Avvalo birinchi grammatik qoidalarni undan so’ng qiladigan xatolarni ko’rib chiqing bu sizni kelasida qilinadigan har qanday xatolardan saqlab qoladi. Uni tugatib test yechish sirlarini yaxshilab o’rganib chiqing

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Reported Requests
Agarda kimdir sizdan nimanidir bajarishni muloyimlik bilan so’rasa siz ask someone + to do qolipidan ham foydalanishiz ham mumkin.

  • Direct speech: Close the window, please Or: Could you close the window please?

  • Or: Would you mind closing the window please? Biz buyerda ask me me to do holida ham ishlatishingiz mumkin

  • Reported speech: She asked me to close the window.

Here are a few more examples:

Direct Request

Reported Request

Please help me.

She asked me to help her.

Please don't smoke.

She asked me not to smoke.

Could you bring my book tonight?

She asked me to bring her book that night.

Could you pass the milk, please?

She asked me to pass the milk.

Would you mind coming early tomorrow?

She asked me to come early the next day.

Please don't be late.

She asked us not to be late.

Reported Orders
Agarda gapizmiz buyruq gap bo’lsa unda qanday qilamiz. Unda bizga hozir ko’rgan shaklimiz yordam beradi ask o’rniga shunchaki tell ishlatamiz.

Direct Order

Reported Order

Go to bed!

He told the child to go to bed.

Don't worry!

He told her not to worry.

Be on time!

He told me to be on time.

Don't smoke!

He told us not to smoke.

Say yoki Tell?
Ikkalasi ham bir xil ma’no beradi ammo grammatik jihatdan ishlatilishida ozroq farq bor
Direct speech:
John: "I'll be late".
Reported Speech
John said (that) he would be late.
John told me (that) he would be late
Eslab qoling: Tell object siz kelmaydi, say object bilan kelmaydi.
Biz bunday deyaolmaymiz
John said me that he would be late.”
John told that he would be late.”

Ba’zan biz gapni aynan o’zini takrorlanmasdan mazmuni saqlab qolgan holda o’zlashtirishimiz mumkin

Would you like to come for tea?

They invited me for tea.

Would you mind not smoking?

Our hostess asked Alan not to smoke.

I'm sorry.

The man apologized.

Thank you very much.

I thanked the driver.

I really must have a break.

Jeff insisted on a break.

Be careful. The path is slippery.

He warned us about the path.

I'm not going to walk all that way.

Gary refused to walk.

You really ought to get some help.

Mark advised us to get some help.

Would you like to stay at our house?

Your friends have invited me to stay at their house.

Why don't we share the cost?

Someone suggested sharing the cost.

Let’s go home.

He suggested going home.

I'm afraid I've lost the photo.

Lorna admitted losing the photo.

It was your fault. You didn't tell us.

They blamed James for not telling them.

I will take you to the dance.

He offered to take her to the dance.

I’m sorry I trod on your foot.

He apologized for treading on his foot.

Thank you for doing the shopping.

He thanked her for doing the shopping.


Hayotda faqat darak gaplar bilan ish bitmaydi biz inkor va so’roq gaplardan ham foydalanamiz. Kimdandir nimadir so’rashga to’g’ri kelsa biz so’roq shakldan foydalanamiz. So’roq yasash juda oddiy va oson siz yordamchi fe’lni egadan oldinga chiqarsangiz darak gap so’roq gap aylanadi.
Ingliz tilida so’roq gaplarning 4ta turi bor

  • general or yes/no questions

  • special questions using wh-words

  • choice questions

  • disjunctive or tag/tail questions

General or Yes/No Questions
Umumiy so’roq gaplar yordamchi fe’lni egadan oldinga qo’yish orqali yasaladi

Affirmative(darak shakl)

Question (so’roq shakl)

I am late

Am I late?

I can help

Can I help?

She is sleeping

Is she sleeping?

We have met before

Have we met before?

She went home

Did she go home?

He works in a bank

Does he work in a bank?

You work at home.

Do you work at home?

Present simple va Past Simple zamonlarida biz do/does va did yordamchi fe’llaridan foydalanamiz.



Question with question word

You work at home.

Do you work at home?

Where do you work?

It costs £10.

Does it cost £10?

How much does it cost?

She went home.

Did she go home?

Where did she go?

Agar gapda ikki yoki undan ortiq yordamchi fe’l bo’lsa, eganing oldiga faqat birinchi yordamchi fe’l chiqadi.
Darak gap: He has been working since morning So’roq shakli: has he been working since morning?
Umumiy so’roq gaplarga odatda qisqa javob beriladi Yes yoki No deb. Bunda qaysi yordamchi fe’l bilan savol berilsa o’sha yordamchi fe’l bilan javob qaytariladi.




