Culture Shock What Is Culture Shock?
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Culture Shock
Culture Shock What Is Culture Shock? The term culture shock refers to feelings of uncertainty, confusion, or anxiety that people experience when they are transplanted into a society that's different from their own. Culture shock sets in when people vacation, do business, go to school, or move to another city or country. The syndrome arises from an individual's unfamiliarity with local customs, language, and acceptable behavior. Companies often provide training to help employees acclimate and reduce cultural gaffes, which can affect professional transactions, operations, and relationships when doing business abroad. KEY TAKEAWAYS Culture shock is a sense of anxiety, depression, or confusion that results from being cut off from your familiar culture, environment, and norms when living in a foreign country or society. Those experiencing culture shock go through distinct phases of euphoria, discomfort, adjustment, and acceptance. While time is the best antidote for culture shock, people can take proactive steps to alleviate it as well. Understanding Culture Shock Culture shock happens when an individual leaves the comfort of their home and goes to a completely foreign location, whether that's for work, school, a vacation, or for a permanent move. The shock can be fairly intense if the two locations are completely different, such as going from a small rural area to a large metropolis in another country. People can also experience culture shock when they move from one place to another within the same country. The feeling is particularly intense at the beginning of a stay abroad and can be tough to overcome, It's important to remember that the syndrome usually dissipates over time. As a traveler becomes more familiar with a place, the people, customs, food, and language become more palatable and comfortable. Navigation of surroundings gets easier, friends are made, and everything becomes more comfortable. What is an example of culture shock? Let's say an American phone company decides to outsource its customer service department to India. The company's management team decides to send a manager, who works in the Kansas City office, to Bangalore for two years. This time helps them establish the new office, train new employees, and oversee the operations. The manager will likely experience culture shock because of the language, lifestyle, culture, customs, food, among other things. What are the types of culture shock? Culture shock is normally divided into four common stages. They are the honeymoon stage, the frustration stage, the adaptation stage, and the acceptance stage. These periods are characterized by feelings of excitement, anger and homesickness, adjustment, and tolerance. Tarjima BIZNES TADBIRKORLIGINING MAHSULLARI Madaniyatdan hayratga kelish Madaniyat zarbasi nima? Madaniyat zarbasi atamasi, odamlar o'zlaridan farqli jamiyatga ko'chirilganda paydo bo'ladigan noaniqlik, chalkashlik yoki xavotirni anglatadi. Madaniyat shoklari odamlar ta'tilda, biznes bilan shug'ullanganda, maktabga borganda yoki boshqa shahar yoki mamlakatga ko'chib o'tishda paydo bo'ladi. Sindrom odamning mahalliy urf-odatlari, tili va maqbul xatti-harakatlari bilan tanish emasligidan kelib chiqadi. Kompaniyalar ko'pincha xodimlarga chet elda ish olib borishda professional operatsiyalarga, operatsiyalarga va munosabatlarga ta'sir ko'rsatishi mumkin bo'lgan madaniy gafflarni moslashishga va kamaytirishga yordam beradigan treninglar o'tkazadilar. KEY TAKEY YO'LLARI Madaniyat shoki - bu begona mamlakatda yoki jamiyatda yashash paytida tanish madaniyatingiz, muhitingiz va me'yorlaringizdan uzilib qolish natijasida paydo bo'ladigan tashvish, tushkunlik yoki chalkashlik hissi. Madaniyat shokini boshdan kechirayotganlar eyforiya, bezovtalik, moslashish va qabul qilishning alohida bosqichlaridan o'tadilar. Vaqt madaniyat zarbasi uchun eng yaxshi antidot bo'lsa-da, odamlar uni engillashtirish uchun faol choralar ko'rishlari mumkin. Madaniyat zarbasini tushunish Madaniyat shoki, biron bir kishi o'z uyidagi farovonlikni tark etganda va ish uchun, maktabda, ta'tilda yoki doimiy ko'chib o'tishda bo'lsin, umuman begona joyga borganda sodir bo'ladi. Ikkala joy butunlay boshqacha bo'lsa, masalan, kichik qishloq joyidan boshqa mamlakatda katta metropolga o'tish kabi zarba juda kuchli bo'lishi mumkin. Odamlar, shuningdek, bitta mamlakat ichida bir joydan ikkinchisiga ko'chib o'tishda madaniyat shokiga duch kelishlari mumkin. Chet elda bo'lishning boshida bu tuyg'u juda kuchli va uni engish qiyin bo'lishi mumkin, bu sindrom odatda vaqt o'tishi bilan tarqalishini unutmaslik kerak. Sayohatchining joyni yaxshi bilishi bilan odamlar, urf-odatlar, oziq-ovqat va til yanada mazali va qulayroq bo'ladi. Atrofda harakatlanish osonlashadi, do'stlar ortadi va hamma narsa qulayroq bo'ladi. Madaniyat zarbasining misoli nima? Aytaylik, Amerika telefon kompaniyasi mijozlarga xizmat ko'rsatish bo'limini Hindistonga topshirishga qaror qildi. Kompaniya boshqaruv jamoasi Kanzas-Siti ofisida ishlaydigan menejerni ikki yil davomida Bangalorga yuborishga qaror qildi. Bu safar ularga yangi ofisni ochish, yangi xodimlarni o'qitish va operatsiyalarni nazorat qilishda yordam beradi. Til, turmush tarzi, madaniyat, urf-odatlar, oziq-ovqat va boshqa narsalar tufayli menejer madaniyat shokiga duch kelishi mumkin. Madaniyat shokining turlari qanday? Madaniyat zarbasi odatda to'rtta umumiy bosqichga bo'linadi. Ular asal oyi bosqichi, umidsizlik bosqichi, moslashish bosqichi va qabul qilish bosqichi. 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