Axborot kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari izohli lug‘ati
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индекс цитирования mavzu bo‘yicha ko‘chirish thematic citing index
o‘yinlar nazariyasi game theory
mass services theory теория очередей navbatlar nazariyasi queues theory
terminal terminal
VSAT terminali Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT)
WWW terminali WWW-terminal
foydalanuvchi terminali user terminal
xizmat terminali customer service terminal
terminal jihoz Terminal Equipment (TE)
terminal qurilmasi terminal device
terminal serveri terminal server
terminator terminator
termoprinter thermoprinter
hududiy tarmoq Wide-Area Network (WAN)
testlash testing
axborotni muhofazalash texnikasi information protection technique
texnik uyg‘unlik technical compatibility
texnikaviy vositalar technical tools
axborotni muhofaza qilishning texnik vositalari technical protection means техническое обеспечение texnikaviy ta’minot hardware
avtomatlashtirilgan tizimning texnik ta’minoti hardware of automated system технологии виртуальной реальности virtual borliq texnologiyasi virtual reality technologies
axborot texnologiyalari information technologies
telekommunikatsiyalar tarmog‘ining texnologik xavfsizligi technological security of telecommunications network
texnologik aloqa tarmog‘i technological communication network
axborotga ishlov berish texnologiyasi jarayoni technological process of data processing
texnologiya technology
Flash texnologiyasi Flash technology
Intercast texnologiyasi Intercast technology
Java texnologiyasi Java technology
RUSCHA O‘ZBEKCHA INGLIZCHA технология OnNow PC OnNow PC texnologiyasi OnNow PC technology
OpenDoc texnologiyasi OpenDoc technology
Plug-and-Play texnologiyasi Plug-and-Play technology
UN/EDIFACT texnologiyasi UN/EDIFACT technoligy
push technology технология вытягивания данных ma’lumotlarni tortish texnologiyasi pull technology технология распределенных вычислений tarqoq hisoblashlar texnologiyasi peer-to-peer
obyektlarni bog‘lash va joylash texnologiyasi Object Linking and Embedding technology (OLE)
texnopark industrial park
havas uyg‘otgich teaser
fayl turlari file types
ma’lumotlarni nusxalashtirish data replication
mol belgisi, tovar belgisi TradeMark (TM)
ta’sirchanlik hue
topologiya topology
integral mikrosxema topologiyasi topology of integral microcircuit
savdo markasi TradeMark (TM)
savdo tizimi trade system
savdo ta’minoti marketware
tarmoqdan erkin foydalanish nuqtasi network access point
path транзакция tranzaksiya transaction
tranzistor transistor
transit транслитератор transliterator transliterator
translyator translator
transport maslagi transport platform
transport pog‘onasi transport layer
transpyuter transputer
transformatsiya morphing
yo‘naltirishni belgilash trace routing
traffic требования , предъявляемые к электронному документу elektron hujjatga qo‘yiladigan talablar requirements for electronic documents
uch o‘lchamli grafika three-dimensional graphics
uch o‘lchamli tasvir three dimensional image
uch o‘lchamli interfeys three dimensional interface
trigger троянский конь troyan oti Trojan horse
katod nurli trubka Catode-Ray Tube (CRT)
tunellash tunneling
boshi berk holat deadlock
tag убирать мусор chiqindi tozalash garbage clean
threat 447
RUSCHA O‘ZBEKCHA INGLIZCHA удаленное администрирование uzoqdan ma’murlash remote administration
masofaviy erkin foydalanish remote access
tasdiqlovchi markazlar certified centers
bog‘lama, tugun node
hisoblash tarmog‘i bog‘lamasi computer network node
tor yo‘nalishli reklama targeting
ko‘rsatkich pointer
default универсальный локатор ресурсов hammabop resurs joyi ko‘rsatgichi Uniform Resource Locator (URL) универсальный оператор hammabop operator universal statement
noyob aynanlovchi, noyob identifikator unique identifier уникальный посетитель noyob tashrifchi unique visitor
compression упорядочение Интернет Internetni tartibga solish sorting of Internet
boshqarish management
tashrifchilar bilan o‘zaro munosabatlarni boshqarish visitor relationship management управление знаниями bilimlarni boshqarish knowledge management
tarmoqni boshqarish network management
erkin foydalanish pog‘onasi access management
shartli bepul dastur shareware
aloqa xizmatlari communication services
Internet tarmog‘i xizmatlari Internet services
axborotning sizishi information leakage
utility участник электронной торговли elektron savdo ishtirokchisi electronic trade participant
qayd yozuvi profile
vulnerability фаза faza
phase фазовая модуляция faza modulyatsiyasi phase modulation
file файл устройств a qurilma fayli device file
fayl virusi file virus
fayl serveri file server
fayl ombori file store
fayl-server file-server
faks-apparat telefax
faksimil facsimile
faksimil aloqa facsimile communications
faks-modem fax modem
faks-server fax-server
soxtalashtirish spoofing
jismoniy yozuv physical record
jismoniy muhofaza physical protection
jismoniy xotira phusical memory
jismoniy muhit physical media
tarmoqning jismoniy tuzilmasi physical structure of network
RUSCHA O‘ZBEKCHA INGLIZCHA физическая угроза jismoniy tahdid physical threat
jismoniy muhofaza vositalari physical protection means
physical interconnection facility физический адрес jismoniy manzil physical address
jismoniy kanal physical link
jismoniy pog‘ona physical layer
jismoniy xosting physical hosting
qaydlangan yo‘naltirish fixed routing
filter фильтрация filtrlash filtering
ma’lumotlarni filtrlash data filtering
signallarni filtrlash signal filtering
moliya tizimi financial system
firma markasi TradeMark (TM)
flag флэш flesh
flash флэш - память flesh-xotira flash memory
ochiq dasturiy ta’minot Fondi Open Software Foundation (OSF)
fon tovush yozuvi background sound
fon rejimi background mode
form формат format
format форматирование formatlash formatting
elektron hujjat taqdim qilish shakllari electronic document representation forms
форум forum
forum фотодиод fotodiod photodiode
fotokamera photocamera
fotolitografiya photolithography
fotoelement photocell
ma’lumotlar bo‘lagi data fragment
kod bo‘lagi code fragment
frame функциональная подсистема funksional nimtizim functional subsystem
funksional blok functional unit
funksional ixtisos functional profile
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