Axborot kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari izohli lug‘ati
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систем axborot tizimlarini klonlash cloning of information systems
key ключ кодирования kodlash kaliti coding key
kriptografik kalit cryptographic key
maxfiylik kaliti privacy key
kalit tizimi key system
kalit so‘zi key word
koaksial kabel coaxial cable
kogerent optoelektronika coherent optoelectronics
kogerentlik coherence
kognitiv texnologiyalar cognitive technologies
code код аутентификации сообщения xabar autentifikatsiya kodi message authentication code
mamlakat kodi country code
xabarlar butunligi kodi message integrity check
codec кодер koder
coder кодирование kodlash
coding кодирование речи nutqni kodlash speech coding
encoding кодировка kodlashtirish encoding
kompyuter jinoyatlari tasniflagichi codifier of computer crimes, classifier of computer crimes коды Гоппы Goppa kodlari Goppa’s codes
xato tuzatuvchi kodlar error correcting codes
KOI8 коллапсный функциональный профиль chala funksional ixtisos collapse functional profile
chala funksional profil collapse functional profile
kolliziya collision
sheriklik collocation
halqa tarmog‘i ring network
IBM halqa tarmog‘i IBM ring network
taktlanidigan halqa tarmog‘i slotted-ring network
barmoq halqasi finger ring
qayta-ulanadigan to‘plagichli halqa ring with a wiring concetrators
RUSCHA O‘ZBEKCHA INGLIZCHA кольцо ссылок murojaatlar halqasi webring
instruction командная строка buyruq satri command line
axborot infratuzilmasi standartlari hay’ati Information Infrastructure Standards Panel (IISP)
tijorat axboroti commercial information
tijorat siri commercial secret
kommunikativistika communication science
bog‘lagich communicator
kommunikatsiya tarmog‘i communication network
kommunikatsiya tizimi communication system
kommunikatsiya nazoratchisi communication controller
kommunikatsiya protsessori comminication processor
kommunikatsiya communication
uzib-ulagich switch
ATM uzib-ulagichi ATM switch
mahalliy tarmoq uzib-ulagichi local-area network switch
uzib-ulash switching
kanallarni uzib-ulash circuit switching
yuklama to‘plagichi overload concentrator
paketlarni uzib-ulash packet switching
xotirali uzib-ulash store-and-forward
xabarlarni uzib-ulash message switching
Switched Virtual Networking (SVN) коммутируемая линия связи uzib-ulanadigan aloqa liniyasi switched communication line
uzib-ulanadigan mahalliy tarmoq switched local-area network
uzib-ulanadigan kanal switched channel
uzib-ulash xabi switched hub
ixcham disk Compact Disk (CD)
zichlash-kengaytirish companding
yuqori texnologiyalar kompaniyalari Hi-Tech companies
virtual kompaniya virtual company
kompilyator, to‘la o‘girgich compiler
muhofaza vositalari majmui (MVM) trusted computing base
ishlab chiqarishni kompyuterlashgan avtomatlashtirish Computer-Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)
tarkibiy qismli dasturiy ta’minot component software
qadrsizlanish discredit
axborot qadrsizlanishi discredit of information
qadrsizlovchi nurlanish discredit emission
kompyuter computer
IBM PC ga uyg‘un shaxsiy kompyuter personal IBM compatible computer (IBM PC)
Macintosh kompyuteri Macintosh computer
ixcham kompyuter portable computer
kompyuterlashtirish computerisation
RUSCHA O‘ZBEKCHA INGLIZCHA компьютеризация инженерного труда muhandislik mehnatini kompyuterlashtirish Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) компьютеризованная логистическая система kompyuterlashgan logistik tizim Computer-Aided Logistics System (CALS)
компьютеризованная разработка программного обеспечения kompyuterlashgan dasturiy ta’minot ishlab chiqish Computer- -Aided Software Engineering (CASE)
kompyuterlashgan tizim Computer-Aided System (CAS)
kompyuterlashgan loyihalash Computer-Aided Design (CAD)
kompyuterlashgan ishlab chiqarish Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM)
kompyuterlashgan tarjima computer-aided translation
kompyuter savodxonligi computer literacy
kompyuter grafikasi computer graphics
kompyuter o‘yini computer game
kompyuter xaritasi computer map
kompyuter kartochkasi computer card
kompyuter musiqasi computer music
kompyuter ilmi computer science
kompyuter dasturi computer program
kompyuter reklamasi computer advertisement
kompyuter aloqasi computer communication
kompyuter tarmog‘i computer network
kompyuter tizimi computer system
kompyuter telefoniyasi computer telephony
kompyuter texnologiyasi computer technology
kompyuter qallobligi computer fraud
kompyuter huquqi computer law
kompyuter jinoyatlari computer crimes
kompyuter virusi computer virus
kompyuter ish tashlashi computer sabotage
kompyuter tili computer language
kompyuteramaniya computer-prone
kompyuter-bosma computer-to-press
konvergensiya convergence
format o‘zgartirish format converting
o‘zgartgich convertor
chekli avtomat finitee-state machine
bog‘liqlik connectivity
konsalting consulting
console консольный компьютер konsolli kompyuter console computer
ATM Forum konsorsiumi ATM Forum consortium
DSDM konsorsiumi DSDM consortium
Open Group konsorsiumi Open Group consortium
umumjahon o‘rgimchak to‘ri konsorsiumi World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) контекстная реклама matnbop reklama context online advertising
RUSCHA O‘ZBEKCHA INGLIZCHA контекстное меню matnbop menyu context menu
kontent, bari axborot content
nazoratchi controller
erkin foydalanish nazorati access auditing
nazorat yig‘indisi checksum
nazorat nuqtasi checkpoint
nazorat jurnali control journal
erkin foydalanishning nazorat ro‘yxati control access list
konferensiya conference
axborot tizimlari tillari bo‘yicha konferensiya Conference On Data SYstem Language (CODASYL)
konferens-aloqa teleconference
tarkibiy tuzilma configuration
xavfsizlik tarkibiy tuzilmasi security configuration
mahfiy axborot sensitive (confidential) information
axborot mahfiyligi confidentiality of information
meyorlik conformance
oxirgi yozuv trailer record
to‘plagich concentrator
axborot muhofazasi tamoyillari concept of information protection
Fujitsu konserni Fujitsu concern
elektron hujjatning qog‘ozdagi nusxasi e-document copy on paper medium корпоративная информационная система korporativ axborot tizimi corporate information system
korporativ tarmoq enterprise network
korporativ portal corporate portal
3COM korporatsiyasi 3COM corporation
Adobe Systems korporatsiyasi Adobe Systems corporation
Alcatel korporatsiyasi Alcatel corporation
AMD korporatsiyasi AMD corporation
Andrew korporatsiyasi Andrew corporation
Apple Computer korporatsiyasi Apple Computer corporation
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