Concrete Nouns(Siz tega oladigan narsalar): rice, head, car, furniture, mobile phone
Abstract Nouns(siz qol bilan tega olmaydigan narsalar): happiness, courage, danger, truth Countable Nouns: ball, boy, cat, person
Uncountable Nouns: water, happiness, cheese
Collective Nouns: class (group of students), pride (group of lions), crew (group of sailors) Compound Nouns: cat food, blackboard, breakfast, full moon, washing machine, software
Odatda ko’p otlarning ko’pligi birlik shakligi –s qo’shsish orqali yasaladi
Agarda birlikdagi ot undosh+ y bilan tugasa ko’plikka aylanyotganda y ni biz i almashiramiz va i+ es holiga keladi. Baby-babies, lady-ladies
Agarda birlikdagi ot unli+ y holida bo’lsa (day, boy, guy, donkey) biz shunchaki oxirga s qo’shamiz. days, boys, guys, donkeys
! E’tibor bering agar ot atoqli ot bo’lsa, undosh+ y shaklida bo’lsa masalan (February) hech qanaqa o’zgarish bo’lmaydi va s qo’shamiz. the Kennedys, Februarys. (Not the Kennedies bu ies bu xato)
Agar otlar oxiri -sh, -ch, -s, -x or -z, bilan tugasa, biz es qo’shamiz.
! E’tibor bering agar ch bilan tugasa lekin talaffuzda [k] deb talaffuz qilinsa es emas s qo’shamiz. stomach/stomachs, monarch/monarchs.
Bu otlar ko’plikda f ni ves almashadi
calf calves, self selves, elf elves, sheaf sheaves, half halves shelf shelves, knife knives, thief thieves leaf leaves wife wives, life lives wolf wolves
Dwarf, hoof, scarf va wharf bu otlarni ko’pligi 2 xil usulda yasaladi fs va ves shaklida Qolgan otlar oddiy s qo’shamiz roofs, beliefs, safes.kabi..
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