Avvalo birinchi grammatik qoidalarni undan so’ng qiladigan xatolarni ko’rib chiqing bu sizni kelasida qilinadigan har qanday xatolardan saqlab qoladi. Uni tugatib test yechish sirlarini yaxshilab o’rganib chiqing

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No one told me she was ill, did they?

  • Nobody works harder than John does, do they?

    Let’s bilan boshlangan gaplarni tasdiq so’rog’i, shall we bilan yasaladi. Buyruq gaplarniki will orqali yasaladi.

    • Let’s go to the beach, shall we?(Plyajga boraylik, boramizmi?

    • Shut up, will you!

    • Close the window, will you? – Oynani yoping, xo’pmi?

    Agar gapda EVERYBODY EVERYONE SOMEBODY SOMEONE ANYBODY ANYONE NO ONE NOBODY so’zlari bo’lsa tag qismda they olmoshi ishlatiladi



    Everyone is working hard these days,

    aren’t they?

    Someone has broken the window,

    haven’t they ?

    Anyone could just walk in here,

    couldn't they?

    Agar gapda used to bilan qurilsa, didn’t ishlatamiz tag qismda

    • You used to work here, didn't you? – Siz buyerda ishlardingiz, shunday emasmi?

    Agar gap there is/there are konstrukturida bo’lsa, tasdiq qismda there ishlatiladi

    • There is a big tree in the garden, isn’t there? – Bog’da katta daraxt bor, shunday emasmi?

    This, that, these va those so’zlari tasdiq qismda qo’llanmaydi. Tasdiq qismda faqat subject pronoun (I, you, he, she, it, we, they) ishlatilishi shart.

    • This book is yours, isn’t it ?

    • These pencils are hers, aren’t they ?

    Somebody, someone, anyone, anybody, everyone,everybody, no one, nobody gapda ega bo’lib kelsa tag qismida they olinadi.

    Biroq something, everything, anything, nothing kelsa, unda tag qism they emas, it bo’ladi.

    • Something is happening there, isn’t it?

    • Nothing has been told, has it?

    Agar egani oldidan few, a few yoki the few kelsa, ham they olinadi. Few- negative a few va the few- positive hisoblanadi.
    Few negative ma’no bo’lganni uchun tag qism positive bo’lishi kerak. Chunki tag question shunaqa qoida borki gap negative bo’sa tag qism positive bo’ladi degan. Shundan kelib chiqadiki few- negative demak tag qism positive bo’ladi pastdagi misolga e’tibor bering.

    • Few escaped unhurt, did they?

    Lekin a few unaqa bo’lmaydi, A few positive bo’gani uchun ikkinchi gap negative bo’ladi.

    • A few had gone there, hadn’t they?

    Lekin little, a little kelsa, it olinadi sababi bular birlikni bildiradi sanalmaydigan ot bilan yoki uni o’rnida keladi sanalmaydigan ot doimo birlik hisoblandi. Little ham negative ma’nosi bor, a little esa positive.
    Little is wasted, is it?

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