Do we know him?

Yes, we do.

No, we don’t.

Can she see me?

Yes, she can.

No, she can’t.

Have they read the book?

Yes, they have.

No, they haven’t.

Is he hungry?

Yes, he is.

No, he isn’t.

Qisqa javob berishda yordamchi fe’llar yoki modal fe’llardan oldin ravish qo’ylishi mumkin

  • Do you have dinner at home? Yes. I always do Siz uyda ovqatlanasizmi? Ha. Har doim

  • Will you go to the party tonight? Yes. I probably will Kechqurun bazmga borsanmi? Ha, ehtimol

Ba’zan biz bo’lishsiz so’roq gaplardan ham foydalanamiz. Buni qanday qilamiz not inkor yuklanmasini egadan keyin qo’yish orqali yasaymiz. Og’zaki nutqda not qisqarib yordamchi fe’lga qo’shilib ketishi mumkin. O’zbek tiliga nahotki so’zini qo’shib tarjima qisangiz chiroyliroq chiqadi.

  • Do you not know him? Nahotku, uni tanimasangiz? Don’t you know him?

  • Have you not seen him before? Nahotki , uni oldin ko’rmagansiz? Haven’t you seen him before?

Maxsus so’roq so’zlar doim yordamchi fe’ldan oldinda keladi

(so’roq shakl)

(Maxsus so’roq so’zli so’roq gaplar)

Are you late?

Why are you late?

Was she there?

When was she there?

Can I help?

How can I help?

Have we met before?

Where have we met before?

Ingliz tilida maxsus so’roq so’zlar gapning egasi bo’lsa biz yordamchi fe’llar did, do, does, ishlatmaymiz.

  • Who phoned Abror? – Abrorga kim qo’ngiroq qildi?

  • Who did Abror phone? – Abror kimga qo’ng’iroq qildi?

Egaga beriladigan so’roq gaplar who? (kim) va what(nima?) so’zlari bilan boshlanadi va ular so’roq gapning egasi hisoblanadi. Egaga berilgan so’roq gaplarda tepada ko’rganizdek darak shaklda bo’ladi. Va who va what kegin 3 shaxs birlikdagi fe’l keladi

  • Who is reading a book? – Kim kitob o’qiyabdi

  • Who teaches you? – Sizdi kim o’qitadi

  • What happened? – nima sodir bo’ldi

  • What is lying on the table? – Stolda nima yotibdi

Izoh: agar gapimiz Present Simple va Past simple bo’sa yordamchi fe’l do/does va did ishlatilmaydi
To’ldiruvchiga berilgan so’roq gaplarda odatiy so’roq gap shakli saqlanadi va bunda Who (kimni, kimga)? What (nimani, nimaga) deb tarjima qilinadi
 Who did Abror phone? – Abror kimga qo’ng’iroq qildi?  Who did Akmal see – Akmal kimni ko’rdi?
Inkor shaklda ham so’roq gap tuzish mumkin

    • Didn’t you hear the doorbell?- Eshik qo'ng'irog'ini eshitmadingizmi

So do I and Neither do I
Biz So do I ni qachonki darak gap biz uchun ham to’g’ri bo’lsa, ya’ni darak gapda aytilgan fikrga “men ham” demoqchi bo’lsangiz ishlatasiz. Agar gap inkor gap bo’lsa, siz Neither do I ishlatasiz.

    • John: I hate mushrooms. - Jon: Men qo'ziqorinni yomon ko'raman

    • Me: So do I (=I also hate mushrooms). - Men: Men ham (= men ham qo’ziqorinlarni yomon ko’raman)

    • Lucy: I don’t live in London. – Lucy: Men Londonda yashamayman

    • Me: Neither do I (=I also don’t live in London. For example, maybe Lucy and I both live in Paris) – Men : Men ham (= Men ham Londonda yashamayman, Misol uchun ehtimol

Lucy va men ikkimiz ham Parijida yasharmiz)
Bu asosan suhbatda biror kishiga javob qaytarishda ishlatiladi va “men ham” degan ma’no berishda ishlatiladi. Ikkita gap ham bir kishi tomonidan aytilishi

  • Me: Elizabeth loves coffee. So do I. –Men: Elizabet cofeni yoqtiradi. Men ham

Tepadagi gaplarda men Present simple ya’ni do yordamchi fe’lidan foydalandim chunki birinchi gap present simple. So yoki Neither dan keyingi yordamchi fe’l gapning zamoniga qaraydi gap qaysi zamonda bo’lsa bulardan so’ng o’sha zamonga tegishli yordamchi fe’l ishlatiladi. Qolipi juda oddiy.
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