Axborot kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari izohli lug‘ati
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мультиплексор multipleksor multiplexer
multiplikatsiya animation
ko‘p dasturli rejim multiprogramme mode
sichqoncha mouse
RUSCHA O‘ZBEKCHA INGLIZCHA мэйнфрейм meynfreym mainframe
trafikni tiqishtirish traffic stuffing
navigatsiya navigation
ishonchli hisoblash tizimi reliable computing system
veb sahifa nomi webpage title
elektron raqamli imzoning tayinlanishi e-signature purpose накрутка aylantirish extra counting
qoidabuzar infringer
shrift to‘yinganligi font saturation
ilmiy-axborot faoliyati scientific information activity
ilmiy-texnikaviy mahsulot scientific and technical information production научно - техническая информация ilmiy-texnikaviy axborot scientific and technical information начальная страница bosh sahifa home page
shrift chizmasi font type face
hujjatlashtirilmagan axborot undocumented information
muhofazalanmaganlik vulnerability
neyrolingvistik dasturlash neurolinguistic programming
neyron tarmog‘i neural network
neyron kompyuteri neural computer
kompyuter ma’lumotlarini g‘ayriqonuniy egallab olish improper possession of computer information
muhofazaning uzluksizligi protection continuity
uzluksiz signal continuous signal
ishlamaydigan gipermurojaat not-working hyperlink
ma’lumotlardan ruxsatsiz erkin foydalanish unauthorized access to information несимметричный шифр nosimmetrik shifr non-symmetric code
netiquette ник nik
nickname новые информационные технологии yangi axborot texnologiyalari new information technologies
port tartib raqami port number
ma’lumotlarni muhofazalash samaradorligining me’yorlari efficiency norms of information protection
ma’lumotlar tashuvchisi data carrier
axborot tashuvchisi information carrier
nyudjent newgent
axborot xavfsizligini ta’minlash information security assurance
ta’minlovchi nimtizimlar supporting subsystems
axborot egasi information owner
o‘zaro aloqada ishlash sohasi interconnection area
hisoblash resurslari almashuvi peer-to-peer computing (P2P)
RUSCHA O‘ZBEKCHA INGLIZCHA обмен данными ma’lumotlar almashuvi data interchange
hujumni payqash attack detection
sharhlovchi explorer
ma’lumotlarga ishlov berish data processing
ma’lumotlarga haqiqiy vaqtda ishlov berish real-time data processing обработка данных дистанционная ma’lumotlarga masofadan ishlov berish
distant data processing обработка документов hujjatga ishlov berish document processing
tasvirga ishlov berish image processing
avtomatlashtirilgan tizimda axborotga ishlov berish information processing in automated system
nutqqa ishlov berish speech processing
signalga ishlov berish signal processing
ro‘yxatga ishlov berish list processing
matnga ishlov berish text processing
elektron to‘lov hujjatini qayta ishlash processing of the electronic payment document обратная связь teskari aloqa feedback
teskari chaqiriq callback
o‘qitish tizimi training system
umumiy axborot nazariyasi united information theory
umumiy bo‘g‘in common link
Internetda muloqot communication in Internet
Jamiyat tarmog‘i public network
Internet jamiyati Internet society (ISOC)
axborot jamiyati information oriented society
boshqaruvchi axborotning umumiy bayonnomasi Common Management Information Protocol (CMIP)
object объект безопасности xavfsizlik obyekti security object
computing machinery object объект доступа erkin foydalanish obyekti access object
muhofaza obyekti protection object
Internetika obyekti va predmeti Internet science objects
axborotlashtirish obyekti informatization object
informatika obyekti computer science objects
axborot xavfsizligi obyekti information security object
umum foydalanishdagi telekommunikatsiyalar tarmog‘i axborot xavfsizligi obyekti public switched telecommunications network information security object объектная технология obyektli texnologiya object technology
obyektli o‘zarofaol loyihalash Object View Interaction Design (OVID)
obyektga-yo‘naltirilgan arxitektura object-oriented architecture
obyektga-yo‘naltirilgan ma’lumotlar bazasi Object-Oriented DataBase (OODB) 432
RUSCHA O‘ZBEKCHA INGLIZCHA объектно - ориентированная операционная система obyektga-yo‘naltirilgan operatsion tizim object-oriented operating system (OOOS)
obyektga-yo‘naltirilgan ma’lumotlar bazasini boshqarish tizimi object- oriented database management system (OODBMS)
obyektga-yo‘naltirilgan dasturlash object-oriented programming (OOP)
obyektga-yo‘naltirilgan boshqarish object-oriented management
obyektli kod object code
hajmiy grafika three-dimensional graphics
overlay одноразовая цифровая подпись birmarotabali raqamli imzo disposable digital signature
birmarotabali yon daftar disposable notebook
bitta rang arxitekturasi peer-to-peer architecture
birtomonlama funksiya one-way function
window оконечное оборудование oxirgi jihoz end-to-end equipment
oxirgi shifrlash end-to-end encryption
oxirgi bog‘lama endpoint node
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onlayn-treyding online trading
tezkor xotira main memory
ma’lumotlarni tezkor tarqatish operative data delivery
tezkor xotira qurilmasi main storage device
operator operator
aloqa operatori network operator
telekommunikatsiya operatori telecommunication operator
amaliy xavfsizlik operational security
amaliy maslak operating platform
amaliy tizim, operatsion tizim Operating System (OS)
DOS operatsion tizimi DOS
JavaOS operatsion (amaliy) tizimi JavaOS operating system
Linux operatsion (amaliy) tizimi Linux operating system
MS-DOS operatsion (amaliy) tizimi MS-DOS operating system
NEST operatsion (amaliy) tizimi NEST operating system
Netware operatsion (amaliy) tizimi Netware
OpenServer operatsion (amaliy) tizimi OpenServer operating system операционная система OS/2 OS/2 operatsion (amaliy) tizimi OS/2 operating system
PC-DOS operatsion (amaliy) tizimi PC-DOS operating system
Solaris operatsion (amaliy) tizimi Solaris operating system
RUSCHA O‘ZBEKCHA INGLIZCHA операционная система Taligent Taligent operatsion (amaliy) tizimi Taligent operating system
UNIX operatsion (amaliy) tizimi UNIX operating system
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