Convergence of the empirical two-sample -statistics with -mixing data
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- Convergence of the two-sample
(1 {g (Xi, Xj) 6 s} − P{g (Xi, Xj) 6 s}) CONVERGENCE OF THE EMPIRICAL TWO-SAMPLE -STATISTICS WITH -MIXING DATA HEROLD DEHLING, DAVIDE GIRAUDO AND OLIMJON SHARIPOV Abstract. We consider the empirical two-sample -statistic with strictly -mixing strictly stationary data and inverstigate its convergence in Skorohod spaces. We then provide an application of such convergence. 1. INTRODUCTION AND MAIN RESULTS Let where integer k such that k 6 x < k + 1. The following is known: • In [2], the convergence of the 1-sample U-statistic defined by 1
has been investigated. • In [4], the convergence of the 2-sample U-statistic of kernel h defined by Tn (t) := 1 n3/2 [nt] Xi =1 nX j=[nt]+1 h (Xi, Xj) (1.3) has been investigated. In this paper, we focus on the case of mixing sequences. Let (Ω, F, P) be a probability space. The α-mixing and β-mixing coefficients between two sub-σ-algebras A and B of F are defined defined respectively by
CONVERGENCE OF THE EMPIRICAL TWO-SAMPLE STATISTICS WITH β-MIXING DATA HEROLD DEHLING, DAVIDE GIRAUDO AND OLIMJON SHARIPOV Abstract. We consider the empirical two-sample U-statistic with strictly β-mixing strictly stationary data and inverstigate its convergence in Skorohod spaces. We then provide an application of such convergence. Introduction and main results Let (Xi)i>1 a strictly stationary mixing sequence of real valued random variables. In this paper, we will study the asymptotic behavior of the empirical U-statistic defined by
(1.1) where g : R2 → R is a measurable function and for a real number x, [x] denotes the unique integer k such that k 6 x < k + 1. The following is known: In [2], the convergence of the 1-sample U-statistic defined by 1 X
(1.2) n3/2 16i6=j6n has been investigated. In [4], the convergence of the 2-sample U-statistic of kernel h defined by
has been investigated. In this paper, we focus on the case of mixing sequences. Let (Ω, F, P) be a probability space. The α-mixing and β-mixing coefficients between two sub-σ-algebras A and B of F are defined defined respectively by
Date: April 3, 2020. Key words and phrases. U-statistics, empirical process . 1
k>1 kpα (k) converges. HEROLD DEHLING, DAVIDE GIRAUDO AND OLIMJON SHARIPOV where the supremum runs over all the partitions (Ai)Ii=1 and (Bj)Jj=1 of Ω of elements of A and B respectively. Given a sequence (Xi)i>1, we associate its sequences of α and β-mixing coefficients by letting
where Fuv, 1 6 u 6 v 6 +∞ is the σ-algebra generated by the random variables Xi, u 6 i 6 v (u 6 i for v = +∞). 1.1. Convergence of the two-sample U-statistic in Skorohod spaces D ([−R, R] × [0, 1]). Let us state one of the two main results of the paper. Theorem 1.1. Let (Xi)i∈Z be a strictly stationary sequence. Let en be the two-sample U-statistics empirical process with kernel g : R × R → R defined for n > 1, 0 6 t 6 1 and s ∈ R by
Suppose that the following four conditions holds. (A.1) For all u ∈ R, the random variable g (u, X1) has a density f1,u +∞. (A.2) For all v ∈ R, the random variable g (X1, v) has a density f2,v +∞. P
P (A.4) The series k>1 kβ (k) converges. Then for all R, and supx,u∈R f1,u (x) < and supx,v∈R f2,v (x) <
where (W (s, t) , s ∈ R, t ∈ [0, 1]) is a centered Gaussian process, with covariance given for 0 6 t 6 t0 6 1 and s, s0 ∈ R by the following formula:
Remark 1.2. We did not make a symmetry assumption on g. When g is symmetric, in the sense that g (u, v) = g (v, u) for all u and v ∈ R, the covariance of the limiting process W reads
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