
Could you tell me...
I'm asking...

We need to find out...
I'd like to know...
Could you tell me...
I'm not sure...

Do you know...
Can you remember...
Let's ask...
Would you mind explaining...

  • I wonder + Is he sick today? = I wonder if he is sick today.

  • She asked + Could she have a ride? = She asked if she could have a ride.

  • My friend wants to know + How much did you pay for your car? + My friend wants to know how much you paid for your car.

  • I’m not sure + Why did he lie to me? = I’m not sure why he lied to me.

  • The question is + Should be change our plans? = The question is whether (or not) we should change our plans.

  • Let’s ask + Do they like hot dogs? = Let’s ask if they like hot dogs.

  • I wonder + When is he leaving? = I wonder when he is leaving.

  • She doesn’t know + What does he want? = She doesn’t know what he wants. I want to know + What did he say? = I want to know what he said.

E’tibor bergan bo’lsangiz bu so’zlardan keying qismda so’roq gap darakga aylanib ketmoqda. Testda ham sizdan shu so’raladi ikkitasni bitta qilish men birinchi maxsus so’z + qilib so’roq gapni va natijasi qanaqa bo’lishini ko’rsatdim sizlarga.

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