Figure 17. Mean accuracy of response for the blank filling data - Group 3 Summary of the Results for the Blank Filling Data
The results of the Friedman repeated measures
for the blank filling data
support Hypothesis 2 that there are significant differences
in the knowledge of
collocations within proficiency groups. From the implicational
scales it is apparent
that certain types of collocation are answered more accurately than others in each
group. For Group 1, Types 34.
Noun Noun, and 33.
Verb Adverb were
more accurately than the other types of collocation. For Group 2, Types 24.
wh-word, 23.
SV(O) Adverbial, and 34.
Noun Noun were
answered more accurately
than the other types. For Group 3, Types 33.
Verb Adverb was
answered more
accurately than the other types. These results suggest
that in each group subjects
found certain collocation types easier to answer than others.